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    • July 5, 2011 1:51 PM CDT

    • July 5, 2011 1:46 PM CDT
    • 'Ol Blackie was quite fun back in the day :):):):)

      Soraia said:

      Another all time favorite, though not so much a creature, is Blacula.  Why exactly his eyebrows and sideburns got extra shaggy when he was in vampire mode i'll never know, but i like it!

    • July 4, 2011 6:35 PM CDT
    • Another all time favorite, though not so much a creature, is Blacula.  Why exactly his eyebrows and sideburns got extra shaggy when he was in vampire mode i'll never know, but i like it!

    • July 4, 2011 6:27 PM CDT
    • Hahaha! Now I gotta check out Dr. Jekyll Sister Hyde!

    • July 4, 2011 10:22 AM CDT
    • The Martian from George Pal's 'War of The Worlds', Godzilla, King Kong, The Thing, The Creature...And Yeah, Those Maggot Things in the green slime in The Green Death!!!!

    • June 30, 2011 7:28 PM CDT
    • I'm fairly certain on what the plot for "The Avengers" will be, and that comes from the surprise ending of "Thor". There are two key Marvel Comics elements that's going to set it up, which I don't want to give away, since I'm not sure how many people haven't seen "Thor" yet. I know NIck Fury is wanting to put the Avengers together, but let's just say there is a good reason Thor has to come to Earth (again).

    • June 30, 2011 7:15 PM CDT
    • I read that this whole film will stay in World War 2 but the Avengers movie would have them find him in ice.  But I don't know how accurate that is.

    • June 30, 2011 5:36 PM CDT
    • I saw a new trailer for "Captain America" and I'm kinda sold on it now. The previous two that I had seen just didn't seem like it would be that good. This trailer was more detailed, and it gave you an idea that not only would it tell Cap's story, but the beginnings of S.H.I.E.L.D, plus the inclusion of Tony Stark's father being involved in the Super Soldier program, and the character Dum Dum, who in the classic S.H.I.E.L.D. comic books, was Nick Fury's right hand man. I'm wondering if the film will end up in the present day, with maybe somebody in the Marvel Universe finding him frozen in ice?

    • June 30, 2011 3:44 PM CDT
    • We have a movie house where I live (as opposed to a multiplex) so only one movie a week or somtimes two.  But there must have been a poor showing of Thor here because they didn't bother with showing X-Men:First Class or Green Lantern.  Instead we got TWO weeks of Kung Fu Panda and then two weeks of Pirates of the Carribean.  They will probably pass on Captain America as well.

      joey fuckup said:

      Just thought I would add this in here, I did go see "Green Lantern", and honestly, it wasn't THAT bad. It could have been better, but it was a good story. It did make me research the "Hal Jordan/Green Lantern" origin, and the film stayed fairly true to it. The only major difference was that Jordan in the comics was fearless, and Jordan in the film had fear. But the emotion of fear was a major plot point. Personally, I think Ryan Reynolds did well, and looked the part. I had heard that Warner Bros./DC wanted to do a trilogy, but seeing that this one hasn't nowhere near made the money it cost to make, I highly doubt it now. BUT apparently, a sequel is still being discussed. There is a bonus scene after the first set of credits at the end that sets that up, but who knows if it will happen. I would doubt Ryan Reynolds would return, though, especially with all the negative press this film has gotten.

    • June 30, 2011 11:27 AM CDT
    • Just thought I would add this in here, I did go see "Green Lantern", and honestly, it wasn't THAT bad. It could have been better, but it was a good story. It did make me research the "Hal Jordan/Green Lantern" origin, and the film stayed fairly true to it. The only major difference was that Jordan in the comics was fearless, and Jordan in the film had fear. But the emotion of fear was a major plot point. Personally, I think Ryan Reynolds did well, and looked the part. I had heard that Warner Bros./DC wanted to do a trilogy, but seeing that this one hasn't nowhere near made the money it cost to make, I highly doubt it now. BUT apparently, a sequel is still being discussed. There is a bonus scene after the first set of credits at the end that sets that up, but who knows if it will happen. I would doubt Ryan Reynolds would return, though, especially with all the negative press this film has gotten.

    • June 27, 2011 8:23 PM CDT
    • Let's hope so!

      joey fuckup said:

      I'm thinking that with each newer Batman film, the costume will become more streamlined, since these first two are the "evolution" of his character. We're seeing where this is going, and eventually his costume won't be so bulky because he won't need it to be. The same with his vehicles (the Tumbler for example)...So maybe he'll get that cape by the next one!

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      If the makers of the latest Batman films had remembered that Bruce also trained very well in gymnastics, they wouldn't have had to make a very bulky costume to protect him from bullets.  Batman was very acrobatic in the comics and even in Tim Burton's 1989 film, he had stunt doubles doing flips and such, and yeah the cape was much better in Tim Burton's movies in my opinion.

    • June 27, 2011 7:35 PM CDT
    • I'm thinking that with each newer Batman film, the costume will become more streamlined, since these first two are the "evolution" of his character. We're seeing where this is going, and eventually his costume won't be so bulky because he won't need it to be. The same with his vehicles (the Tumbler for example)...So maybe he'll get that cape by the next one!

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      If the makers of the latest Batman films had remembered that Bruce also trained very well in gymnastics, they wouldn't have had to make a very bulky costume to protect him from bullets.  Batman was very acrobatic in the comics and even in Tim Burton's 1989 film, he had stunt doubles doing flips and such, and yeah the cape was much better in Tim Burton's movies in my opinion.

    • June 27, 2011 2:31 PM CDT
    • If the makers of the latest Batman films had remembered that Bruce also trained very well in gymnastics, they wouldn't have had to make a very bulky costume to protect him from bullets.  Batman was very acrobatic in the comics and even in Tim Burton's 1989 film, he had stunt doubles doing flips and such, and yeah the cape was much better in Tim Burton's movies in my opinion.

    • June 27, 2011 11:46 AM CDT

    • The only reason I can think of in that situation is, the studio or whatever sees a film they like, either because of the writing, directing, visual style, etc., and they think "Hey, this guy would be great for (fill in the blank comic book movie), he would bring the right look and feel to what WE'D like to see on the big screen". So I guess directors are chased by studios for these movies just as much as marketable actors are. But there are situations where directors who are passionate and know the character do land the job of bringing their vision to film. Mark Johnson was a huge Daredevil and Ghost Rider fan, and he got the rights to do them. Now, whether people now think he did a good job, that's always going to be up for opinion. Now, Ang Lee doing the Hulk? Not sure if he was that big a fan of the comics before. Personally, I liked the way he did the film, but I'm in the minority here. He did an "art" film in my opinion, and his style just didn't mesh with the current films coming out at the time (X-Men, Spiderman, Daredevil)...So did he offer to do the Hulk? And did Marvel jump at the chance for an art-house filmmaker to direct one of their flagship characters? I'm not sure...But I have no doubt that they thought it would be box-office gold to have the guy that did "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" to take the reigns...Unfortunately, it didn't work (from a financial standpoint). I think the merch alone netted more profits than the ticket sales.
      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Hey, that's an idea !!! I'm starting a big lasagnes and beans diet right now ! Man, he won't recognize his room !!!


      Well, in fact, I don't really care. It's just that I can't (or rather don't want to) understand why do stupid greedy incompetent producers, distributors or whothefuckelse put that job in an ignorant man's hands when there must be zillions of passionate experts in the galaxy ready to help and make that project honest and true !

      Mardy Pune said:

      I'd be sending that fucker a bill for services rendered! Or at least a note telling him yer gonna shit in his bed if you ever find him!

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Oh, and here's a little anecdote that may show you how some producers and distributors really care about the original comics and their readers... :

      A few years ago, as I was desperately in need of money (as often), I decided to sell my old WATCHMEN comics, ebay style. THE WATCHMEN movie was then just about to be released in Europe and the comics weren't available there anymore for some time. Alright.

      One day, I got a phone call from a man telling me he's working on THE WATCHMEN french adaptation. Cooooool I think ! I want his job !

      The man starts to ask a few questions about the comics, blah blah blah, and then tells it all :

      He has to work on the french adaptation of the movie, right, but he has never read the comics and didn't even know THE WATCHMEN existed a few weeks ago...and maybe didn't even care. He's a bit embarrassed but he'd like me to tell him more about the characters, about their nature, super powers...and even their NAMES !!!

      Man, that man is about to translate a movie and he dosen't even know the names of the main characters !!! WTF ???

      Ok, Ok, I tell myself, this man may buy me my comics at a good price, coz he really needs them ! So I start to tell him on the phone about the whole story, the characters, the main action, even how to translate (or not) their names etc...

      In a word, I do his fucking job for him, on the phone, for free, and he's taking notes ! He even asked me if he should keep the original title or translate it !

      That man called me back several times for more details and advices before the bids end and guess what ?

      He didn't even buy me the comics !!!

      The movie finally hit the big screen here and I never heard of him again...nor have I seen the movie yet !


    • June 27, 2011 11:35 AM CDT
    • Don't get me wrong, I love the '60's Batman franchise, and it worked then...It's just that it wouldn't work now unless the film was a comedy (in my opinion)...If the films are going to be somewhat serious by today's standards, I guess the costume designers are looking for fashion images that are more acceptable and stylish, which means of course, they have to alter the costume somewhat...

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      I guess so...but the 60's Batman TV series (and the 60's movie) was GREAAAAAAT !!! Holy Macaroni !!!

      Better be fun and kitsch than serious and ridiculous !!!

      joey fuckup said:

      I guess from a visual standpoint, the filmmakers want the costumes to seem more grounded and less gaudy. I'm assuming that the character's costumes in the comics in all their vibrant, colorful glory just wouldn't translate well on the screen. I'm sure they'd want to avoid having the movie look like the '60's Batman TV series.
      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      If you ask me, most of these movies suck !

      I mean, as a big comic fan (Marvel beats DC to the ground !), I always fell cheated by those movies.

      And yes, the more I love the comic, the more I usually hate the movie !

      A few exceptions : the first 2 Spiderman were pretty OK, especially the 2nd IMHO (and yes Toby is a cool choice); the first Hellboy (haven't watched the 2nd) and maybe Sin City. 


      Hey, don't you think one of the worst things in these movies are the heroes' costumes, especially the caped ones !

      I mean, in the comics, Batman looks pretty cool when he moves, his movements are fluid; in the movies, he seems to wear a suit made of lead and tar with a plastic cape !

      And what about Wolverine in his rubber uniform ?!?


    • June 27, 2011 2:25 AM CDT
    • Hey, that's an idea !!! I'm starting a big lasagnes and beans diet right now ! Man, he won't recognize his room !!!


      Well, in fact, I don't really care. It's just that I can't (or rather don't want to) understand why do stupid greedy incompetent producers, distributors or whothefuckelse put that job in an ignorant man's hands when there must be zillions of passionate experts in the galaxy ready to help and make that project honest and true !

      Mardy Pune said:

      I'd be sending that fucker a bill for services rendered! Or at least a note telling him yer gonna shit in his bed if you ever find him!

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Oh, and here's a little anecdote that may show you how some producers and distributors really care about the original comics and their readers... :

      A few years ago, as I was desperately in need of money (as often), I decided to sell my old WATCHMEN comics, ebay style. THE WATCHMEN movie was then just about to be released in Europe and the comics weren't available there anymore for some time. Alright.

      One day, I got a phone call from a man telling me he's working on THE WATCHMEN french adaptation. Cooooool I think ! I want his job !

      The man starts to ask a few questions about the comics, blah blah blah, and then tells it all :

      He has to work on the french adaptation of the movie, right, but he has never read the comics and didn't even know THE WATCHMEN existed a few weeks ago...and maybe didn't even care. He's a bit embarrassed but he'd like me to tell him more about the characters, about their nature, super powers...and even their NAMES !!!

      Man, that man is about to translate a movie and he dosen't even know the names of the main characters !!! WTF ???

      Ok, Ok, I tell myself, this man may buy me my comics at a good price, coz he really needs them ! So I start to tell him on the phone about the whole story, the characters, the main action, even how to translate (or not) their names etc...

      In a word, I do his fucking job for him, on the phone, for free, and he's taking notes ! He even asked me if he should keep the original title or translate it !

      That man called me back several times for more details and advices before the bids end and guess what ?

      He didn't even buy me the comics !!!

      The movie finally hit the big screen here and I never heard of him again...nor have I seen the movie yet !


    • June 27, 2011 2:08 AM CDT
    • I guess so...but the 60's Batman TV series (and the 60's movie) was GREAAAAAAT !!! Holy Macaroni !!!

      Better be fun and kitsch than serious and ridiculous !!!

      joey fuckup said:

      I guess from a visual standpoint, the filmmakers want the costumes to seem more grounded and less gaudy. I'm assuming that the character's costumes in the comics in all their vibrant, colorful glory just wouldn't translate well on the screen. I'm sure they'd want to avoid having the movie look like the '60's Batman TV series.
      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      If you ask me, most of these movies suck !

      I mean, as a big comic fan (Marvel beats DC to the ground !), I always fell cheated by those movies.

      And yes, the more I love the comic, the more I usually hate the movie !

      A few exceptions : the first 2 Spiderman were pretty OK, especially the 2nd IMHO (and yes Toby is a cool choice); the first Hellboy (haven't watched the 2nd) and maybe Sin City. 


      Hey, don't you think one of the worst things in these movies are the heroes' costumes, especially the caped ones !

      I mean, in the comics, Batman looks pretty cool when he moves, his movements are fluid; in the movies, he seems to wear a suit made of lead and tar with a plastic cape !

      And what about Wolverine in his rubber uniform ?!?


    • June 24, 2011 6:26 PM CDT
    • I'd be sending that fucker a bill for services rendered! Or at least a note telling him yer gonna shit in his bed if you ever find him!

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Oh, and here's a little anecdote that may show you how some producers and distributors really care about the original comics and their readers... :

      A few years ago, as I was desperately in need of money (as often), I decided to sell my old WATCHMEN comics, ebay style. THE WATCHMEN movie was then just about to be released in Europe and the comics weren't available there anymore for some time. Alright.

      One day, I got a phone call from a man telling me he's working on THE WATCHMEN french adaptation. Cooooool I think ! I want his job !

      The man starts to ask a few questions about the comics, blah blah blah, and then tells it all :

      He has to work on the french adaptation of the movie, right, but he has never read the comics and didn't even know THE WATCHMEN existed a few weeks ago...and maybe didn't even care. He's a bit embarrassed but he'd like me to tell him more about the characters, about their nature, super powers...and even their NAMES !!!

      Man, that man is about to translate a movie and he dosen't even know the names of the main characters !!! WTF ???

      Ok, Ok, I tell myself, this man may buy me my comics at a good price, coz he really needs them ! So I start to tell him on the phone about the whole story, the characters, the main action, even how to translate (or not) their names etc...

      In a word, I do his fucking job for him, on the phone, for free, and he's taking notes ! He even asked me if he should keep the original title or translate it !

      That man called me back several times for more details and advices before the bids end and guess what ?

      He didn't even buy me the comics !!!

      The movie finally hit the big screen here and I never heard of him again...nor have I seen the movie yet !


    • June 24, 2011 9:53 AM CDT

    • Man, you got used! Been very nice if he had at least gotten your name in the credits somewhere!
      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Oh, and here's a little anecdote that may show you how some producers and distributors really care about the original comics and their readers... :

      A few years ago, as I was desperately in need of money (as often), I decided to sell my old WATCHMEN comics, ebay style. THE WATCHMEN movie was then just about to be released in Europe and the comics weren't available there anymore for some time. Alright.

      One day, I got a phone call from a man telling me he's working on THE WATCHMEN french adaptation. Cooooool I think ! I want his job !

      The man starts to ask a few questions about the comics, blah blah blah, and then tells it all :

      He has to work on the french adaptation of the movie, right, but he has never read the comics and didn't even know THE WATCHMEN existed a few weeks ago...and maybe didn't even care. He's a bit embarrassed but he'd like me to tell him more about the characters, about their nature, super powers...and even their NAMES !!!

      Man, that man is about to translate a movie and he dosen't even know the names of the main characters !!! WTF ???

      Ok, Ok, I tell myself, this man may buy me my comics at a good price, coz he really needs them ! So I start to tell him on the phone about the whole story, the characters, the main action, even how to translate (or not) their names etc...

      In a word, I do his fucking job for him, on the phone, for free, and he's taking notes ! He even asked me if he should keep the original title or translate it !

      That man called me back several times for more details and advices before the bids end and guess what ?

      He didn't even buy me the comics !!!

      The movie finally hit the big screen here and I never heard of him again...nor have I seen the movie yet !


    • June 24, 2011 9:51 AM CDT

    • I guess from a visual standpoint, the filmmakers want the costumes to seem more grounded and less gaudy. I'm assuming that the character's costumes in the comics in all their vibrant, colorful glory just wouldn't translate well on the screen. I'm sure they'd want to avoid having the movie look like the '60's Batman TV series.
      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      If you ask me, most of these movies suck !

      I mean, as a big comic fan (Marvel beats DC to the ground !), I always fell cheated by those movies.

      And yes, the more I love the comic, the more I usually hate the movie !

      A few exceptions : the first 2 Spiderman were pretty OK, especially the 2nd IMHO (and yes Toby is a cool choice); the first Hellboy (haven't watched the 2nd) and maybe Sin City. 


      Hey, don't you think one of the worst things in these movies are the heroes' costumes, especially the caped ones !

      I mean, in the comics, Batman looks pretty cool when he moves, his movements are fluid; in the movies, he seems to wear a suit made of lead and tar with a plastic cape !

      And what about Wolverine in his rubber uniform ?!?


    • June 30, 2011 2:04 AM CDT
    • My bad kopper...

    • June 29, 2011 3:26 PM CDT
    • Um, how about waiting until I ask you? I'd hate for you to design something that doesn't get used. Right now we have artists lined up for both Vol. 5 and 6.

      Hijinio Del Santuario said:

      I'm going to design a cover art... just wait for mine in the next days...

    • June 24, 2011 12:41 PM CDT
    • wow! Really nice work in here.

      Just joined today & here is a flyer I did for my show tonight in Baltimore (Drums/Vocals for The Hi-Gains).Not so much an artist as an image...uh manipulator? I guess