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    • April 13, 2011 12:43 PM CDT
    • I Couldn't agree more Kopper. I really don't like being added to these 'Groups' and I must delete about 20 emails a day coming from events that I clearly can't make it to. I'm sure some of the 'Events' are great but I live in a different country 98% of the time.

      Facebook is beginning to turn into Myspace in my opinion.

    • April 13, 2011 12:17 PM CDT
    • And also, I agree with you regarding the invite not giving you the option to accept or deny, I wasn't aware of that since when I first got invited, I had accepted a few other requests so I thought I had accepted the invite. But it really doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

    • April 13, 2011 12:12 PM CDT
    • It bothered you that much to post an entire topic on here? Just figured you'd maybe find it interesting and didn't know it automatically added you. Some people like being involved in more than one or two groups, so I guess I thought you'd find it pretty cool. Had I known it would've annoyed you to the point of venting on here, I would not have sent the innocent invite. All you had to do is leave the group and say no thanks, not post a topic about it or message me about it.


    • April 13, 2011 12:00 PM CDT
    • Exactly


    • April 13, 2011 10:11 AM CDT
    • John Carlucci said:

      What if someone adds you to a KKK group or something???

      Well, that's simple: You unfriend them!

      It's easy enough to remove yourself from a group you don't want to belong to... I just wish Facebook would make it so that you had to ACCEPT an invitation to a group, not have to leave it after you've been added without your knowledge.

    • April 13, 2011 9:58 AM CDT
    • I know what you mean. I realized I had been added to a ton of groups I never even heard of. This is really lame. What if someone adds you to a KKK group or something???


    • April 13, 2011 7:54 AM CDT
    • ...people on Facebook add you to a group and you start getting a ton of emails in your inbox that you never asked to get? This happened to me just this morning. I woke up to find that some kind soul had decided to add me to a new "Rock 'n Roll" group there. I don't like the fact that people can just arbitrarily add you to a group without asking permission first. What's wrong with an invite like they have for pages? But, in general, I really don't like Facebook that much. I check in once or twice a day to check my inbox, update the page there and catch some wall updates from friends outside of the GaragePunk world, but honestly, most of what I encounter there just doesn't interest me. This group that I was added to could have fixed that somewhat, I suppose, but do I really have time to spend checking some other rock'n'roll-related group when I've got THIS site to also check and participate in? Um, no!

      So, before I left the group, I posted a message explaining why I didn't have time for it. Hell, I also woke up this morning to see that there are 14 new members that I need to check, approve, and welcome to the site. So it's good that people are still joining the site (and I think the Hideout comps are helping attract new people here, too, as I've seen a bit of a spike in new member requests the past few days). It'd be even better if I could convince some of these FB fiends to join and/or check in more often.

      Anyway, just venting a bit.

    • April 13, 2011 11:28 AM CDT
    • I may have posted this before but who fucking cares. It's a card I did ages ago but I forgot how much I like the kitty-kat. Please don't follow my blog or join my gang or anything like that.

      Isn't it about time we had some more bands asking for free artwork? I love to work for free because food is for wimps.

    • April 11, 2011 2:25 AM CDT
    • Land of the Dead is too much of an action film for me to consider it a zombie flick. I found it a real let down after what I thought was an amazing Dawn of the Dead remake. I thought it would be a Day of the Dead type remake, and they took it too far with the intelligent zombie thing. 


      The Horde is probably the best zombie flick I've seen in a while. It's a French film and I think it's a socio political reference to the suburban estates that are hotbeds for minority tensions in France. The attempt of police to subvert the law to exact revenge for the death of a friend is interesting. The ending is pure zombie flick style.

    • April 9, 2011 11:03 PM CDT
    • I'll look for Die You Zombie Bastards, thanks for the suggestion!

      Hmm, what else Zombie have I liked...  Actually dug Planet Terror quite a bit.  Shaun of the Dead, of course.  I seem to be one of the few people who liked Land of The Dead.  I've seen so many low budget zombie flicks they seem to run into one another at times. Sigh. Saw The Dead Hate The Living recently, another low budget parody flick that is not above citing its source material.


      Finally got to see Tucker and Dale vs. Evil last night night, which, while not a zombie movie, is an incredibly pithy parody of horror movie conventions, in which two hapless hillbillies run afoul of psychotic college students. And Suck is a pretty nifty vampire flick, made better by appearances by Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, and Henry Rollins.


      It'll be interesting to see what is made of the World War Z movie, since it is a much larger scope than most zombie flicks.

    • April 9, 2011 10:12 PM CDT
    • I really dug Fido-a great take on american culture and zombie culture as well.  I'll check out ZOMD-have you seen Die You Zombie Bastards?  Low budget but worth every moment;has a cameo from Hasil Adkins to just can't beat that! What else is good for you?


    • March 22, 2011 6:40 PM CDT
    • I'm fairly keen on Zombie movies, and I have to say one of my faves is Fido, which is kind of a parody, but amazingly well done and with a great cast - set in a kind of Atomic Era milieu, it's about a boy and his zombie, "Fido," who is played by Billy Connelly. Wackiness ensues.

      Also enjoyed "Zombies of Mass Destruction," which is a kind of low budget take on the zombie invasion of a small isolated town with some rather messed up values.  It's a little slow moving to start, but the pay off is worth it.

      Rec is incredibly creepy, and is the more concise and effective original movie that "Quarantine" was based on.

    • April 9, 2011 2:34 PM CDT
    • oh hey!  Yay!  I am a sculptor!  Sadly not on the right computer that has my work, but i'll show some stuff soon.  here's my website if curious.


      I am in the process of making a whole new portfolio since I sold the majority of the last stuff!  Which isn't a bad thing......  hehe


    • April 8, 2011 6:06 AM CDT
    • Hey man! Cool to see you chime in, I STILL haven't gotten round to get the X-BOX. And damn, yes I ned to play DR2, albeit it's minor flaws. You gotten around to play the new Castlevania LOS?

    • March 29, 2011 9:02 PM CDT
    • Second that

      sleazy said:

      I fell to sleep watching 8 Mile (Eminem)...and any movie with J-LO...hate her guts :):)

    • March 29, 2011 5:11 AM CDT
    • Tuborg


      Samuel Adams

      Budweiser american

    • March 28, 2011 10:47 PM CDT
    • Sounds like issue #56 is FINALLY out this week, by the way. (of Modern Drunkard Magazine that is)

    • March 25, 2011 2:53 AM CDT
    • ...and a GIANT bladder !!!!!!

    • March 24, 2011 3:10 PM CDT
    • Well, the man certainly had the capacity for it.

    • March 24, 2011 3:03 PM CDT
    • Think about it: 119 beers in six hours. That’s a beer every three minutes, non stop. That’s beyond epic. It’s beyond the ken of mortal men. It’s god-like. 

    • March 28, 2011 6:20 PM CDT
    • We turned my radio show last week into a drinking game. Here's that episode: And here the Facebook page for the thing you like those shenanigans:


      The Rules:

      The game is separated into "drink" events and "shot" events. "Drink" events will be plentiful and are when you sip your beer, mixed drink, Drano, etc. "Shot" events are when you down a whole shot and are more rare.

      Drink events:
      -any reference to any form of booze
      -genitalia euphemisms
      Any of the following words sung:
       -"baby please"
       -"cry", crying", "cried"

      Shot events:
      -in studio someone says "I don't know"
      -mentions of blood in song
      -references to lying in song
      -"four times the steak"
      -Dudley Moore
      -and a word of the day that will be announced at the start of the show (which for that show was "tequila")

    • March 25, 2011 2:41 PM CDT
    • games we play/used to play a lot... we used to play these games a lot more when we were underage and drank pretty much just 40s, Hurricane, Mickeys, Old English, and Colt 45 etc... They got pretty crazy and pretty intense after a 40 or 2


      Simple game for highly energetic people. Low buzz factor. Required supplies: people and beer.

      The first thing to do is for each person to choose a hand gesture that they would like to have represent him/her during the game. Can be simple, polite, or sexually enticing, but it must be SHORT.

      Everyone sits in a circle, everyone starts the game by "drumming" their hands on the table or floor or whatever the playing surface may be. During the drumming, someone says "WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE GAME?" everyone responds with "THUMPER!!!" then the leader says "AND WHY DO WE PLAY THE GAME?" responded with "TO GET FUCKED UP!!"

      At this point the leader performs his/her own hand gesture, immediately followed by the gesture of any other player. This player then performs his/her own gesture followed by another players, etc.. and so on. When a cue is missed or when someone responds too slowly, the "violator" must drink. This person then is the leader for the next round.

      Also be creative with what is said during the drumming, it's not limited to the above two questions. You could also call a slo-motion or high speed switch at anytime.

      The game takes a lot of emotional involvement, good when played when eveyones hyper because there's no where to go, or nothing better to do.


      The more people you have, the more challenging it will be, more drinking).
      Form a loose circle so you can see all of the players. One person will start, (anyone). The object of the game is to count to 20 without messing up. The game starts by the player using their left or right fist and clearly tapping your shoulder in the direction you choose. So if you were starting and you wanted the person to your left to go next, with your right fist bring it to your left shoulder and say one. That person has a choice of either continue going to the left or to send it back. You must always remember to count your number aloud. Each player has about a 2-3 sec. grace period if they foul up the game stops and that player takes a drink.
      The key numbers you must remember:

      1-6: either 1.left fist right shoulder-lft 2.right fist left shoulder-rt
      7: On the number 7 who ever in the circle gets that number must put there arms parallel in the horizontal position which ever the top hand is pointing that player goes next.
      8,9: these are the same as 1-6
      10: who ever lands on the 10 simply points to who ever they want
      11-16: again has the same ruling as 1-6
      17: this is the opposite to number 7, which ever direction the bottom hand is pointed is the direction of play.
      18-20: is the same as 1-6 as well
      Now once you have made it to 20 you may make rules. One of my favorites is changing the numbers e.g.. 3 becomes 8, and the 8 becomes the 3. Everyone messes up on that one.
      The key to the game is to go as fast as you can and try to mess other people up. Its good clean fun.

    • March 22, 2011 9:25 PM CDT
    • I realize this is an old discussion, but a few films also worth noting:


      Wild in The Streets ( a great double feature w/ Riot on Sunset Strip!)

      Village of The Giants ( performance by The Beau Brummels, & I believe Toni Basil is one of the dancers)


      And some British films of the era:

      If... and Oh Lucky Man! (with Malcolm McDowell)

      That'll Be The Day (with Ringo Starr and David Essex)

      Stardust (sequel to That'll Be The Day - I've been looking for this for ages! These were also early 70's but had that 60's rock'n'roll feel)


      Swingin' Time


      I know there are many more, but just can't think of 'em offhand.

    • March 22, 2011 11:45 AM CDT
    • Last time I posted here I had great success with someone drawing me a great gig poster.

      If anyone is interested here are the details:

      Club: Mojo 13


      Date: April 28th Thursday 2011

      Tickets $5     21+

      Bands: Audio Kings of the third world (My Band)

      Sapphire Rebellion

      Jack and the skeletons

      the Club


      Anything goes!

      Of course we don't make enough for the bar bill let alone to pay someone for this, but we will be eternally grateful.


      Jack - Audio Kings of the third world

    • March 21, 2011 3:15 PM CDT
    • Yes, thank you, very helpful.