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    • February 12, 2011 10:24 AM CST
    • I'm psyched to see this thread!  I just started playin DR1 AGAIN and was wonderin' about the second one...I really hate the save system and the controls can be wonky, but I do love the game.  if anyone wants to hit me up on Live I'm DEMONCAMEL.

    • February 9, 2011 9:38 AM CST
    • Sorry I'm a little late in responding to this, but I also have a single volume collection of the first three Mike Hammer novels.  They're interesting, and I'm sure they were shocking for their time, but nowadays they seem kind of quaint.  I feel the same way about Ian Fleming's James Bond novels.


      BTW, did you ever see the movie version of "I, the Jury," with Armande Assante, which was released in the early 80s?  I really liked that movie. 

    • February 9, 2011 6:28 AM CST
    • old picture, old bike. vintage my friend Pete said,"No brakes, no power, you gotta love it!"


    • February 2, 2011 3:49 PM CST
    • for prosterity...I put up this pic of my old rag rider here...'61 BSA used to crusise on in the early 80's, N.Y.C.! Peace...Yo' Professor!

    • February 6, 2011 6:04 PM CST
    • Got Afrodisiac and it's hilarious, but did not get a chance to pick up the Rambo mini. I actually just looked it up and it's free online...seems like it's gonna be great!

      IDON MINE said:

      Hey guys!

      Yeah, Jim is a King, I'm constantly blown away by his stuff.

      Has anyone of you read AFRODISIAC? It's totally crazy, retro Blaxploitation stuff done right. All in the vein of satire of course.

      Sunny, did you also get his RAMBO Mini there?

    • February 5, 2011 4:56 PM CST
    • Hey guys!

      Yeah, Jim is a King, I'm constantly blown away by his stuff.

      Has anyone of you read AFRODISIAC? It's totally crazy, retro Blaxploitation stuff done right. All in the vein of satire of course.

      Sunny, did you also get his RAMBO Mini there?

    • February 4, 2011 10:14 AM CST
    • Awesome dude and really cool stuff. Met him at Baltimore Comic Con and got him to sign some of his work!

    • February 4, 2011 10:05 AM CST
    • Wow!  His stuff is great!

    • February 4, 2011 9:58 AM CST
    • Jim Rugg, Pittttsburger artist and all around 50's trash Comic afficionado has put together a tumblr and the work there seems rightly suited for us cat's and catclaws: Check it!


      JIM RUGG! Turbines to power!



    • February 6, 2011 3:05 PM CST
    • You must be joking:(:(:(.....just finished reading about Gary Moore passing away.....RIP to a great lady of rock :(:(

    • February 5, 2011 8:41 PM CST
    • She passed away yesterday , the same date Lux Interior passed away. 

    • February 5, 2011 6:48 PM CST
    • Played some more DEAD SPACE and got to sit down for a loooong stretch with CASTLEVANIA: LORDS OF SHADOW. It's pretty great and the creatures look fab.

    • February 5, 2011 5:16 PM CST
    • Brilliant!

    • February 3, 2011 7:16 AM CST
    • I fell to sleep watching 8 Mile (Eminem)...and any movie with J-LO...hate her guts :):)

    • February 2, 2011 8:44 PM CST
    • The following are films that, in my humble and infallible (ha!) opinion are so bad that they will make the devout question divine existence and make a heathen cry tears of blood. At least that is the effect that they had on me.


      EYES WIDE SHUT---Keep in mind I normally love Kubrick but my god....MEIN GOTT...drecky, stupid, boring. B-O-R-I-N-G. Seeing Nicole Kidman act "Drunk" seriously made me feel violent. 15 years olds getting their first Boone's buzz do not act that badly. Gah.


      DEBBIE DOES DALLAS---Okay there were adult films from this era that were actually good films. Quality movies that happened to have explicit action. DDD was not one of them. Bad music, actresses that look bored, shamefaced and with our lead heroine, bullgoose looney and some dudes whose junk look like they needed a fresh bar of Lava's all bad.There are rings of Hell where the only porn available is this crap. It suckkkkksssss.


      THE AMITYVILLE HORROR remake---I had to review this puppy and the one positive thing I can say is that it gave me a newfound appreciation for the original. Which I was never a big fan of anyways, but it looks marvelous in comparison.


      BEVERLY HILLS VAMP---I love me some B movies. In fact a good chunk of my writing career revolves around reviewing cult films. So my tolerance is higher than the average bear. But despite having a cute beginning and some pretty spiffy intro and end credits, this film beyond sucks. It's embarrassing and seeing the late, great Robert Quarry having to be in it is just sad. Granted some work is better than no work and he's predictably awesome in it, but the man deserved WAY better than this. Though I will give some minor kudos for having Michelle Bauer and Eddie Deezen in it. And again, they deserved better too.

    • January 31, 2011 11:05 PM CST
    • I was pretty disappointed by Atom Age Vampire, I had high hopes because of Balzac...

      I dig those cheap collections of old public domain horror flicks, but there's also a good percentage of unwatchable crap on them

    • January 26, 2011 12:10 PM CST
    • Charlie's Angels II: Full Throttle!

    • February 2, 2011 3:46 PM CST
    • NOW....we all know the '80s was pitiful fo' many things...but in these daze I was cruisin' on my beloved '61 BSA in N.Y.C.! So, being I was asked to join this here group, I thought I would put up one of the few survivin' pictures of my baby...


      ps...if anyone has a rigid frame English beast here in Europe or the like they wanna unload, well, send me a message...I been havin' an itch fo' too long to build sumtin'!


    • January 31, 2011 11:22 AM CST
    • Hello, 

      Could anybody recommend a good video camera (HD, tapeless, not too expensive, preferably...)

      for shooting a variety of different events, both handheld and tripod use. 

      This would be used for professional applications and would need to zoom in pretty well.

      Probably be mixing the video signals down to a mac book pro.

      Please share your expertise, it is much appreciated.

      thank you for your help, 



    • January 31, 2011 11:18 AM CST
    • ahahahahahah

    • January 31, 2011 11:16 AM CST
    • Haha, I wanted to try and translate this to English using Yahoo Babelfish, so I copied and pasted it in and hit translate, and check this load of nonsense!


      Also who does not know And “Big Daddy” Roth, will have a lot probably seen more of a time the personage from created he, that species of pantegana nearly always intenta to guide fiammanti hot rods chromates, and known like Rat Fink. Tales of the Rat Fink Rat Fink has been told under comic strip form, cartoon, becoming a icona of the Kustom Kulture, above all in years `60, of which author And Roth it has been also estrosissimo an exponent. At par of its personage, its prototypes motorized and carrozzati in glass fiber like the Mysterion, the Orbitron, the Beatnick Bandit are known and many others. That of the Custom cars is mania that impazza in the United States from the first models created in the years `30 years, that it consists in personalizing motor vehicles used after persons, modifying some the aspect and upgrading of the performances. In the become time a tradition maintained and handed on with gatherings, Expos, festivals and every kind of initiative where the callback attractions are mixed with them originates proposed them of simple appasionati that they realize their models to amatoriale level. In 2006 a film-documentary in purpose has been realized “Tales of the Rat Fink”, in which the animations of Rat Fink they lead to us between several events, makes of restoration, techniques of paintings, and travelling over again what it has been and continuous to being the myth legacy to the “Big Daddy”. Characteristic Inconfondile and, the green rat with its red T-shirt, its expression perversa, the sguaiato rice, the iniettati eyes, is the perfect antagonist anti-hero of Mickey Mouse, and like its it avails again boasts infinity of gadgets that they go from the clock to wall to the money box, from the pommello for the gear lever to decalcomanias, from the models in scale to the lamps from table, several toys, accessories that the devout people do not let to escape. But senz'altro worthier than attention it is the artistic style with which it has been illustrated beyond that from the author from other designers like R.K.Sloane, and Steve Fiorilla. And “Big Daddy” Roth was born to Beverly Hills in 1932 and it was gotten passionate since young to the design and the cars, a lot that to single 14 years acquires its first Ford Coupè. It comes later on enlisted in the army as designer of maps and congendato in 1955 puts on family and in the free time he begins to dedicate to the first creations experimenting prototypes from he designed with a material of new called production Fiberglass. Finance its enterprises selling Ts-shirt, poster and designs to dragfest, that they had a such one succeeding that which had to be a secondary activity time to pull on money for its true passion, becomes its primary employment. The young people stood in line its stall in order to buy up their representing T-shirts Rat Fink, or other personages always from he created like Mr. Gasser, Drag Nut, Mother's worry. He allows this it after to be transferred in California, to put on a small enterprise with a spaziosa workshop and some laborers to the continuation with which he will realize its model more originate them and funny. The 4 You open them 2001 And will pass to better life, but its personages continue to being alive who never, entusiasmando old and new fanati and collectors to us.

    • January 25, 2011 1:19 PM CST
    • Can't read it, don't speak italian?


      But have you ever seen the movie "tales of the rat fink"? I think you can find it in full version on you tube.

    • January 25, 2011 6:00 PM CST
    • I would love to have some Swedish moonshine!  I need to get out your way!

      Zorch Productions said:

      All of y'all should try swedish "folk-ol" or "people's beer" which is a sort of low alcohol (not more than 3,5%) beer sold in most stores. Tastes like yep, you guessed it, watered down beer! But that was the drug of choice for kids here as there is a 20 year age limit on stronger stuff!


      For "strong" beer, wine & booze we have to go to a government run chain of liquor stores; SYSTEMBOLAGET. Check it out...


      Mmmmm, sweden is fantastic & it's great that the state keeps your drinking in check. Up til a few years back it was closed saturdays! But we do have great moonshine here, though!

    • January 25, 2011 12:40 PM CST
    • All of y'all should try swedish "folk-ol" or "people's beer" which is a sort of low alcohol (not more than 3,5%) beer sold in most stores. Tastes like yep, you guessed it, watered down beer! But that was the drug of choice for kids here as there is a 20 year age limit on stronger stuff!


      For "strong" beer, wine & booze we have to go to a government run chain of liquor stores; SYSTEMBOLAGET. Check it out...


      Mmmmm, sweden is fantastic & it's great that the state keeps your drinking in check. Up til a few years back it was closed saturdays! But we do have great moonshine here, though!