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    • June 12, 2010 4:04 PM CDT
    • you could just duct-tape the speakers to your head like giant headphones

      better yet hold a bullhorn up to the speaker with your ear on the other end

    • June 12, 2010 4:33 AM CDT
    • Mine go up to 11 [groaaaan...]

    • June 12, 2010 2:56 AM CDT
    • Don't you get frustrated with the volume knob on the stereo from time to time? It only goes up to ten! One can try and coax a little more out of it, but you run the risk of snapping it off at about 10 and 3/4.

      What's a guy to do?

    • June 12, 2010 10:14 AM CDT
    • Dinosaur Jr. Bug tour 9:30 Club. I am the only one of my friends with a ticket. I decide it would be most fun if I Drink some Olympia in the gold can or was it that wine with the Bull tied to it... with a friend... and then go to the show. The first part of my plan goes excellent, however I wake up in my car at five the next morning having passed out as soon as I got in the vehicle. Automatic self preservation? Psychic foreknowledge that the Bass player would swing at Mascis two songs in? Just fucking up? Fucking up.

    • June 11, 2010 3:03 PM CDT
    • I always go to the venue that I'm going to see a show at and do my drinking there. And if it's going to be an all ages show, I just grit my teeth and stay dry (they don't serve drinks at all ages show in Washington state unless the venue somehow gets a special liquor license that most venues don't bother with as they are somewhat difficult to get AND you want to get an extra guy to check IDs). Yeah, I don't drinkin' get in the way of my rockin'.

    • June 11, 2010 3:00 PM CDT
    • To be fair Dan, the bill listed The Chopsticks and not Thee Fine Lines as the opener, the Flakes and the Okmoniks killed, and the Hofbrauhaus beer experience was the stuff of legend (Timmo being too hung over to drink & the German fella in the corner hand-painting steins that couldn't speak English... Not to mention the size of that beer.

      Um, any interest in heading to Portland Aug 20 for the Mummies show BTW? I promise we won't get stuck at the Alibi drinking too much beer & singing Karaoke during the show.

    • June 11, 2010 2:00 PM CDT
    • I've been at some shows that I've missed by boozehoundery. Does that count?

    • June 11, 2010 12:54 PM CDT
    • Believe it or not, I don't remember this ever happening to me. Weird!

    • June 11, 2010 12:01 PM CDT
    • Hey everyone,

      We've all been in the situation... you're having a few drinks before going out to a gig and the next thing you know the show has started (and perhaps ended) and you're not there because your still knockin' 'em back.

      My most woeful tale of missing a band because of the booze happened on our way to the Double Down in Las Vegas. We thought we'd kill a bit of time before the show and have a beer at the hokey but air conditioned Hofbrauhaus (tm) around the corner. What we didn't realize was that the beer was a) very expensive and b) served by the litre c) shows in Vegas actually start on time.

      So while we sat in the hofbrauhaus watching an oompah band playing covers of the Monkees and draining our giant beersteins, THEE FINE LINES were ripping it up at the Double Down!

      At least we managed to catch the Okmoniks and the Flakes.

      To this day, I cannot forgive myself for this egregious feat of boneheadedness - not only because I missed one of my favourite bands but also because I was responsible for causing other to miss the show as well. To those people (you know who you are) I apologize... again.

      What's the best band (or saddest tale) you ever missed because you were too busy boozin'? 

    • June 12, 2010 8:39 AM CDT
    • You can insert a lot of google adds and we will start clicking.Paypal is a good idea but look,I am only 17 and i can't own any credit cards.I can use my father's,but it will take me a lot of time to persuade him and only for about 5$.You know, he will say that it's not worth it and that you can steal his credit card pass and stuff.I will donate some money, but what i want to say is that new members won't pay to enter the site.I wouldn't.My father wouldn't let me and even i wouldn't be sure it was worth it.We need alternatives.

    • June 10, 2010 7:44 AM CDT
    • The problem with charging the newbees is that you can't really know what the site is about or worth paying for till you're in. I mean this place is cooler than Myspace but I didn't know that till a bit after joining. Work your stuff on the regulars, they are the ones who should be donating the most anyway. I'll try and chip in the 10$ as often as I can.

      BTW this time the donation worked but doing it with a credit card is a pain in the arse, anyone who is not American, be patient because the system takes a few seconds to process every time you change something which means it will delete everything you have entered if you type faster than the time it takes.

    • June 10, 2010 7:38 AM CDT
    • 10 bucks sent your way Kopper

    • June 11, 2010 2:49 PM CDT
    • I don't search out things but I'll grab something if it's cool to me. Like you said, if you only have a few, it doesn't sound like you go out of your way to search for more, there by NOT making you a collector. Collectors are obsessive and won't stop until they can get as much of something as they can and won't stop until they get what ever object they want. I use to be that way for records, but I gave up on that. I just grab something that grabs me, same as you did with those beer cans.

      Cool that it was a Chuck Berry can (do they have other Rock and Roll Beers with others like Carl Perkins or Jerry Lee) being that you're from St. Louis and all.

    • June 11, 2010 11:46 AM CDT
    • Just bought this can:

      Can't wait to sit it next to my old can of Billy Beer!

      I really don't collect beer cans... OK, I guess I do. But I only have a few. Seriously, less than half a dozen. Does that make me a collector? Whoo boy, maybe it does. Oh well.

      Anyone else collect this crap?

    • June 11, 2010 1:38 PM CDT
    • Saw Body Fever last week at a pal's party.......sublime movie indeed :):) Heather Drain said:

      It's excellent and probably one of the most gonzo films ever made. I also highly, highly recommend director Steckler's other work, especially "The Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters " and "Body Fever." There will never be another like Ray Dennis Steckler.

    • June 11, 2010 11:50 AM CDT
    • The Dude. "I hate the fucking Eagles, man!"

    • June 11, 2010 11:49 AM CDT
    • I thought it was good, but then again the cinnamon flavor was pretty strong from the ice cream. Didn't try the beer by itself. Dan Electreau said:


      I'm assuming yo've tried their "Chocolate Ale"... how was it?

      From the description it sounds like it is the exact opposite of the dismal chocolate stout produced at one of our local microbrewries this past xmas.

    • June 11, 2010 11:09 AM CDT
    • Kopper,

      I'm assuming yo've tried their "Chocolate Ale"... how was it?

      From the description it sounds like it is the exact opposite of the dismal chocolate stout produced at one of our local microbrewries this past xmas.

    • June 10, 2010 7:40 AM CDT
    • Would be better with ice cream. There's a place here in St. Louis (the Chocolate Bar) that serves a Stout Beer Shake, made with cinnamon ice cream in chocolate stout (beer). It's amazing.

    • June 10, 2010 3:10 AM CDT
    • Big glass, half fill with ice, add shot of Irish Cream. Add 12oz. can A&W Root Beer. Stick a straw in it and enjoy. Tastes like the real thing.

    • June 11, 2010 6:39 AM CDT
    • Anybody have opinions on Alhambra Reserva 1925?

      I had that one a few times and thought it was really good, a bit sweet, but it worked for me. I don't know if it was the novelty, the location or the company that made it stick out or if really was that good. Trying to find it out here in the states.

      My other faves on tap locally would be:

      Shiner Bock
      Negra Modelo

    • June 10, 2010 9:42 AM CDT
    • Sorry for the long not-reply!
      AND thanks for the lowdown on the movie, nice to hear it summed up like that. David Fincher, that sounds rather fresh! It's almost weird, I saw myself complaining/dreaming about who (in my opinion) would do a appropriate movie on Comics and always said Fincher would be a good thing in any gritty Comic adaption... someone heard my prayer there, hehe. Now I also got to think HARD about David Lynch making a superhero movie and everything is good and well ;) But the Green Lantern is already taken... hmmm maybe Tarzan, what with the 50's craze of old David.

      The Hellboy movies: Like you said, they are cool seen by themselves, sleek stuff VERY well done. I was just a bit put off, Mignola being so involved and all and it didn't look like a Cronenberg movie. You know the stupid feeling of fanboy ownage and all. Which I don't usually have. At the very least this is a Comic that helped change the mainstream around a bit in the last 15 years and it's not that you see such a weird baby grow to such power every now and then.

    • June 9, 2010 5:19 PM CDT
    • have we all forgotten the guy who shot Bambi's mummy or the government guy who pronounces ET dead. BASTARDS!

    • June 9, 2010 2:36 PM CDT
    • The Cannibal Punk king in Doomsday, he's fucking nuts, like the guy from Road Warrior but Scottish thus scarier.

    • June 8, 2010 5:35 PM CDT
    • Mr. Knuckles McGrumpy said:

      Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast could take anybody on that list.
      Michael Madsen as Mr. Blue in reservoir dogs, or was he Mr White?
      The twins in Breaking Bad that worshipped Santa Muerte and killed people with a chrome ax. A CHROME FUCKING AXE for God's sake. Deadly and cool.
      Ben Kingsley is cool as shit. The only villain I have seen him play, however, was as Dr. Roberto Miranda in "Death and the Maiden--" and you didn't even know he was a villain until the film was almost over.