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  • Topic: Rock & Roll Beer (featuring Chuck Berry)!

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    • June 11, 2010 11:46 AM CDT
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      Just bought this can:

      Can't wait to sit it next to my old can of Billy Beer!

      I really don't collect beer cans... OK, I guess I do. But I only have a few. Seriously, less than half a dozen. Does that make me a collector? Whoo boy, maybe it does. Oh well.

      Anyone else collect this crap?

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 11, 2010 2:49 PM CDT
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      I don't search out things but I'll grab something if it's cool to me. Like you said, if you only have a few, it doesn't sound like you go out of your way to search for more, there by NOT making you a collector. Collectors are obsessive and won't stop until they can get as much of something as they can and won't stop until they get what ever object they want. I use to be that way for records, but I gave up on that. I just grab something that grabs me, same as you did with those beer cans.

      Cool that it was a Chuck Berry can (do they have other Rock and Roll Beers with others like Carl Perkins or Jerry Lee) being that you're from St. Louis and all.

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