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    • January 5, 2010 12:22 PM CST
    • Love the Shaw Bros.! Also, much later on in HK cinema, check out John Woo's "Hard Boiled". The movie pretty much invented the close quarters gunfight and the slow-mo shoot 'n dive.

    • January 4, 2010 4:53 PM CST
    • A gift from some crazy kung-fu Santa I guess...

    • December 28, 2009 2:53 AM CST
    • Got afew Of those "SHAW-SCOPE" Beauties in the mail.. recently..&
      "Just 'In Time'! ~for XXXXX-mass!!!" really 'ought-to' POST SOME *links* for these beauties here!!

    • December 23, 2009 8:24 AM CST
    • Haven't seen nothing new lately but I've been trough some kind of "nostalgic" trip with some old Shaw Brothers productions.

    • December 23, 2009 5:43 AM CST
    • ANY fans Of HK (Hong Kong) Cinema 'OUT THERE'?? find anything interesting lately?...
      worthy Of "sharing", worth talking about?? well i'm FOR ONE looking forward to what YOU have to Say!
      discuss discuss...

    • December 23, 2009 9:55 PM CST
    • Here's a video I did for the Montreal Expos in 1999, in an ill-fated attempt to save baseball in Montreal. I shot the super 8 stuff, wrote the song and even though I didn't get paid much, the video played on the Jumbotron at Le Stade Olympique for three seasons (until everybody in the second verse got traded and Felipe Alou got fired), and I got media passes so I could drink $2 Labatt's in the press box with Bill Lee. Hope you dig it:

    • December 21, 2009 6:45 AM CST
    • FREDDI FREDDI FREDDI, what AMAZING Taste YOU have!! .. have NOT seen this movie myself.. but i SURE do 'AIM' ON Checkin' The Soundtrack OUT!! I DID 'find' this NUGGET ON AMAZON..& I've Enclosed a *link* to it .. for Your amusement/viewing pleasure.. dont "think" ITALIA ..accepts VHS.. perhaps you have a mate that does?? there is also a ("homemade") dvd Of SUSPECT..Questionable Quality listed therein.. which i didnt EVEN bother to Include here... hope this 'might' ASSIST YOU..IN Your Quest..

    • November 28, 2009 9:53 AM CST
    • J Michael McCarthy (otherwise know simply as JMM) has done a right good many movie and music projects (tho Sore Losers was one of his highest achievements in my book) ...his production company's website is right here ...hope this lil bit of info helps ya out...dig it.

    • November 28, 2009 5:03 AM CST
    • Some years ago I bought a double album titled "The Sore Losers",the soundtrack of the same-titled movie of J.Michael McCarthy.Any track of 68 comeback,Mick Collins,Makers,Guitar wolf,Jack Oblivian songs is divided by some movie's dialogue,in the way of some podcasts here. I can't say anything about the movie I've never seen,'cause maybe never published in Italy, or I've never search enough.But I'd like to know if someone have seen it,his own impressions about it, and if the film maker had others released.

    • December 18, 2009 9:22 AM CST
    • i read knut hamsun with mystries and i identified with the main character ...then he commited suicide

    • December 17, 2009 7:21 AM CST
    • Happily i recently secured for myself a copy Of: "Flaming London"
      Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) & Jules Verne Team-up with NED THE SEAL (that's right! A SEAL!!
      as in mammal!) in attempt to "Save The World" from a Martian Invasion ..ala "WAR Of THE WORLDS"!! CAN ONLY BE told by my'man JOE r. Lansdale doing his best to imitate his idol Philip Jose Farmer..

      I AM also Currently fumblin' through: Hugh Cornwell's Auto-Bio Of himself & THE STRANGLERS:"A Multitude of Sins"

    • November 17, 2009 11:51 AM CST
    • I hear that had a lot of factual errors, but maybe it's been corrected with newer pressings. For instance, they claim the Bruisers were a white power band, when they weren't, etc. Jannell said:

      American Hardcore by Steven Blush

    • November 17, 2009 11:50 AM CST
    • Right now I'm reading The Neon Wilderness by Nelson Algren and before that it was his Chicago: City on the Make. Also, I picked up a copy of I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, which was probably my first favorite book of all time, but being for preschoolers I don't think it really counts.

    • November 15, 2009 2:39 PM CST
    • American Hardcore by Steven Blush

    • December 14, 2009 4:24 PM CST
    • checked it out today, looks very cool!
      (it will take me FOREVER to enter all my books...) :-)

    • November 28, 2009 11:15 AM CST
    • Any Ellroy fans here? I just finished reading his latest, Blood's a Rover and, as expected, it's an epic motherfucker. I love how most his heroes are corrupt cops/rogue FBI agents who have the hots for lefty chicks. (Although Joan, the "Red Goddess" of this book made me miss Barb, the "Twist" singer/bimbo of American Tabloid and The Cold Six Thousand.)

    • November 14, 2009 2:49 PM CST
    • You might consider a digital Numark TTUSB from a nice little player that has good sound for the price, you can find deals on these if you want. (I know you'll know where to look) If you are patient, then you should hit up some garage (no pun) or estate sales. Most peeps will tell you that is where the gold is. Technics, Bang & Olufsen, Marantz, made some good stuff Teac, Sony, Pioneer made good things too, but look out for a player with too many features as they may cause more problems. Direct drives have some advantages but if you get a belt drive make sure you find a replacement belt as they become stretched or worn. Most importantly if you buy an older model make sure you buy a player with cartridge you can replace, as many models have a one piece plastic arm and are only capable of replacing a needle that are usually plastic. (not recommended) On another note.

    • November 14, 2009 11:29 AM CST
    • I'd say Crosleys are probably not the best idea.

      Not sure how cheaply you can get a Technics these days but the one I'm still using cost just a hundred and something almost twenty years ago.

    • November 1, 2009 7:16 PM CST
    • Update: in case anyone else was interested in the whole live broadcast thing - I finally tried Ubroadcast and it worked out so-so. I think it would have been better if I'd had a) A 2nd external soundcard and b) a secure internet connection at the bar I was broadcasting from. I paid the 6.95 for a plan that allows up to 500 listeners and some storage. Not a bad price. audio quality wasn't the greatest - but that was on my end I'm pretty sure. Anyhow, I'm gonna do more! I'm hooked!

    • October 30, 2009 3:05 PM CDT
    • Juanito Wau!!!

    • October 29, 2009 6:09 PM CDT
    • Simple Jack?

    • October 29, 2009 1:04 PM CDT
    • Zombies. At a Halloween party with johnny Cheeseburger and the Cum bunnies, Red Hex, Fine Slew, and the Cutwinkles in good old Tacoma, WA.

    • October 29, 2009 9:32 AM CDT
    • playing for Lord Muck at his Nasty Grind in lovely London's The Grosvenor... with Atomic Suplex, The Johnsons and The No Frills Bar + many DJs....
      and as for dressing up - it's ranging from Day of the Dead skeletons and zombies to a new creation which will have to remain secret until the night... will post photos after it's happened

      wanton and wild sista kist from anarchistwood xxx

    • October 29, 2009 8:41 AM CDT
    • a mummy!