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    • November 7, 2011 4:52 AM CST
    • What about Burns. There are lots of them in denmarkstreet. Very cool guitars (Hank Marvin yeeeeeah) A Black and Green one our just pure white dannnm... The only guitar who beat that is Mosrite Ventures style... But if you're wondering about this fenders I would go for the Jaguar-He is supposed to be the ultimate surf guitar. But i would always pick Stratocaster over a Telecaster. You are a Telecasterman or a Stratocasterman I think that is the meaning of life.

    • November 6, 2011 5:59 PM CST

      I think people who complain the most about repression don't know what repression is.

      By comparison , neither do I. I've spoken with people who were in Cambodia , under Pol Pot's regime , former US Soldiers , refugees and others. But , most of them did'nt talk about things like this....I'm sure that even getting a hold of a "Banned" record , or simply a record that went under the radar was difficult enough. That's why it's not so odd to come across a Black Market record on an extremely mainstream artist - Say , The Rolling Stones , Elvis , Deep Purple , from the former Soviet Union. I've seen  some that would now be barely 25 years old , crappy graphics , crappy vinyl and probably worse sound.  But , that was the best they could get , at the time.      But , you've opened up something interesting. It's difficult for we , in the states , to comprehend how influential a song can become in Britain , and how quickly it can get around. The upside is , while Punk Rock tanked , here , a lot of great Punk singles made the top 20 and top 10 (However , we all know about the record that hit number one , that's on your list , but , was'nt even listed by name.)..... Of course , if a song was deemed a rallying cry to violence against a specific group , and could reach a lot of people in a short time , it should be put to question....But , the short lived "Death Discs" era that produced songs like "Ebony Eyes" was challenged by the powers that be. Some of these records were derided for "Sick Content" , when young people were'nt out to make themselves depressed (AS deemed by censors , here and abroad) , but , coming to terms with the fact that you're never too young to die....Songs like "Leader of The Pack " and "Last Kiss"usually tried to deal with young person's concerns over the mortality of themselves and their family and friends in a relatively tasteful manner. Maybe , not always , but , we need some bad taste to stir up the pot , hence , songs like "I Want My Baby Back"....BUT "eBONY eYES" , FOR EXAMPLE , IS JUST A STORY SONG , LIKE A FOLK BALLAD.... I saw Charlie Louvin , a few years ago , and he explained that "Knoxville Girl" , the popular and graphic murder ballad , dates back to England , hundreds of years ago.... On the other hand , I also remember hearing a news report , from Scotland , blaming The Ramones , in part , for the rash of glue sniffing and the deaths associated with it. I did'nt even know who the Hell The Ramones were , or what "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue" sounded like. Even then , at the age of 12 or 13 , I thought it merely a strange topic for a Rock song. This was before you could hear The Ramones in a Grocery Store or on a TV commercial . I was'nt even reading about Punk Rock until 1977 , and The Ramones were only getting mention , by then , because they were regarded as the only American BAND THAT COULD HOLD IT'S OWN WITH THE UK PUNK MOVEMENT. I only read , late r, about how much influence they had on the latter. But, most people , I think , understood  that it was Black Humor , much of it going over the average Joe's head , anyway. Nevertheless , The Ramones were unofficially  banned , or discouraged , at least , from radio airplay in many , or most US markets. I only heard them , once , in prime time , in '84 . A friend of mine who was also friends with the band said that was also the record company's doing , in no small part. But , I apologize for rambling , I'd love to see the rest of the list !  

      Chris Henniker said:

      It could be worse, we could be in Cambodia under Pol Pot. Ros Sereysothea and Sinn Sissamouth were murdered just because they were musicians. My views are that I'm against it but, in some cases, it's a neccessary evil. For example, the song incites anything illegal, like violence against travellers or even a rival football team, or creates a susbtantial risk of serious prejudice in a court case. I studied media law and they've got to be judged on its merits.  However, the artistic merit is often more important when deciding.  


      Here's a list of songs banned by the BBC, with some really unlikely candidates (I even wonder whether som of it is due to over sensitivity):


      [edit] C

      [edit] D

      [edit] E

      [edit] F

      [edit] G

      [edit] H

    • November 5, 2011 2:59 PM CDT
    • swt , Keep up the good work. I'M SURE HIS ROLE MODELS , HITLER , STALIN , KHOMEINI , FRANCO , ETC. , would think he's on the SIDE THAT'S RIGHT , AND THE SIDE THAT'S WINNING. HA! Even J. Edgar Hoover had to pay for defaming the likes of The Kingsmen , in time.  

      swt said:

      A couple of weeks ago on my COUNTRY show on our local public radio (I also do a more garagepunk-oriented freeform show there too) I got a call from this dildo bitching about the fact that one of the songs I'd played (Road Bound by Bob Wayne) said "fuck" three times.

      I thought it was a friend of mine just goofing on me, so I told him, "Sorry. My Fuckometer is broke."  But he was not a friend and he was serious. I politely told him that the FCC only enforces obscenity rules between the hours of 6 am and 10 pm. That's true. It's to "protect the children." (MY show starts at 10 pm) But the douche bag still threatened to write the FCC.


      I figure if I can offend just one asshole a night, I'm doing my job.

    • November 5, 2011 2:44 PM CDT
    • It's really at the Parent's discretion , whether they want their kids to hear something or not. My Mom let us listen to Cheech and Chong , because A) You'd have to wait 10 minutes to hear "Fuck " or "Shit" , and B) She thought they were funny , too , the parts she understood. Rap and Hip Hop , well , you know ,  at least people like Grandmaster Flash were trying to use that medium to SAY something , WAAAAAAAAY back when. I was'nt crazy about it , but , I found it tolerable , in small doses. But , when someone combines NO musical instruments , just  headache - inducing drum machines , and someone going "FUCKA MUTHAFUCKA MUTHAFUCKFUCK FUCK" , IT'S MORE ANNOYING THAN OFFENSIVE.   Rudy Ray Moore cussed a lot , and described some truly filthy situations , but , when he said those words , they had an impact. Plus , when he rapped , there was an actual rhythmic pattern to it , like Beat Poetry and street corner jive, and , the cat could sing , too , when he wanted to. But , as he said , "When it comes down to rappin' , I was THROUGH with it before they learned what to DO with it.".    Sometimes , I feel I've become so desensitized , I have to hear something TRULY filty , like LaWanda Page , before I can really start laughing. But , I don't MAKE people listen to that , or to Garage Rock  , or anything I like , but , If I only have two Rap SONGS FORCED ON ME IN A DAY , it's been a slow day......

      swt said:

      As for the children, I have two grown kids and I let them listen to anything they wanted. Both turned out to be fine citizens.


      Here's the one act of "censorship" I engaged in. Back in the '90s my daughter, then a teen, wanted a copy of the Liz Phair album Exile on Guyville or whatever it was called.  (Didn't think much of it then -- still don't) I told her no. If she wanted to go out and buy her own copy, I wouldn't stop her. I just didn't think it was proper to a father to give his daughter a record with lyrics like "I want to be your blowjob queen."


      So call me a prude.


      When my son was in high school he'd play these crappy rap songs on his ipod in my car. I'd make sarcastic comments like, "My, he certainly seems angry about something" or, after the 3rd or 4th "motherfucker" I'd say "Why does he always feel compelled to resort to profanity?"


      Drove the kid nuts.

    • November 6, 2011 2:52 PM CST
    • the black lips have "content" in spades. content understood as being great fucking "songs". that is really "it". the songs can walk away from them and do quite well on their own.

      Michelle Magnero said:

      I was one of the people talking about Vice, I don't know if you were talking about me but this post does bring up a good point about Black Lips- people seem to sometimes think that whatever the context of the conversation around them on GPH boards, any mention of that band is putting them down, but I don't necessarily think that is always the case- people post both positive, negative and mixed views about all sorts of bands- that is one of the things I like about the forums is that people always bring a new perspective. As far as what I was discussing in my post, I was looking at Vice from the aspect of a taste-making and how that avenue helped to widen the audience that BL had and bring them some success. My personal view on the band though is that they are innovators and making some great music. One of the sides of this discussion that I think critics neglect is the actual content of the music and the issues that it raises. People always focus on image and the idea of shock value which I think is basically outdated at this point anyway (personal opinion) :)
      Kyle Shantz said:

      I loved the Strokes, but then they were my intro to "garage" in 2001.  I wouldn't have gone to see The Sonics two years ago in Toronto if it werent for them.  "Is This It" was a really good album (, I wont defend the other three. 

      Ty Segal is amazing too in terms of new garage ( and ( 

      Someone mentioned VICE, which I assume is hate for The Black Lips ( 

      Also good on the scene are Thee Oh Sees ( 

      I hope I don't get banned for this post, there seems to be a lot of hate for new stuff...

    • November 6, 2011 2:41 PM CST
    • I was one of the people talking about Vice, I don't know if you were talking about me but this post does bring up a good point about Black Lips- people seem to sometimes think that whatever the context of the conversation around them on GPH boards, any mention of that band is putting them down, but I don't necessarily think that is always the case- people post both positive, negative and mixed views about all sorts of bands- that is one of the things I like about the forums is that people always bring a new perspective. As far as what I was discussing in my post, I was looking at Vice from the aspect of a taste-making and how that avenue helped to widen the audience that BL had and bring them some success. My personal view on the band though is that they are innovators and making some great music. One of the sides of this discussion that I think critics neglect is the actual content of the music and the issues that it raises. People always focus on image and the idea of shock value which I think is basically outdated at this point anyway (personal opinion) :)
      Kyle Shantz said:

      I loved the Strokes, but then they were my intro to "garage" in 2001.  I wouldn't have gone to see The Sonics two years ago in Toronto if it werent for them.  "Is This It" was a really good album (, I wont defend the other three. 

      Ty Segal is amazing too in terms of new garage ( and ( 

      Someone mentioned VICE, which I assume is hate for The Black Lips ( 

      Also good on the scene are Thee Oh Sees ( 

      I hope I don't get banned for this post, there seems to be a lot of hate for new stuff...

    • November 5, 2011 10:04 PM CDT
    • My band, Bunt, do Japan every year and go around Australia fairly regularly. If you have any questions, just write to and I'll try to answer them.


      - Chuckles.

    • November 5, 2011 3:45 PM CDT
    • My perspective of this is, that i always like to have bands, with which i work on an event, who know as much as possible what they are doing. Just wanna tell what i realy expect that should work, when i start a concert and the bands arrive:

      - their equipment works

      - they look at me (the mixer) while soundchecking and please just do what i tell em, no bored playing around

      - they are not too drunk the hole time because a tour is longer than one night

      - they do some advertising before the gig on their own

      - they are nice guys/gals who do not expect they are superstars

      - when they stay at my home they can feel free, but have to leave the place clean and think about my neighbours

      - try to get a local band as support, that works best for catching people

      - play a good song at last and before that tell the people you got some merchandise stuff, cds...whatever and where they find you after the gig

      Have fun and don't mind if something goes wrong, just keep on :) But i think you know what you are doing, because your music does not sound like you are bloody beginners. Nice!


    • November 5, 2011 3:17 PM CDT
    • Yeah , I have that , too. Jeff Dahl is a great guy. He played in Chicago , just once , and the club did nothing to promote it , because they thought he was just some guy....But ,he did a block of cover songs , I think it was Sonic Reducer , Slow Death , Search and Destroy, and maybe Next Big Thing or Two Tub Man, I forget....aMERICAN sOUL sPIDERS , some of 'em , anyway , morphed into the better - known Teengenerate.  I saw them twice in one night. They played at The Fireside Bowl (Mentioned elsewhere) and at The Empty Bottle. Nice guys , Fink spoke a little English. He asked me why they would'nt let people bowl at the Fireside Bowl "We bowl , there.". They sounded a LOT better than their records (Sorry , the whole Lo - Fi and No - Fi thing had me thinking "Did y'ever get the feeling you've been cheated?".....).  I got suckered into buying records I'd only send back after two plays.

      Alexander said:

      It`s not a girl band-but I have a single from Jeff Dahl with THE AMERICAN SOUL SPIDERS called"living in the shadows" incredible!!!I have lots of good music but what J.Dahl and these Japanese Boys made is great!!!!5 Songs on two 7 inches(3rd generation nation,livin´in the shadows,slow death,junkies deserve to die,ramblin´rose).And the version of SLOW DEATH is the best ever played version of this monolithic song.Everytime when I was dj-ing in clubs-this was areal highlight.try to get it!!!!!!!!

    • November 5, 2011 12:45 PM CDT
    • It`s not a girl band-but I have a single from Jeff Dahl with THE AMERICAN SOUL SPIDERS called"living in the shadows" incredible!!!I have lots of good music but what J.Dahl and these Japanese Boys made is great!!!!5 Songs on two 7 inches(3rd generation nation,livin´in the shadows,slow death,junkies deserve to die,ramblin´rose).And the version of SLOW DEATH is the best ever played version of this monolithic song.Everytime when I was dj-ing in clubs-this was areal highlight.try to get it!!!!!!!!

    • November 5, 2011 3:15 PM CDT
    • I'm still looking out for a OMBand in nothern germany, espacially for an event in april 2012! So if you read this and think you are one of these, just send me a PM! I think all i know so far are already posted :) They are all great i think! Allways had a great time at such concerts!

    • November 5, 2011 2:08 PM CDT
    • Paisley Underground created such cool bands like The Bangles and the Fuzztones along with Mazzy Star and the Fleshtones, etc. But I'm more on the psychedelic side of music than pop :):)

    • November 5, 2011 1:51 PM CDT
    • It was week 1 of WMSE’s fall pledge drive, and Zero Hour featured plenty of new music, including Mark SultanTrolley,the Boss MustangsCurlee WurleeThe Barreracudas and more. I won’t be around for the show next week cuz I’m headed to the event of the century happening Nov. 10-13 in NYC. The one-and-only Buzz will be sitting in for me. Last but not least, if you have time, check out my Q&A with Terry Anderson & the Olympic Ass-Kickin’ Team over at Sonic Diet

      Download or stream the entire Nov. 4 show right here.

      We All Love Peanut Butter – The One Way Streets
      Bloodhound – Larry Bright
      Sunshine of Love – Etta James

      Path Finder – Teddy & the Rough Riders
      Roadrunner (live) – Bo Diddley

      Ring of Fire (live) – Johnny Cash
      FBI Top 10 – DM Bob & the Deficits
      Contact High – Ike & Tina Turner

      Boss Hoss – Los Explosivos
      Betty Lou’s Got a New Tattoo - Creep
      My Baby Likes to Boogaloo – Don Gardner
      Calloused Hands – Mark Sultan

      Little Scream live in the studio

      Dead of Night – Wheels on Fire

      Local Lunchbox
      She’s The Kind of Girl – Trolley
      Marionette – Beach Patrol
      Mess Around – Trent Fox & the Tenants

      Black & White Memories – Thee Spivs
      Burnout – The Boss Mustangs
      Before You Came Here – The Party Lights
      My Brian is Empty – Curlee Wurlee

      I Need That Record – The Tweeds
      Trash Talkin’ Woman – The Electric Mess
      Scrap Collectin’ Man – Crankshaft & the Gear Grinders

      Too Much Information – Terry Anderson & the Olympic Ass-Kickin’ Team
      Ooh-Wee – The Accelerators
      Black Sheep – Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs
      He’s Coming – Stupidity

      She’s So Satisfying – The Untamed Youth
      Solid Gold (Thru & Thru) – The Real Kids
      Squat With Me – The A-Bones with the Great Gaylord
      Scalping Party – Jackie & the Cedrics

      Shimmy Shake – The Hentchmen
      I Wanna Join the James Gang – The Gaye Blades
      Michelle (live) – The Flat Duo Jets
      Shallow Grave – The A-Bones

      Feet – The Barreracudas
      Wrong End of the Leash – The Ribeye Brothers
      Sick – Dynamite Pussy Club
      Down in Mexico – Molly Gene One Whoaman Band
      Guns & Knives – Swampmeat

      Washing in the Blood of Rock-n-Roll – The Professor and His One Man Dirty Rhythm and Blues Explosion
      Smoke, Smoke, Smoke (That Cigarette) – Sammy Davis Jr.

    • November 5, 2011 12:55 PM CDT
    • Dead Boys are The Godfathers of punk rock-look like punks and make dirty rock.

      I like this video,because it contains also songs from the "we have come..." album,the video from 77-live at CBGB has more of that raw power and ernergy the Dead Boys always stood for even if the quality is not so good.Check it out

    • November 5, 2011 12:54 PM CDT
    • I don't imagine that Jello Biafra was lamenting the band for selling out, but songs do get 'ruined' after hearing them a few too many times, even the best songs. It's why they used it as a form of torture in Guantanamo Bay, although I think they were using mostly rubbish songs to begin with.


      My opinion is use the coolest music you can in the adverts and I'll more likely buy the thing. They played the cool song while the plastic car is being driven around the store and had the dorky guy talking while the product they wanted to sell was being displayed. Big failure, now I want to buy the plastic car.

    • November 5, 2011 12:06 PM CDT
    • Oops, that should be Saturday November 5th.

    • November 5, 2011 10:51 AM CDT
    • I'll be on the air and the web on Saturday November 6 from 1:00-3:00PM EST. Listen live at 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at .


    • November 5, 2011 11:44 AM CDT
    • Show #348: "Bands & Artists Starting With G, Part 7" playlist:

      The Group, Inc. - "Like A Woman"
      The Groupies - "Primitive"
      The Growing Concern - "Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled"
      The Growing Society - "Just For Fun"
      Peter Grudzien - "Broken Bottle-Glass Sidewalks"
      Grump - "Heartbreak Hotel"
      Jack Grunsky - "Sally McGregor"
      Grupa 220 - "Slike"
      Grupo Ciruela - "Nada Nos Detendra"
      Grupo 606 - "Busco Un Camino"
      Gryphon - "The Last Flash Of Gaberine Taylor"
      Gualberto - "Luz De Invierno"
      The Guardians Of The Rainbow - "What Do You Do When You've Lost Your Love"
      The Guards - "Fantastic Fair"
      Gudibrallan - "Uti Var Hage"
      The Guess Who - "I'd Rather Be Alone"
      Earl Guest - "Foxy"
      The Reg Guest Syndicate - "Guys, Guns, Girls, & Danger"
      Guilbeau & Parsons - "Your Gentle Way Of Loving Me"
      The Guild - "The Sun Shines For You"
      The Guild Light Gauge - "14th Annual Fun & Pleasure Fair"
      Isaac Guillory - "Staying Awhile"
      The Guilloteens - "For My Own"
      The Guise - "Waitin' Round The Corner"
      The Guitar Ramblers - "Surf Beat"
      Bonnie Guitar - "Dark Moon"
      Les Guitares - "Les Martians Arrivent..."
      Gulliver - "A Truly Good Song"
      The Gullivers - "Dark Na Hitomi"
      Gun - "Long Hair Wildman"
      Gunhill Road - "Sag Harbor"
      Guns & Butter - "The Wanderer"
      Shirley Gunter & The Queens - "Oop Shoop"
      Sandy Gurley - "On The Morning Side"
      Guru Guru - "Baby Cake Walk"
      The Gurus [CA] - "Shelley In Camp"
      The Gurus [NY] - "Blue Snow Night"
      Margo Guryan - "Sunday Mornin'"
      Arlo Guthrie - "Alice's Restaurant Massacree"
      Nora Guthrie - "Emily's Illness"
      The Guv'ners - "The Kissing Had To Stop"
      Art Guy - "Where You Gonna Go"
      The Guys - "Ich Bin Froh, Dass Ich Dich Los Bin"
      Y Gwenwyn - "Hen Benillion"
      Gygafo - "A Room With A View"
      Gypsy - "Turning Wheel"
      Gypsy Trips - "Ain't It Hard"
      Les Gypsys - "Proletaire"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
