KISS and the Rolling Stones.
I have the first six studio albums by KISS, along with "ALIVE" and "ALIVE II," along with with "Creatures of the Night" and "Psycho Circus." KISS was the first band that I ever got into, so I guess that's why I have so many of their releases. It's a combination of nostalgia and sentimentalism.
As for the Rolling Stones, I've been getting reacquainted with them, so I recently acquired all of the studio albums that were released between 1968 and 1972, along with "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!," "It's Only Rock'n'Roll," and "Some Girls." I bought "England's Newest Hitmakers" and "12x5" a while back, and I still enjoy them. This is open to debate, but I have to agree that the Stones truly are the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world, because of the standards they set and their influence.
This is one of the most interesting questions anyone has ever asked around here:)