Was sat here last night with my iTunes playing away on random and got two very different songs on one after another (no real surprise there, I know), but both had a similar thread to them...plain bitching. First up was Guns n Roses Get In The Ring, where Axl calls out a host of journos who have dissed the band and second up was Fiona Apple by Ze Malibu Kids, which responds to the singer's criticism of the guys from Redd Kross (who also, along with wives and daughters, make up Ze Malibu Kids). It got me thinking if there are any other instances where bands simply write a song to bitch about how they've personally been treated and if that's something that other people actually give a shit about. Should we write a song about how we've been screwed over by the electricity company? Would anyone care? Obviously sometimes it leads to some classic rock n roll - The Ramones' KKK Took My Baby Away a case in point, and a perfect example of band in-fighting to boot, and there's always The Beatles' Taxman. What do you think? Do you care or do you wish that sometimes bands would just stop the bitching and play? Perhaps more importantly, and maybe we'll get slammed for thinking that this is something that "little kids do", but has your opinion of one artist ever been influenced by what another artist thinks of them?