It'd take all day to disclose my motivations for the sordid sensations of the big beat that makes you wanna jump in the back seat.....In the early to mid 70'S , The Rock'n'Roll Revival peaked in The U.S. , though Western Europe had been reveling in it , years earlier. As a kid , then , I heard something in 50's R'n'R that I was'nt hearing in the newer stuff...Though we're talking about a difference of less than 20 years. I did'nt stop liking the new music , though I was too young to realize much of it was'nt new. The 50's Rock 'n' Roll seemed to be more about having fun than much of what I was hearing. Of course , a lot of it left on a petri dish with a Black Plague cell called Nostalgia. To the world's chagrin , the baccili was released , and , the motivation behind the music was deemed irrelevant. But , not forever. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND . I found myself taking an interest in 60's R'n'R , 60's and 70's Punk , Rockabilly , Instrumental Rock , Glam , Psych , Raw R'N'B and the like , because it's FUN, and it's bound by a common energy. Even if you don't like all of it , personally. I LEARNED , EARLY ON , IT WAS UP TO US , INDIVIDUALLY , TO DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT IF THIS MUSIC WOULD STILL MEAN ANYTHING , EVEN AFTER IT FELL OUT OF FAVOR FOR A SECOND OR THIRD TIME..... Anyone remember The U.S. Rockabilly Revival OF THE EARLY 80's ? A thousand 'Billy bands formed in The Stray Cats' wake , but , of course , none of them offered any serious competition. Robert Gordon had made his last Neo - Rockabilly recordings of note , years before The Stray Cats came back home to , briefly , become stars.....But , a lot of Rockabilly fans and bands stayed at it , even though so much of it still reflects The Stray Cats ' sound and feel in it's utter lack of wildness and sheer raw power that this music was built on. As Tim Warren put it , so many of them did'nt go through Punk Rock , and that accounts for a lot.