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  • Topic: New Oblivians!

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    • February 10, 2012 11:06 PM CST
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      Well, I saw the Oblivians in '09 and again in Lawrence at the Scion Garage Fest in 2010, and they kicked ass both times (and I'm one who also saw them play for five or six people on a Sunday night in St. Louis in 1995). I, for one, am looking forward to the album, because even if it's not as good as their earlier stuff it'll STILL be better than 99% of the other horseshit that gets passed off as rock'n'roll by the mainstream press today. And besides, who fucking cares how old or fat they are? I'm 46 myself. Should I just lay down and die? They're not pathetic, YOU are. Your pathetic whining. They still got it, and that's what counts. How about waiting until the actual ALBUM comes out before trashing 'em on it?

      Hot Pockets said:

      No offense everybody, but isn't this kind of pathetic? How could anything they do now be as remotely as good as anything they did when they weren't fat and middle aged? It's sort of like Michael Jordan coing out of retirement to tarnish his career. I mean, I think it's highly unlikely these dudes give a fuck about playing garage-punk now anyhow. You listened to Reigning Sound lately?

      I know times are tough so no one is going to pass up a chance and labels like In The Red are always there to try to put out something they know is dependable and popular. If you want to talk about overrated labels that probably do more to damage the whole garage rock thing than help promote it. But, if bands like No Bunny or whatever wasn't what's passing for a cool band these days would anyone care? I guess we have to accept that the early-mid 90s are now nostalgia retro territory and ripe for exploitation.

      I always thought of all those great bands from that era as just rock n roll. Like it doesn't go out of style because real rock n roll is always unfashionable. But I realize now that I was wrong and the world is getting more refined in alienating us from the essentials of life like simple, stupid music. Made for kicks and not much else.

      I am a big fan of Greg Cartwright. He is one of my favorites. I don't know, though. This reeks of desperation.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 10, 2012 10:46 PM CST
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      Hell Yeah! I was psyched when I worked with Jack Oblivian but the chance to book the actual band will probably happen now too! (I'm mentally fist pumping)

    • February 10, 2012 9:22 PM CST
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      Now we're talkin'. Right when we need 'em, these Memphis boys are coming back to show all the floppy-haired, indy garage-moppets how to rock 'n' roll. I saw these guys a couple of years ago at Gonerfest and they haven't lost a step from the old days. Everyone in attendance went ape-shit from first song to last in a rain of booze and sweat. I cannot wait for them to take this new album on the road.

      Aaaaariiight lets go! Kill a punk for Rock 'n' Roll!

    • February 10, 2012 5:14 PM CST
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      very exiting news! so, their split 7" on Scion AV was an announcement?

    • February 10, 2012 5:07 PM CST
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      I saw Jack in London just before Xmas with Harlan T Bobo and Limes as a revolving band on stage and it was a cracking good show.

      It makes sense to go with In The Red as they release Reigning Sound and Parting Gifts. No conflict of interest which might arise if it's released on Goner.

      Personally I don't give a shit who releases it, can't wait to hear it. Scion AV released an Oblivians song last year, which I guess was a new recording and sounded pretty good.

    • February 10, 2012 5:03 PM CST
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      Love, love the news!   And In the Red resurrecting Vengeance....good stuff.  What is Ivy up to, and is there any news on unreleased (officially) Cramps coming out?

    • February 10, 2012 2:18 PM CST
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      I would assume it is more of a business decision/ conflict of interest for Eric. If you were a Goner Artist would you want the guy who is supposed to be promoting your band spending time/ money on his own band. Also, won't put the band in a position where Jack and Greg have an issue with Goner (Which Eric owns) on the business front . Both business ventures gross a lot of money, but you have to divvy out the Net (which I am sure is a lot smaller).

      kopper said:

      I was wondering that myself. You're probably right about better distro, esp. considering the fact that this release will probably see a lot more pressed than any previous Goner release, more than likely.

      Is that an envelope in Larry's hand? If so, I wonder what's in it... ;)

      DammitDave said:

      Yeah, the American Slang is the closest that I think Jack solo was to Oblivians.

      I wonder why this is not on Goner, ITR better distribution, maybe? 

      kopper said:

      Jack solo ain't the Oblivians. Just like the Reigning Sound ain't the Oblivians. You should judge the Oblivians by the Oblivians!

      Mina said:

      I saw Jack live, just didn't do much for me... I had high hopes that evening because I had heard so much about the Oblivions. Turned out that I had paid for 3 bands with the same musicians ;D Dunno.... I prefer Beat-Man, Zeno Tornado, King Automatic, that kind of stuff. :)

    • February 10, 2012 2:06 PM CST
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      I reckon that envelope holds the name of the new bass player.

    • February 10, 2012 1:35 PM CST
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      wow! *orgasm*

    • February 10, 2012 1:10 PM CST
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      I was wondering that myself. You're probably right about better distro, esp. considering the fact that this release will probably see a lot more pressed than any previous Goner release, more than likely.

      Is that an envelope in Larry's hand? If so, I wonder what's in it... ;)

      DammitDave said:

      Yeah, the American Slang is the closest that I think Jack solo was to Oblivians.

      I wonder why this is not on Goner, ITR better distribution, maybe? 

      kopper said:

      Jack solo ain't the Oblivians. Just like the Reigning Sound ain't the Oblivians. You should judge the Oblivians by the Oblivians!

      Mina said:

      I saw Jack live, just didn't do much for me... I had high hopes that evening because I had heard so much about the Oblivions. Turned out that I had paid for 3 bands with the same musicians ;D Dunno.... I prefer Beat-Man, Zeno Tornado, King Automatic, that kind of stuff. :)


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 10, 2012 12:59 PM CST
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      Yeah, the American Slang is the closest that I think Jack solo was to Oblivians.

      I wonder why this is not on Goner, ITR better distribution, maybe? 

      kopper said:

      Jack solo ain't the Oblivians. Just like the Reigning Sound ain't the Oblivians. You should judge the Oblivians by the Oblivians!

      Mina said:

      I saw Jack live, just didn't do much for me... I had high hopes that evening because I had heard so much about the Oblivions. Turned out that I had paid for 3 bands with the same musicians ;D Dunno.... I prefer Beat-Man, Zeno Tornado, King Automatic, that kind of stuff. :)

    • February 10, 2012 12:59 PM CST
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      HOLEEEEEE CRAP!!!  Awesome news.  And I concur that In The Red rules--we both just got the new Thee Cormans 7 inch!

    • February 10, 2012 12:39 PM CST
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      Jack solo ain't the Oblivians. Just like the Reigning Sound ain't the Oblivians. You should judge the Oblivians by the Oblivians!

      Mina said:

      I saw Jack live, just didn't do much for me... I had high hopes that evening because I had heard so much about the Oblivions. Turned out that I had paid for 3 bands with the same musicians ;D Dunno.... I prefer Beat-Man, Zeno Tornado, King Automatic, that kind of stuff. :)


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 10, 2012 12:36 PM CST
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      Color me Jazzed! This is great news for garage junkies like me.

    • February 10, 2012 12:26 PM CST
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      This is all great news. The fact that The Oblivians have a new album released through ITR certainly makes them the 1# garage label out there right now!

      I love Voodoo Rhythm too but c'mon... This is monumental news!!

    • February 10, 2012 12:16 PM CST
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      I don't quite understand how anyone on this site who appreciates trashy garage/punk/rock'n'roll could NOT be into the Oblivians, but I guess that's just me. :/


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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