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  • Topic: Raw Power, De Stijl, Boom- how does one get that magic, awful so

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    • January 27, 2012 5:16 PM CST
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      I'm trying to record an EP for my 3 piece garage punk band and I want looooooo-fi. Those albums are my top 3 inspirations for recording, but I don't know shit about recording. I live in NYC, so I have access to awesome studios, but I can't tell who's blowing smoke up my ass when they say "lo-fi". What should I be looking for? What questions should I be asking? Is there anything I can do myself?

    • January 28, 2012 10:54 AM CST
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      Your best bet would be to find an engineer/producer who's familiar with your genre and has had (proven) experience with recording bands you can relate to… Studio facilities and equipment hardly matters when working with the right people.

    • January 27, 2012 7:35 PM CST
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      Get a left/right mic input tape recorder (or a 4-track with only two mics plugged in, each one panned all the way to left or right). Put each mic on a mic stand at opposite ends of the room. Record everything live.

    • January 27, 2012 7:16 PM CST
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      JW recorded De Stijl in his house with cheap equipment. Chances are, the more expensive your studio is, the less likely you are to get a 'lo-fi' sound. Best bet is to go DIY and make do with poor conditions, that requires a lot of know-how though. If you have a lot of time to experiment then you should record the raw tracks yourself and maybe get a pro to mix them for you.

      That 'magic, awful sound' is going to be a combination of good songwriting, a well produced record, and recording with the musicians who have the right feel. It's a lot more than just going to the right place.

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