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  • Topic: Jason and the Scorchers

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    • January 13, 2012 2:13 PM CST
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      Last night was fun.  Started early and played for a long time.  The band took an intermission in the middle.  They had some chickie come up for a couple of songs.  She screamed and played harmonica and jumped around and looked good.  The guitar player was less woodlie.  He mostly played a Telecaster (a Dano short horn for a couple) split through 2 amps; a Vox combo and an Orange head through some cabinet.  He sounded more raw than on most of their records (most too glossy for me).  Good energy, pacing, and humor and they played very well, too.  I'll play Moonshine Guy on my show tonight: “He likes the Stones, hates the Doors / Thinks the Beatles sing for girls”

    • January 13, 2012 9:12 AM CST
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      I've always wanted to see them, so according to this, Jason Ringenberg's still got it. How about a full review?

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