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  • Topic: Too old to rock?

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    • December 27, 2011 3:18 PM CST
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      my parents are lame

    • December 27, 2011 2:20 PM CST
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      Nope, I was born on good 'ol 58 too son!!!!!:):) the Tull used to sing, "too old to r'n'r but too young to die" so I'll stick with the good 'ol r'n'r till I drop, man:):):)


    • December 25, 2011 8:20 PM CST
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      I'm 42 and my son that is 19 plays in my band. I used to joke about him being my younger brother, but I figure fuck it, it's pretty badass that I'm in a punk band with my son. Shit, maybe I can keep going until he has a kid old enough to play and we could be a triple threat! LOL

    • December 24, 2011 1:25 AM CST
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      Charlie Harper


      Not as old as some of the other's mentioned, but I think they are both pushing 70.

    • December 23, 2011 3:47 AM CST
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      Jeff Shore said:

      . Rock and Roll isn't just music - it's a state of being.

    • December 23, 2011 12:40 AM CST
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      You're just a kid. Matthew. I'm 58, and I thought I was the oldest one here until I saw Old Man Shore's post.

      I might have shared this story here before, but last summer while in Austin, I took my son to Emo's to see Stiff Little Fingers. ABout halfway through the first song, the youngsters started their slam dancing. I got hit in the back and knocked around and realized my fucking dentures had been knocked loose. I retreated to the back. I don't think I could have stood the irony of losing my false teeth at a punk rock show.

      In case you missed it, here's a good podcast for us oldsters:

    • December 22, 2011 11:32 PM CST
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      I'm 60 and despite the fact that some days my back aches and my knees hurt, I am NEVER going to be too old to Rock and Roll. I love all those bands you mentioned above plus hundreds more. Rock and Roll isn't just music - it's a state of being.

    • December 22, 2011 5:16 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Age can only be a barrier if you let it.

    • December 22, 2011 3:55 PM CST
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      You can't be TOO old to Rock , a fact which 76 y.o. Jerry Lee Lewis , who just did a phenomenal show in Chicago , drove home . I would have been just as happy with an all - Country set ,but he complemented the minority portion of the show, The Honky Tonk killers , with full throttle , too fast for The Autobahn , Rockers. And , he played piano like he just shot Arthur , backstage.   Arthur Itis.

      I think  Little Richard turns 80 next year , Chuck Berry is , what, 86? And , I hear he still does great gigs in St. Louis . He was terrible , here , but I saw him 10 years ago in St. Louis , and he destroyed ! Marvin Rainwater is also a Rocktagenarian , Link Wray was well into his 70's when he passed (His birthdate is in dispute ,but , he was at least 75.). Claude Trenier Rocked it well into his 80's , his 81 y.o. Brother , Milt , still performs (Tho' a lot of people , especially my UK bRETHEREN , WOULD SAY IT'S NOT rOCK'N'rOLL. It's damn fine showmanship , tho.). Fats Domino retired some time back , but my Dad and my Grandpa were younger when they retired. Wanda Jackson turned 70 a year or so ago. There's a lot of others ....But ,  Sky Saxon was rumored to be 70 or 71 at the time of his ascension (His widow , Sabrina , would'nt reveal his date of birth.), The Wailers had members in their 70's , as , I guess , The Sonics do , now , too. Mike and The Ravens were probably all in their early 70's when they made 3 great , REAL Garage Punk CDs. The Trashmen have got to be pushing 70 , and , well , there's more....

      As far as guys older than The Downliners Sect or The Pretty Things (BTW , is'nt Dick Taylor , bless his sweet heart , 70 by now ?) who listen to them , still. There's got to be some.

    • December 22, 2011 3:39 PM CST
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      There are quite a number of bands from the '60s still performing. There was a post here just the other day about an upcoming festival with The Trashmen and a couple others. The Sonics have played recently, too, and Chuck Berry still plays monthly in St. Louis!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 22, 2011 3:32 PM CST
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      I just hung out with Doug Moody (of R&B and later Mystic Records fame) and he's in his 80s and still coming out to shows and recording bands in their twenties.

      My Grandma was 12 in 1955 and she's still playing rocknroll records into her late 60s 

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