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  • Topic: What Are Your Top-10 Bands And/Or Albums?

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    • December 18, 2011 3:30 PM CST
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      It's the obsessive/compulsive in me! Mebbe the Dictators' Top 10 infected me w/ the meme...

      1 Ramones

      2 Angry Samoans

      3 The Saints

      4 Crime

      5 Electric Eels

      6 Rocket From The Tombs

      7 Gories

      8 Mummies (that's a no-brainer)

      9 The Urinals

      10 The Stranglers (OK, first 4 or 5 albums)

    • December 18, 2011 3:41 PM CST
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      Wow , That's so cool that you've got so many Cle bands on your list. I played in Brian McMahon's band , Das Volt , 15 years ago. We only did one Eels song , Jag you are , ride.

      The Bass player had briefly played with Sky Saxon , The (Other ) Guitarist turned up in Functional Blackouts and Daily Void (Counting myself and Brian , we had a three guitars , the classic Black Oak Arkansas setup.) , and the keyboard player was in The Velveteen Loveseat. Brian's doing OK , MAINLY PRODUCING.


      I'D HAVE A HARD TIME NARROWING IT DOWN TO TEN....Have to think about it....

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