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  • Topic: ugliest album covers

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    • December 23, 2011 4:03 PM CST
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      Don't have a pic, but easily the early Royal Trux album with the toilet filled with shit& vomit
    • December 21, 2011 10:33 AM CST
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      I have to agree with you Dave. Judas Priest and ZZ Top rocks. This cover of Man or astro-man is their ultimate ugly, I usually love their artwork, especially Destroy- all astro-men.  And Cath It can be found cool heavymetal artworks for my behalf.

    • December 20, 2011 12:30 PM CST
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      Well, yeah, music=good, cover=bad...

      Axel Björnsson said:

      but when we're talking about good music..

    • December 20, 2011 12:28 PM CST
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      Good examples! Love The Priest, and early ZZ Top (el loco & back), but Whew! those covers... Yeah, I like that "New Wave" style of illo., like that 2nd Damned LP.

      Axel Björnsson said:

      I don't get it with the buzzcocks. cool cover

      I personally dislike most covers from 80's power/thrash metal bands. 



    • December 20, 2011 2:32 AM CST
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      but when we're talking about good music..

    • December 20, 2011 2:25 AM CST
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      I don't get it with the buzzcocks. cool cover

      I personally dislike most covers from 80's power/thrash metal bands. 



    • December 19, 2011 3:24 PM CST
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      Yeah, punk loves to push the envelope, names, pics, etc

      John Battles said:

      ...I guess a lot of people would find the "You'll Hate This Record" comp (W/GG Allin , Art , Shockabilly and Tina Peel - pre Fuzztones.), with the attached plastic vomit , pretty ugly. I really should have bought that record. Rhino's misnomered "World's Worst Records " actually contains a barf bag , but , pretty pedestrian sleeve art. I only bought it , originally, for "Paralyzed" and "The Crusher". Those were'nt even the worst records on the dates of their release. Then there's those recent Rockabilly comps with the porno covers . As Cheech and Chong used to say , "WE'LL NEVER GET THAT ON THE ALBUM COVER !!!". THE BUTTHOLE SURFERS' FIRST ep was frequently kept behind the counter , because of the multiple image of a naked , starving Biafran ?, Cambodian ? , somebody with a bloated stomach.

      The picture of Santo on the back would'nt offend a soul....Unless they prefer Football to Lucha Libre.

    • December 19, 2011 3:22 PM CST
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      ...I guess a lot of people would find the "You'll Hate This Record" comp (W/GG Allin , Art , Shockabilly and Tina Peel - pre Fuzztones.), with the attached plastic vomit , pretty ugly. I really should have bought that record. Rhino's misnomered "World's Worst Records " actually contains a barf bag , but , pretty pedestrian sleeve art. I only bought it , originally, for "Paralyzed" and "The Crusher". Those were'nt even the worst records on the dates of their release. Then there's those recent Rockabilly comps with the porno covers . As Cheech and Chong used to say , "WE'LL NEVER GET THAT ON THE ALBUM COVER !!!". THE BUTTHOLE SURFERS' FIRST ep was frequently kept behind the counter , because of the multiple image of a naked , starving Biafran ?, Cambodian ? , somebody with a bloated stomach.

      The picture of Santo on the back would'nt offend a soul....Unless they prefer Football to Lucha Libre.

    • December 18, 2011 6:16 PM CST
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      I like the "It's Only The 3rd Album" graphics OK , the kind of 60's neo - cubist graphics so popular in The New Wave era , typified by Joe Jackson's "Beat Crazy" cover , then co - opted by the not New Wave a'tall "Instrumental Madness" and "New Wave Surf Party" comps. Another misleading LP sleeve is the "Ear Piercing Punk " cover with the flourescent graphics and cover shot of Sue Catwoman , or somebody like that , when it's a SIXTIES PUNK COMP ! I LIKE ALL THOSE COVERS , BUT , I COULD SEE WHERE OTHERS MIGHT FIND 'EM HIDEOUS. That's what I'm talkin' aboot.

    • December 18, 2011 5:08 PM CST
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      Anything ya don't like aboot an LP, doesn't matter...

      kopper said:

      I'm confused... do you mean ugly as in the people are ugly? Or the cover art itself is ugly? Because I always thought the MC5 and Saints covers were pretty cool.

      As far as ugly band members goes... well, hell, this is rock'n'roll. It ain't supposed to be played by pretty boys.

    • December 18, 2011 5:06 PM CST
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      Hi, yes, I like that Buzzcocks cover, too. Guess I just don't like dark, smeary, collage-type covers, ha!

      Mina said:

      Lol @previous comment :D

      I actually like the Buzzcock cover, it's abstract and I like abstract paintings in general. Kandinsky as my favorite artist. 

    • December 18, 2011 5:04 PM CST
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      Oh, yeh, the zine forum, shut down by staff, but they put up a link for zines in the comments. Visit there. Dave

      John Battles said:

      Thank you , Dave....I was going to reply to your blog on zines , but , it says it's not accepting comments(?). But , thank you for putting Bad Trip and Roctober up at the top.

      You'd be surprised , sometimes I don't know who , outside of my immediate circle of friends and family , has been reading ANY of this stuff. Appreciate the kind words , will comment on the zine blog when it re - opens.
      dave said:

      Hey, man, I like your writing! No problem w/ opinions, that's why I put up the question. Yeah, the Sir Douglas Quintet will always be cool, and unique. Good to see you on this site. Best, Dave

      John Battles said:


      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 18, 2011 3:18 PM CST
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      Thank you , Dave....I was going to reply to your blog on zines , but , it says it's not accepting comments(?). But , thank you for putting Bad Trip and Roctober up at the top.

      You'd be surprised , sometimes I don't know who , outside of my immediate circle of friends and family , has been reading ANY of this stuff. Appreciate the kind words , will comment on the zine blog when it re - opens.
      dave said:

      Hey, man, I like your writing! No problem w/ opinions, that's why I put up the question. Yeah, the Sir Douglas Quintet will always be cool, and unique. Good to see you on this site. Best, Dave

      John Battles said:


      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 18, 2011 2:15 PM CST
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      Hey, man, I like your writing! No problem w/ opinions, that's why I put up the question. Yeah, the Sir Douglas Quintet will always be cool, and unique. Good to see you on this site. Best, Dave

      John Battles said:


      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 17, 2011 11:38 PM CST
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      I'm confused... do you mean ugly as in the people are ugly? Or the cover art itself is ugly? Because I always thought the MC5 and Saints covers were pretty cool.

      As far as ugly band members goes... well, hell, this is rock'n'roll. It ain't supposed to be played by pretty boys.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 17, 2011 7:38 PM CST
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      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 17, 2011 3:58 PM CST
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      Buzzcocks' Different Kind of Tension is also really ugly. 

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