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    • November 16, 2011 11:48 AM CST
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      Good luck finding it then! If you do get to watch it, pay special attention to the opening scene and dialogue, it plays into the ending of the film, which I think will stick with you. Also keep an eye out for Dan "Grizzly Adams" Haggerty as a "straight" biker!

      John Battles said:

      I'M LOOKING FOR IT AS WE SPEAK.....Gay - themed films , even ones like this , that used condescending humor , were'nt exactly a dime a dozen at that point in time .... By that , I don't mean strictly underground films , or even more underground porn.

      joey fuckup said:

      Yeah, this trailer can elicit a giggle or two, but on a serious note, this is actually a very good film. Well "good" as far as drive-in movies go. If you get a chance, check this out, I think you'll be entertained. I have this on dvd, as it came packaged with a bunch of other exploitation films in a "bargain priced" boxed set. But you may be able to find it online (streaming on Netflix?), or your local dvd mart.

      John Battles said:

      OMFG ! I don't think I've even heard of this !!! The roughest bunch since..."The boys in  the band". HA HA HAAAAA.....THERE'S GAY CAR CLUBS , THERE'S PROBABLY GAY MOTOCYCLE "CLUBS" , TOO . THERE'S THE EXTREMELY BUTCH BIKER NOVELTY SONG "I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH".....

      joey fuckup said:

      I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film:

    • November 15, 2011 2:12 PM CST
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      I'M LOOKING FOR IT AS WE SPEAK.....Gay - themed films , even ones like this , that used condescending humor , were'nt exactly a dime a dozen at that point in time .... By that , I don't mean strictly underground films , or even more underground porn.

      joey fuckup said:

      Yeah, this trailer can elicit a giggle or two, but on a serious note, this is actually a very good film. Well "good" as far as drive-in movies go. If you get a chance, check this out, I think you'll be entertained. I have this on dvd, as it came packaged with a bunch of other exploitation films in a "bargain priced" boxed set. But you may be able to find it online (streaming on Netflix?), or your local dvd mart.

      John Battles said:

      OMFG ! I don't think I've even heard of this !!! The roughest bunch since..."The boys in  the band". HA HA HAAAAA.....THERE'S GAY CAR CLUBS , THERE'S PROBABLY GAY MOTOCYCLE "CLUBS" , TOO . THERE'S THE EXTREMELY BUTCH BIKER NOVELTY SONG "I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH".....

      joey fuckup said:

      I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film:

    • November 15, 2011 2:04 PM CST
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    • November 14, 2011 8:12 PM CST
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      Yeah, this trailer can elicit a giggle or two, but on a serious note, this is actually a very good film. Well "good" as far as drive-in movies go. If you get a chance, check this out, I think you'll be entertained. I have this on dvd, as it came packaged with a bunch of other exploitation films in a "bargain priced" boxed set. But you may be able to find it online (streaming on Netflix?), or your local dvd mart.

      John Battles said:

      OMFG ! I don't think I've even heard of this !!! The roughest bunch since..."The boys in  the band". HA HA HAAAAA.....THERE'S GAY CAR CLUBS , THERE'S PROBABLY GAY MOTOCYCLE "CLUBS" , TOO . THERE'S THE EXTREMELY BUTCH BIKER NOVELTY SONG "I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH".....

      joey fuckup said:

      I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film:

    • November 14, 2011 7:58 PM CST
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      That IS a real good soundtrack... Davie Allan spoke of playing the huge bike rally , The Love Run , in California. It's bigger than  Sturgis , I've read. The Bikers asked him to play some      C & W , INSTEAD OF BADASS BIKER MUSIC...    There is a difference between the movie soundtrack music and the stuff a lot of Bikers prefer. The Grateful Dead always had a huge following with The Angels. So did Big Brother and The Holding Co. . Blue Cheer , it seems , had a lesser following. Even tho' they had an ex- Angel Manager , and they sounded like a chopper being dumped off the top of The Empire State Building....David Allan Coe , too , has a very big Biker following. I like him , too , but , it's surprising when you realize how mellow music for badasses can be....

    • November 14, 2011 7:38 PM CST
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      OMFG ! I don't think I've even heard of this !!! The roughest bunch since..."The boys in  the band". HA HA HAAAAA.....THERE'S GAY CAR CLUBS , THERE'S PROBABLY GAY MOTOCYCLE "CLUBS" , TOO . THERE'S THE EXTREMELY BUTCH BIKER NOVELTY SONG "I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH".....

      joey fuckup said:

      I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film:

    • November 14, 2011 2:25 PM CST
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      although a cover, the Johnny's do a great version of Chris Spedding's Motorbikin'

    • November 14, 2011 11:29 AM CST
    • Untitled

      I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film:

    • November 14, 2011 5:12 AM CST
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      joey fuckup said:

      This band, the Angry Breed, are here on the Hideout, and they're into the biker image as well:

      Yeah, we're going for a biker image although we're not into "real" biker culture. Our thing are the movies and soundtracks of the biker exploitation film genre, mainly during the years 1966-68, although everything we do are our own originals. We're currently working on two songs for a split 45 EP with Italian fuzz masters The Hangee V (due to be released early next year) that will come loaded with... yes, you guessed it - FUZZ!

      Btw, I just picked up Devil's Angels which is now out on DVD for the first time. The movie soundtrack is totally packed with great Davie Allan stuff - just check out the first few minutes to get an idea of what I'm talking about:

      Fuzz on!

    • November 13, 2011 10:41 PM CST
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      That is SUCH a great film....We , in the states , had to rely on piss - poor , washed out LP or even SLP speed VHS tape copies , because the movie was in the Public Domain (Which I support , but , it also means you can get real crap , even if you did'nt pay very much for it...). It took forever to see a proper video release , and , only , recently , on DVD , here....

      Any of you guys like the early 70's Hammer , Tigon and Amicus "Hip" Horror , and can envision it crossed with Badass British Bikers , the strangely - named "Psychomania" (It's about Bikers who learn how to come back from the dead , with unlimited supernatural powers , NOT A madhouse epic.) . Our own "Werewolves on Wheels" pales in comparison , but , it's good for a laugh.

      amoebaboy said:

      i would like to contribute with this cult brit biker flick from the seventies.

      great theme tune

    • November 11, 2011 6:15 PM CST
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      I'm sorry I said "Of course" so many times. I was'nt aware I was doing that....

      A friend of mine met a very drunk Jack Nicholson at The Ritz (Nightclub) in New York , IN THE 80's. He just walked up to him , and said , "HEY , JACK ! HAVE YOU TALKED TO THE MONKEES , LATELY , Y'KNOW , SINCE YOU DID "HEAD" WITH THEM?!"   JACK: " NAAAAAAHH. HAVE'NT TALKED TO THOSE GUYS IN A LONG TIME , MAN." HA HA HA HA HA.

      John Battles said:

      Good find ! Yeah , Jack Nicholson was in "Rebel Rousers" AND "Hells' Angels on Wheels", if my memory serves me correctly...But , I don't know which movie you mean , that might be the same as H.A.O.W.    Nicholson made his first few pictures in the late 50's , The Cry Baby Killer , I think , was the second. There was another J.D. pic he had a small part in , I forget , then he got with Roger Corman and AIP , and did "The Terror" with Boris Karloff , "The Raven" with Karloff , Vincent Price and Peter Lorre. Then , of course , there was "Psych - Out", some years later , and , of course , he co-wrote "Head" with Bob Rafelson , The Monkees and Murray G. Wanna. "Easy Rider" did'nt even have a working script , we're told , but , it works. Of course , those are just highlights. He was very young , maybe early 20's , when he started out. You should see "The Terror" , just to see a teenaged - looking Jack play a Soldier in The French Army , with NO attempt at a French accent.... 

      Bry Nylon said:

      Hi John an old 1 sided radio spot - 1min / 30sec / 10sec ...maybe it was the same film under another name 'Hells Angels on Wheels' ? - apparently Jack Nicholsons 1st film -

      John Battles said:

      Also by the bad , bad Crestones , "The Chopper" . Probably one of the first Rock'n'Roll songs to refer directly to choppers."So if you're cruisin' around , lookin' for a go , come around the South Side of Chicago. I'll show you what I mean when my chopper starts to scream !".

      kopper said:

    • November 11, 2011 6:10 PM CST
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      Good find ! Yeah , Jack Nicholson was in "Rebel Rousers" AND "Hells' Angels on Wheels", if my memory serves me correctly...But , I don't know which movie you mean , that might be the same as H.A.O.W.    Nicholson made his first few pictures in the late 50's , The Cry Baby Killer , I think , was the second. There was another J.D. pic he had a small part in , I forget , then he got with Roger Corman and AIP , and did "The Terror" with Boris Karloff , "The Raven" with Karloff , Vincent Price and Peter Lorre. Then , of course , there was "Psych - Out", some years later , and , of course , he co-wrote "Head" with Bob Rafelson , The Monkees and Murray G. Wanna. "Easy Rider" did'nt even have a working script , we're told , but , it works. Of course , those are just highlights. He was very young , maybe early 20's , when he started out. You should see "The Terror" , just to see a teenaged - looking Jack play a Soldier in The French Army , with NO attempt at a French accent.... 

      Bry Nylon said:

      Hi John an old 1 sided radio spot - 1min / 30sec / 10sec ...maybe it was the same film under another name 'Hells Angels on Wheels' ? - apparently Jack Nicholsons 1st film -

      John Battles said:

      Also by the bad , bad Crestones , "The Chopper" . Probably one of the first Rock'n'Roll songs to refer directly to choppers."So if you're cruisin' around , lookin' for a go , come around the South Side of Chicago. I'll show you what I mean when my chopper starts to scream !".

      kopper said:

    • November 11, 2011 3:10 PM CST
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      i would like to contribute with this cult brit biker flick from the seventies.

      great theme tune

    • November 11, 2011 2:56 PM CST
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    • November 11, 2011 2:01 PM CST
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      Sailcat had a big hit with "Motorcycle Mama" ('72 ?). I heard it on the radio for about a week , when I was a kid.

      Ike and Tina Turner - "The Chopper".

      Moby Grape - "Motorcycle Irene".

      Iron Butterfly - "Easy Rider" (No relation to the film or Hendrix's similarly - named song , but about straddlin' a righteous hog , all the same. When I saw them , in '96 , Doug Ingle dedicated the song to the owners of all the sweet rides parked outside.).

      Vince Taylor - "Jet Black Machine".

      Cheers - "Black Denim Trousers (And Motorcycle Boots)".

      Blue Cheer - "When Two Spirits Touch" - Actually a very sweet tune. Guest guitar by Tony McPhee (Groundhogs). Possibly the only Biker tune by the ultimate Biker band.

      The Leather Boy -" On The Go". Not the 80's (?) act of the same name , but the enigmatic Studio Punk on MGM, mid - 60's (Actually posed in a black leather jacket on the 45 sleeve , a decidedly homoerotic gesture in pre - Fonzie , pre - Ramones America.).

      Suicide - "Ghost Rider".

      Greaseballs - "Rice Burner" (It's cool. One of 'em is Amerasian. Another is Bill Bulinski from The Electras !).

      Girl Trouble - "Sister Mary Motorcycle".

      The Pack (Jack Van Horn - Link Wray's Raymen.) - "Get off My Hog".

      Motorhead - "Iron Horse".

      Chocolate Watchband - "Devil's Motorcycle" (May not be about motorcycles at all , the difficult - to - decipher lyrics seem to be more about comic book - type imagery . But , I don't know. A great song is a great song.)

      Brigitte Bardot - "Harley Davidson".

      Willie The Wild One - "Willie The Wild One". (The Angels are my buddies , the girls , they love my style ! My hair is long and purple , maybe that's why I'm WILD !".).

    • November 11, 2011 1:42 PM CST
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    • November 11, 2011 1:33 PM CST
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      Also by the bad , bad Crestones , "The Chopper" . Probably one of the first Rock'n'Roll songs to refer directly to choppers."So if you're cruisin' around , lookin' for a go , come around the South Side of Chicago. I'll show you what I mean when my chopper starts to scream !".

      kopper said:

    • November 11, 2011 1:29 PM CST
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      I dunno if Canned Heat could be classified as "biker rock", but the Oakland Angels left their "APPROVED BY THE HELL'S ANGELS" logo on the band's albums :):):):):)



    • November 11, 2011 1:25 PM CST
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      RIP MARISKA VERES::(:(:(:(

      Bry Nylon said:

      try this one by - shocking blue - harley davidson




    • November 11, 2011 12:11 PM CST
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      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • November 9, 2011 6:05 PM CST
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      this is the first what come to my mind :P

    • November 9, 2011 11:05 AM CST
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      My favorite biker songs are PJ Harvey's Motorbike and Richard Thompson's 1952 Vincent Black Lightning. I can't listen to music while I ride the Honda but I hum along in my head.

    • November 9, 2011 8:26 AM CST
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      Check out THE DEMONICS-that is great stuff!!!!!They have lots of biker AND surfer feeling and attitude(mid 90s).If you like it harder-the first Cicus of Power-released `88-it`s true cult for bikers.

    • November 8, 2011 7:31 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Here's "Cycle Sounds" by the Angry Breed:

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