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  • Topic: What's your favorite thing about the GaragePunk Hideout?

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    • October 30, 2011 12:01 PM CDT
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      I mean if you want to find out what's going on at Panic Room (Essen) they have a nasty myspace site. And I don't think they update it that regularly, so that it's often easier for me to walk past it on the way to clients than to look on the site. The "bloody" wouldn't tell you that I live in Essen though as I'm an ex-pat.


      hi mike,

       what is your city? from the "bloody" we bet it ain't tulsa! a bit confused as to how the bars are tuned into myspace or the way that a bar could be tuned into garage punk hideout. do you mean that their websites feature music or bands from myspace?

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      It's all about the podcasts, those things are where I learn about cool new (to me) music. It's a bit of a shame though that the bars in my city aren't tuned into this site, instead they are on myspace which grinds my computer to a halt every time I use the bloody thing.
    • October 30, 2011 11:36 AM CDT
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      It was the music that drew me here initially although most of the people I talk to on the 'net I met through here as well. 

      I don't go out too much, but if I hit a rockabilly, punk, etc. store or bar I'm amazed that they aren't playing stuff from here or most haven't necessarily heard of it. We proud garage soldiers should correct this. Start with some serious word o' mouth and if that don't work jump behind the counters and turn the digital station. 

    • October 30, 2011 11:02 AM CDT
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      The only negative I could say is that the frequent, on topic (non spam) discussion around here seems to only be limited to a handful of members, I mean, there is obviously a lot information shared between all of us but I belonged to a garage punk forum several years ago (I'm not sure about the relation) and all the forums, regular discussion and promotion, moved REALLY fast.
    • October 30, 2011 7:44 AM CDT
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      hi mike,

       what is your city? from the "bloody" we bet it ain't tulsa! a bit confused as to how the bars are tuned into myspace or the way that a bar could be tuned into garage punk hideout. do you mean that their websites feature music or bands from myspace?

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      It's all about the podcasts, those things are where I learn about cool new (to me) music. It's a bit of a shame though that the bars in my city aren't tuned into this site, instead they are on myspace which grinds my computer to a halt every time I use the bloody thing.
    • October 30, 2011 3:12 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      It's all about the podcasts, those things are where I learn about cool new (to me) music. It's a bit of a shame though that the bars in my city aren't tuned into this site, instead they are on myspace which grinds my computer to a halt every time I use the bloody thing.
    • October 30, 2011 1:05 AM CDT
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      Favorite thing: Discovering new music, I mean old music that is new to me!


      Least favorite thing: All the action seems focused in the main forum and not enough going on in the groups.

    • October 29, 2011 9:45 PM CDT
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      thanks mardy. i think we used the word "petty" wrongly. we meant small not mean.

      Mardy Pune said:

      My Favourite thing about the site are the Podcasts, closely followed by the good people I've met here.

      There's not a lot to not like here, did that make sense?? I can't be bothered been petty, there's enough negative crap on the internet already...

    • October 29, 2011 5:52 PM CDT
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      My Favourite thing about the site are the Podcasts, closely followed by the good people I've met here.

      There's not a lot to not like here, did that make sense?? I can't be bothered been petty, there's enough negative crap on the internet already...

    • October 29, 2011 1:42 PM CDT
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      it was a joke mina. sorry for it's weakness. it was a satire on over sensitivity.

      Mina said:

      OMG what the fuck is your problem dude? You already have started the worst thread on the Hideout with your dumbfuck question 'What is garagemusic?' and now you're telling me how to speak to you? Get real dude. The duh part means it's fucking obvious that the fucking podcasts are the best part of the Hideout. Now stfu. If you think this was an attack or provocation, then you got a lot to learn. You have no idea what I'm capable of.



      we consider your "duh" to be an unparalleled attack and an all around uncalled for provocation. you should be ashamed! please dial it down. we are pretty sensitive.

      Mina said:
      The Podcasts duh
    • October 29, 2011 1:40 PM CDT
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      thank you for asking. since this is really personal i will speak for only myself instead of my band. my name is louie.

       the thing that i love and most appreciate here is that it is one man's singular vision. i get no sense of committee compromise that leads to pleasant but decidedly weak tea. all the other band and music sights are nothing more than bullshit advertising scams aimed at potential suckers. they are loathesome fee generators for asinine competitions that are dubious in a really criminal way. they prey on people who are genuinely trying to create something of worth. that is just evil. please note i am not talking about personal music blogs. i am talking about worthless time wasters like reverbnation and the like.

        what has been achieved here is astounding. great passion and care is everywhere. the podcasts and the truly mind blowing comps that illustrate the astounding wealth of real artists whose only reward can only be doing what they believe to be true. when first coming here i thought it would turn out to be of traditional worthlessness. the quality of the music on the comps stomped hard on that thought. they mostly put the big label indies to shame.


         what is my least favorite thing here? it has to do with the fact that i have always been a band leader. i would never work on someone elses dream. mine must always be the guiding vision. that said i know that i would be worthless without the my fellow band members whose talent is far greater than mine. i can't even play an instrument for chrissake. what i contribute is a firm and resolute idea of what is right for my band. they come up with the ideas and i work to shape them into something i consider unique. that is my job.

       seeing kopper work i get a feeling what it is like to be in someone elses dream. it makes me think and feel uncomfortable. but it also makes me see the rewards that can be had.


        so my least favorite thing is that it is one man's singular vision.

      joey fuckup said:

      How about revealing what YOUR "favorite" or "least" favorite things are?
    • October 29, 2011 12:56 PM CDT
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      How about revealing what YOUR "favorite" or "least" favorite things are?
    • October 29, 2011 12:52 PM CDT
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      we consider your "duh" to be an unparalleled attack and an all around uncalled for provocation. you should be ashamed! please dial it down. we are pretty sensitive.

      Mina said:
      The Podcasts duh
    • October 29, 2011 12:37 PM CDT
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      we are sorry you do not wish to share your most favorite thing.  that is cool.
      joey fuckup said:
      Well, I've already told you my "least fave" thing...As for my "can't do without"? The entire site (to me) is a total package, with rewards around every corner. Like Kopper has pointed out, there's the podcasts, the comps, etc. So much on here, if people would take the time and explore. That's all you have to do, just poke around, and you won't have to worry about overlooking anything.

      we understand your point joey but let us make this  clearer. your least favorite thing does not necessarily mean a complaint. if you have a list of 20 favorite things in some sort of order then your 20th thing would be your least favorite. possibly the thing you care about least. we are trying to see how others are using and enjoying the site so we can maybe find something cool we have overlooked. don't you think that exchange of insight would be helpful to everyone? what is your "can't do without it" here?

      joey fuckup said:
      Well, I'm not sure about anybody's "least favorite" thing, but there shouldn't even be a category for that, honestly. This site offers many rewards (socializing, free music, fun groups to join, etc.), and I know you don't mean any disrespect, but nobody on here has any right to complain about anything (not saying YOU are) especially since this is a FREE social network. And regardless of what certain people don't like, even if THAT something changes, people will still complain about it. That would be my "least favorite" thing...People complained about the layout of the site, so Kopper simplified it, and still people had the nerve to bitch about it. So I guess that's my "least favorite" thing, people who come on here, join for FREE, and complain. If they don't like it, they have the choice of not coming back on here...
    • October 29, 2011 12:33 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Well, I've already told you my "least fave" thing...As for my "can't do without"? The entire site (to me) is a total package, with rewards around every corner. Like Kopper has pointed out, there's the podcasts, the comps, etc. So much on here, if people would take the time and explore. That's all you have to do, just poke around, and you won't have to worry about overlooking anything.

      we understand your point joey but let us make this  clearer. your least favorite thing does not necessarily mean a complaint. if you have a list of 20 favorite things in some sort of order then your 20th thing would be your least favorite. possibly the thing you care about least. we are trying to see how others are using and enjoying the site so we can maybe find something cool we have overlooked. don't you think that exchange of insight would be helpful to everyone? what is your "can't do without it" here?

      joey fuckup said:
      Well, I'm not sure about anybody's "least favorite" thing, but there shouldn't even be a category for that, honestly. This site offers many rewards (socializing, free music, fun groups to join, etc.), and I know you don't mean any disrespect, but nobody on here has any right to complain about anything (not saying YOU are) especially since this is a FREE social network. And regardless of what certain people don't like, even if THAT something changes, people will still complain about it. That would be my "least favorite" thing...People complained about the layout of the site, so Kopper simplified it, and still people had the nerve to bitch about it. So I guess that's my "least favorite" thing, people who come on here, join for FREE, and complain. If they don't like it, they have the choice of not coming back on here...
    • October 29, 2011 12:30 PM CDT
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      those 2 favorites are great and  indispensable. don't know about the missing joiners but we don't think we have ever seen spam on this sight. unless we have a different definition of spam of course.

      kopper said:

      My favorite thing (besides the obvious: the amazing podcasts and the free Hideout compilations) would be people who use the site for its intended purpose (networking, talking about this music, exchanging information, sharing music, videos, etc.), and least favorite would be a tie between people who sign up just to spam us and those who sign up but then never return.

    • October 29, 2011 12:24 PM CDT
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      we understand your point joey but let us make this  clearer. your least favorite thing does not necessarily mean a complaint. if you have a list of 20 favorite things in some sort of order then your 20th thing would be your least favorite. possibly the thing you care about least. we are trying to see how others are using and enjoying the site so we can maybe find something cool we have overlooked. don't you think that exchange of insight would be helpful to everyone? what is your "can't do without it" here?

      joey fuckup said:
      Well, I'm not sure about anybody's "least favorite" thing, but there shouldn't even be a category for that, honestly. This site offers many rewards (socializing, free music, fun groups to join, etc.), and I know you don't mean any disrespect, but nobody on here has any right to complain about anything (not saying YOU are) especially since this is a FREE social network. And regardless of what certain people don't like, even if THAT something changes, people will still complain about it. That would be my "least favorite" thing...People complained about the layout of the site, so Kopper simplified it, and still people had the nerve to bitch about it. So I guess that's my "least favorite" thing, people who come on here, join for FREE, and complain. If they don't like it, they have the choice of not coming back on here...
    • October 29, 2011 12:15 PM CDT
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      My favorite thing (besides the obvious: the amazing podcasts and the free Hideout compilations) would be people who use the site for its intended purpose (networking, talking about this music, exchanging information, sharing music, videos, etc.), and least favorite would be a tie between people who sign up just to spam us and those who sign up but then never return.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 29, 2011 12:06 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Well, I'm not sure about anybody's "least favorite" thing, but there shouldn't even be a category for that, honestly. This site offers many rewards (socializing, free music, fun groups to join, etc.), and I know you don't mean any disrespect, but nobody on here has any right to complain about anything (not saying YOU are) especially since this is a FREE social network. And regardless of what certain people don't like, even if THAT something changes, people will still complain about it. That would be my "least favorite" thing...People complained about the layout of the site, so Kopper simplified it, and still people had the nerve to bitch about it. So I guess that's my "least favorite" thing, people who come on here, join for FREE, and complain. If they don't like it, they have the choice of not coming back on here...

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