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  • Topic: Mac or PC?

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    • October 6, 2011 11:27 AM CDT
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      In light of the recent passing of Steve Jobs, which one do you prefer?
    • June 12, 2012 12:43 PM CDT
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      I have used both, I got my first computer in 4th grade, it was a Tandy something...then I got into doing graphics on a PC and it kinda sucked (it was the late 80's) switched to MAC, started working on those, but didn't have one of my own because I couldn't afford one. I made my own's fast, has about 3tbs of storage, I can customize anything I want and altogether it only cost about 400 bucks. Plus I also use a lot of open source programs and work with coding and design software that sucks when used on a MAC...So I'm a PC lover...

    • June 5, 2012 10:08 AM CDT
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      Steve Jobs had an approach to make everything proprietary down to needing a special tool made only by Apple just to open the case on his products. The advantage of this is that everything works, but the disadvantage is lack of customizability and flexibility. You just have to ask yourself one question: Do I want to allow the technology to tell ME what to do or do I want to tell the TECHNOLOGY what to do? If tech is to be your servant go with PC. If you want lack of snags and can pay the big bucks OR if you're really into the under the hood stuff and have to have elegance in your operating system go with Mac. 

    • December 3, 2011 6:09 PM CST
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      Learned Computer stuff in the 80's with a Tandy somethingorother. Worked for a guy who was Mac/Apple obsessed. Even started writing macros to link our shipping computers and printers together.

      Then came the DNC server based CNC equipment.

      I bought my first PC in the early 90's and never really looked back. Since then ALL my design and engineering software is PC based. No choice. Recently there have been a few attempts at Mac based solid modeling software but it's like, token software if you get my drift.

      Macs are wonderful things for some people but not for others. Blind brand loyalty blows.

    • October 7, 2011 3:14 AM CDT
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      I've always used a PC with Windoze. Why? I can afford one, I can customize the living shit out of it and the biggest two reasons; Cause I like violent video games and I think consoles are consumerist bullshit. Plus I use a lot of freeware/very cheap software from the net that I rely on heavily to do stuff, some of which isn't available for Mac's.

      I've also been tinkering with Linux a bit over the last few years and as far as I'm aware making a Mac into a dual boot machine is more trouble than it's worth.

      I'd like to own a Mac, when I've had to use them I've found them very intuitive to use but the tech support down here totally blows, everyone I know that's had Mac problems has had to pay massive amounts of money to get the problem fixed and that normally takes a couple of goes. Seriously, $700.00 to get a $90.00 hard drive and a Mac OS installed! Fucking rip off!


      Ha ha, Internet Explorer?? Do people still use that??

      Actually my first computer was a Commodore 64, a totally rocking 8 bit monster!

    • October 6, 2011 1:47 PM CDT
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      I've used Macs since high school. Bought my first one in 1994 and have never used anything else. I can't imagine NOT owning a Mac, honestly. People might complain about their higher prices, but they forget the software that comes bundled with each one, including a lot of stuff that would cost you a lot of money to put onto a PC. That, and their warranties and support are amazing. I've had issues with some of my computers over the years and they always offer to repair them under warranty, even if they're a few months outside the warranty window.

      I also love the OS better than Windbloze. It's much smoother, softer, nicer to look at, and intuitively easy to find things. Microsoft has always appeared to be several years behind... and don't even get me started on Internet Explorer. Also, the fact that there are virtually no issues with viruses also adds to its appeal.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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