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  • Topic: Occupy Wall Street Protests

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    • September 26, 2011 10:39 AM CDT
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      Anybody have any opinion about the Wall Street protests?



      I'm surprised that I actually haven't heard more about this. I'm only starting to read about them and I'm trying to get info from as many sources as possible. It's kinda nuts, though, that they're saying that it looks like the protestors may not go away, but instead become a part of everyday life in Manhattan.

    • December 22, 2011 4:02 PM CST
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      Well, DC has put out their anti-OWS message, which trickled down to the mayors and police dept.s, but people are still pissed, they don't go away just because you take the camps away. That 84-year old woman in Seattle who got sprayed said she grew up in Hitler's Austria, and she sees the same thing here, not coming, but here right now. The media do their best to distort but at least some of the Occupiers will keep coming back to keep the message public. The potential for a 'perfect storm' worldwide is here. All the governments have to do is keep eroding our rights and quality of life, at some point the match hits the gasoline. Funny how the world tilted right-wing once we elected Obama (not connected, just weird).

      But here is a bit of levity to brighten up your day: 5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation

    • November 1, 2011 6:52 PM CDT
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      A friend in Nashville mentioned that her bank had suddenly dropped a $5 monthly fee on her debit card and she didn't know why. When I mentioned that I thought it was an indirect result of the Occupy movement, she said, "Oh, those hippies protesting in New York?" What can I say; she only watches the local news.

      After a 5 minute check of my browser history, I sent her a laundry list of links to news and videos about the Movement, then didn't hear from her for about 2 hours. When I did, she said she was going down to Occupy Nashville tomorrow, on her day off and taking 4 friends!!

      Let's hear it for social networking!!

    • October 31, 2011 10:09 AM CDT
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      The strangest thing happened yesterday; I live in Idaho, a tough, very conservative, religious state. I spoke to two business owners, both Republican and both had just switched their banking from major banks to credit unions. But both thought the Occupy movement was pointless...the irony fried me.
    • October 25, 2011 3:21 PM CDT
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      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 11, 2011 5:00 PM CDT
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      Also the idea of a general strike is brilliant. I think it would have to be complete and national though. It is truly the only thing that will work, and the only thing that is working in Chile and the Middle East. Labor is our only collective "asset" and our only leverage.

    • October 11, 2011 4:56 PM CDT
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      As Jon Stewart pointed out it's gone from media Blackout to utter fucking Circus. There are some historical obstacles that the Left needs to overcome if this is going to become a long term movement in the U.S. including media, message cohesion, creative protest, and organized leadership. Fortunately, international times have changed enough and U.S. manufacturing and culture have not been keeping up. Folks are frustrated and our youth is not yet disillusioned, this could really last beyond just a single issue!
    • October 1, 2011 10:16 AM CDT
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      Amen to that. I swore off cable long ago, but friends who have it tell me that if not for the internet they wouldn't have heard of it at all. It's Corporate Censorship at it's worst, and yet the Conservatives persist in saying that the media have a "Liberal Bias". Can you say 'Bullsh*t', boys and girls?!

    • September 30, 2011 5:16 PM CDT
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      This news never made it into our media. Which didn't surprise me at all. There seems to be a blanket over reporting this sort of thing since the Seattle WTO riots. I'm just glad there's the internet so I can find out what's happening around the world!
    • September 28, 2011 3:32 PM CDT
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      The police brutality towards the peaceful marchers is terrible. Fuckin' police state. When this sort of shit happens in the Mid East, everyone gets angry. When it happens in the USA, it's "oh, those hippies deserve what's comin'." Fucked up.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 26, 2011 1:08 PM CDT
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      I don't have much hope that it will really change anything, but it is nice to know that other people are pissed.  I think what we really need is a general strike ,don't go to work, don't buy anything ! Even a day or two.

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