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  • Topic: Looking to get turned on to some "new" music (new to me)...

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    • September 21, 2011 1:21 AM CDT
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      Lately I've rediscovered The Animals who's distinct sound led me to discover and fall in love with Them (Van Morrison). Do any of you out there know of bands that would also reflect that specific sound? And what is the name of that specific genre? I've heard it called Blues Beat...idk.


      Thanks to All...



    • September 26, 2011 5:56 PM CDT
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      This might not be exactly what you're looking for, as these guys are very recent (split up in 2006), but look up The Fog Band. Very R&B based, but also very garage influenced mod revivalists. Their lead singer, Bobby Grindrod, went on the form the Soul/indie band, Friends of The Bride.


      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • September 26, 2011 2:58 PM CDT
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      rockhouseally , I think I replied to you , when I meant to reply  to Mina. But , it's all the same. I remember when almost nobody I knew was into this stuff. In my last semester of College , I was meeting people that were into Pych and Garage, BUT , NONE OF THEM WERE STARTING BANDS , OR , IF THEY DID , NOT IN THAT VEIN , Notable exceptions being Lithium Xmas and Peyote Cowboys , both more Psych than Garage. There was another band , in Dallas , called The Shitty Beatles (The originals and still champs.) . They did some of the "Nuggets" songs  , as well as "Psycho" by The Sonics . But , they were in their mid 30's , had nerdy glasses (THEN , punishable by The Fashion Police.) , not skinny with Led Zeppeliney hair , so , they never caught on with the burgeoning , ageist , Deep Ellum music scene at the time. Even Reverend Horton Heat had to work shit - hard to win over the younger crowd , because he was (Ulp !) 27 years old !!!!!!!

      John Battles said:
      Mina - Well , remember , it's your music , too.     I have seen people become alienated by their own local music scenes. But  there WAS no Garage scene where I lived when I started getting into this stuff. When I moved to Chicago , I knew about 3 people that were real devotees. Not enough to call it a "Scene" HA HA.

      rockhousesally said:
      I know, it's crazy that even found this site. I always thought this music was too far out there for me, but I hadn't really listened to it. Only judged the oddness of the scene that I had observed out here in San Diego. It just seemed so obscure and a little pompous really. But after discovering The Sonics I just couldn't deny that sound. It is so fucking punk rock! Thank you all for being welcoming and teaching me about your music. I'm really enjoying sampling all of your picks!

      Mark George Harrison said:

      dont forget 'the action', 'the attack' early Chris farlowe and even the Small Faces.

      Freakbeat was a weird genre that only really lasted through 1966, a stranger r and b and a pre-cursor of psych.

      on cd theres also 'the freakbeat scene' on Deram and 'freakbeat freakout' on Sequel.

      How I envy you discovering all these bands for the first time! and the beauty of a site like this is all the knowledge that you can tap!

    • September 26, 2011 2:42 PM CDT
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      Mark George , I can't believe just HOW underrated The Troggs still are , they're all across the board. The "Archaeology" set bears this out. I had the good fortune of seeing them live , and meeting them , one time. They were the coolest , friendliest ,AND most hilarious people you could wish to meet. If they're playing within 200 miles of your home , yeah , you should.       The Equals , there's another band that's covered more styles than a band should have a right to , and still come out on top , as they did. You can buy a 25 , or even 50 track  set of either band's original recordings , and find yourself liking all , or nearly all of it. 

      Mark George Harrison said:

      JB completely agree, The Troggs did some awesome stuff but seem consigned to being known as a novelty pop act cos of 'wild thing'. Shame really as other songs like 'our love will still be there' and 'lost little girl' are as good as anything of the time.

      the equals should be in everyones collection and yet very few people know anything about them. even the detroit cobras did an Equals cover. And they were one of the first multi-racial Brit bands as well.

      Whilst on the RnB vibe then of course theres all the Pebbles, Back from the Graves etc etc etc...........where does it end??

      hope youve got an inheritance to spend Sally!

    • September 26, 2011 2:14 PM CDT
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      Mina - Well , remember , it's your music , too.     I have seen people become alienated by their own local music scenes. But  there WAS no Garage scene where I lived when I started getting into this stuff. When I moved to Chicago , I knew about 3 people that were real devotees. Not enough to call it a "Scene" HA HA.

      rockhousesally said:
      I know, it's crazy that even found this site. I always thought this music was too far out there for me, but I hadn't really listened to it. Only judged the oddness of the scene that I had observed out here in San Diego. It just seemed so obscure and a little pompous really. But after discovering The Sonics I just couldn't deny that sound. It is so fucking punk rock! Thank you all for being welcoming and teaching me about your music. I'm really enjoying sampling all of your picks!

      Mark George Harrison said:

      dont forget 'the action', 'the attack' early Chris farlowe and even the Small Faces.

      Freakbeat was a weird genre that only really lasted through 1966, a stranger r and b and a pre-cursor of psych.

      on cd theres also 'the freakbeat scene' on Deram and 'freakbeat freakout' on Sequel.

      How I envy you discovering all these bands for the first time! and the beauty of a site like this is all the knowledge that you can tap!

    • September 26, 2011 3:24 AM CDT
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      JB completely agree, The Troggs did some awesome stuff but seem consigned to being known as a novelty pop act cos of 'wild thing'. Shame really as other songs like 'our love will still be there' and 'lost little girl' are as good as anything of the time.

      the equals should be in everyones collection and yet very few people know anything about them. even the detroit cobras did an Equals cover. And they were one of the first multi-racial Brit bands as well.

      Whilst on the RnB vibe then of course theres all the Pebbles, Back from the Graves etc etc etc...........where does it end??

      hope youve got an inheritance to spend Sally!

    • September 25, 2011 9:54 PM CDT
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      Mark George , Yeah , what we call "Freakbeat" , now , some bands , like The Dave Clark 5 and even The Tremeloes , I'm just now finding out , had at least one or two killer Freakbeat sides. Most people would argue it's heyday was 66 - 67 , but there were still traces of it in England after the "Summer of Love " had passed. "I Can See , But You Don't Know" by The Equals and "Feels Like a Woman " by The Troggs were both released in 1970. There are a lot of good comps ( The Rubble series was one of the first , and most of that stuff still holds up , today . Electric Sugar Cube Flashbacks also had some great tracks on each volume , and , I think , came out several years earlier.)....Of course , I'd recommend the "Nuggets 2 " box set to anyone who wants to get a crash course in English Mod/Psych/Freakbeat.  I recommend the first Nuggets box set , too. I told this College student I met , who'd asked me about it , I had most of that stuff already ,but , it was good to have it all with GOOD sound (Even Rhino sometimes dropped the ball , there , previously) , and it's a good starting point. If you find some bands you really like , you can pursue them further.
    • September 25, 2011 3:09 PM CDT
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      dont forget 'the action', 'the attack' early Chris farlowe and even the Small Faces.

      Freakbeat was a weird genre that only really lasted through 1966, a stranger r and b and a pre-cursor of psych.

      on cd theres also 'the freakbeat scene' on Deram and 'freakbeat freakout' on Sequel.

      How I envy you discovering all these bands for the first time! and the beauty of a site like this is all the knowledge that you can tap!

    • September 23, 2011 8:00 PM CDT
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       I think Fred Cole would be overjoyed to even be considered in this conversation , truth be known. He was and is a huge Yardbirds fan. A huge early career disappointment was getting the call to go to San Francisco to open for The Yardbirds at The Fillmore on one of their last U.S. tours , if not the last. When he and The Weeds got to the venue  , they were told no such booking had been made.    Pretty much anything Cole has done during , and since , The Lollipop Shoppe/Weeds (Same band.) era comes recommended , though , no , it's not for everybody.
    • September 23, 2011 7:52 PM CDT
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       Julia , I think most people just call it "Brit R'n'B"....Turn yourself on to The Pretty Things , Downliners Sect , Yardbirds , Spencer Davis Group , stuff like that , if you have'nt already. I know these are more obvious suggestions , and other people may have more ideas , at the drop of a hat , that had'nt occured to me . Some of the British Invasion bands started out with more R'n'B leanings , but , went more Pop , like The Moody Blues , Zombies , Wayne Fontana and The Mindbenders , Searchers , Manfred Mann . iT'S FUN TO GO BACK AND CHECK OUT WHICH ONES STARTED MORE BLUES OR R'n'B Based , THEN ,WENT INTO SOMETHING ELSE..... Best , John.
    • September 23, 2011 2:29 PM CDT
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      Eric Burdon and The Animals was an another setup of a band.. my favourite record is winds of change if you haven't heard that one.. He so friggin good singer..


      Maybe not exactly like Animals but british(irish/scottish??) Marmalade has some very good tunes


      The Wheels were Them's buddies in the Belfast scene. But they only released one 7"



      and finally Mirage were really nice freakbeat-rockin stuff. they covered Tomorow Never Knows very well..



    • September 23, 2011 7:52 AM CDT
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      No, both the Weeds and Lollipop Shoppe are '60s bands. Not sure which one you looked up on Wikipedia for that bit of (incorrect) info, but I wouldn't rely on it that much.

      Fred Cole, who was in both those bands, is still active these days. He and his wife, Toody, were in Dead Moon and have a band called the Pierced Arrows these days. Very cool, unique bands. Not for everybody, though.

      rockhousesally said:

      Thanks for the video. I just looked them up on Wikipedia and was shocked to see that they came out in 1986! That sound is so typical of the 60's though. Very cool that they could capture that feeling :) thanks...

      stiv rippengal said:

      would the weeds/lollipop shoppe fall into this category?? regardless, they are awesome...was going to try putting a video in but dunno how to, check them out anyway if you haven't heard them!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 22, 2011 12:02 PM CDT
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      Click the "Media" button (third one from the left) when you go to post your message and paste in the embed code from YouTube or wherever.

      stiv rippengal said:

      would the weeds/lollipop shoppe fall into this category?? regardless, they are awesome...was going to try putting a video in but dunno how to, check them out anyway if you haven't heard them!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 21, 2011 12:33 PM CDT
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      Two more: The (Dutch) Outsiders and Q65:



      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 21, 2011 12:27 PM CDT
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      The Birds and The Sorrows, definitely. Good calls, Dead Boy.

      The Birds reminded me of another modern band she should check into, too, the Embrooks (probably because they cover "Say Those Magic Words"). Here's another good one:


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 21, 2011 11:58 AM CDT
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      I actually haven't heard a lot of the Animal's tunes, but how about the Sorrows;

      the Troggs;


      (Hmm,) the Creation;

      except the Pretties and the Yardbirds?

      Also I haven't heard a lot of tunes of these bands, but how about the Artwoods;

      the Birds;

      the Wimple Witch;

      John Mayall's Bluesbreakers?



      > what is the name of that specific genre?


      It's British Beat (or Merseybeat).

      "Then, Now and Rare British Beat 1960-1969", this book may be good to you.(?)


      You konw this version, right?

    • September 21, 2011 9:32 AM CDT
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      I don't know if you can still get the "Mojo Workout" double CD by Paul Revere & the Raiders, but if you can find it anywhere, GET IT. It was released on Sundazed Records 10 or 11 years ago, but I couldn't find it on their site so it might be OOP. It's one of thee most amazing early '60s live recordings I've ever heard (that one and The Shadows of Knight "Raw 'n' Alive at the Cellar").

      One more: Chants R&B "Stage Door Witchdoctors" on Bacchus Archives. You won't be sorry.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 21, 2011 9:22 AM CDT
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      Hmmm... I don't think the Monks fall in the same sound category as the Animals. The Monks really defy categorization, though. They had a lead BANJO player, fer cryin' out loud. Very unique (but great!) sound. They were sorta like the anti-Beatles. But yeah, the Pretty Things, Remains, and Yardbirds, definitely. The Who had much more of a mod sound that incorporated rhythm & blues (like so many other '60s bands). A lot of the other freakbeat stuff from England in the early- to mid-'60s is worth looking for, too, like the "English Freakbeat" comp series on Bomp/AIP (there's another comp series along the same lines but the name is escaping me at the moment). You should also check out early Stones if you haven't already, as well as the Kinks, Shadows of Knight, Dave Clark Five, and hell, Paul Revere & the Raiders for that matter. I'd also recommend the Flamin Groovies. You should check out a San Diego-based band from the '80s called The Crawdaddys (on Bomp), The Tell-Tale Hearts, Poison 13 from Texas, a Swedish '80s band called The Creeps, and one from late '70s Minneapolis called the Hypstrz (look for their live album... AMAZING). Another no-brainer for the '80s: The Gories. And for more modern stuff with bluesy/R&B leanings, I'd recommend The Greenhornes, The Mystery Girls, The Dirtbombs, Detroit Cobras, Reigning Sound, Compulsive Gamblers, Mr. Airplane Man, The Deadly Snakes, Lord High Fixers, the Woggles, Fleshtones, Chesterfield Kings, etc.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • September 21, 2011 7:04 AM CDT
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      If people aren't too snobby around here, we can get you a really huge list that'll keep you busy for the next ten years. Here's five of my faves from that era.

      1. The Pretty Things

      2. The Remains

      3. The Monks

      4. The Yardbirds

      5. The Who

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