HANK IV. HA HA HA.Hope he's better'n Hank III. i'M SORRY , HE DID A NO - COUNTRY , ALL - Rage Against The Machine set when I saw him. No one's talking about how Bocephus (There is only ONE Hank Williams.) made such an ass of himself on TV. HE NEEDS HANDLERS TO KEEP HIM FROM GETTING HAMMERED BEFORE HE TRIES TO TALK POLITICS ON NATIONAL TV. But watch for Roy Loney. Nice as the day is long , but , he makes Godzilla sound like Morrissey. The Legendary Stardust Cowboy , if you think he's just a Novelty act , he's got you in his sights , and there will be no "Single Bullet Theory". The Subsonics are still together ! YAY! No Bunny , c'mon! I don't even have to tell ya. Michael J. Pollard is making an appearance in Hollywood just to prove he's not No Bunny's Father....Besides, they don't even have Jackalope running wild in California.