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  • Topic: PAF Humbuckers vs Filtertron with FUZZ

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    • August 26, 2011 12:36 AM CDT
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      I got this pretty little guitar recently, a Schecter Vintage Solo which I call the 'poor man's Gretsch Duo Jet' and I'd like to upgrade the stock PUs. It comes with a Duncan Designed Filtertron clone in the neck and some regular Humbucker sized PU in the bridge.

      It's my first Humbucker guitar so I'd like to know what you guys think, are vintage PAF Humbuckers(maybe the 55 model or 57 or 59 - all sound great to me) or Filtertrons the way to go with Fuzz? Or a mix?

      The info I gathered is that PAF have about the double DC resistance than Trons and will sound more dark/warm/less trebely(is that a word?) than the Trons. As I play with P90s in another guitar, that sounds like the sound I am used to.

      But there is TV Jones and his Powertrons and Magnatrons, which have higher output than the standard Filertrons. Does anyone play them with fuzz?

    • September 2, 2011 12:59 AM CDT
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      I know I'm taking a risk getting a Powertron for the price of 3 or 4 GFS pus, but my guts tell me that it's the right choice (and if not there is always Ebay...).

    • August 29, 2011 10:22 PM CDT
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      I agree: those GFS pickups are great. Myself and several of my fellow gear/tech/guitar-head friends all agree. 

      The GFS Dream 90s are also great. An aficianado friend of mine says he'd take those over the Trons any day.


    • August 29, 2011 12:58 AM CDT
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      Thanks guys. Actually I just ordered the GFS Surf 90 for the bridge. It really is dirt cheap, even with postage from the USA to Finland. I understand it's a 50s Dynasonic clone(and a Singlecoil), but as I am a sucker for Rockabilly I don't mind and just hope I can get a fuzz sound out I dig(and people mention that they have a bit of P90s sound).

      If not I'll try one of the 50s Gibson PAF clones that are around.

      For the neck I'm thinking getting the TV Jones Powertron...Anyone plays those?

    • August 26, 2011 8:55 PM CDT
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      The GFS pickups are great! I've installed a ton of them without any complaints.

      dublÉ said:

      Congratulations!.. Schecters are great value!  But are you sure you really need to "upgrade" the pups?.. Was considering changing the DDes. humbuckers on my Schecter Corsair, but found out my money was best wasted elsewhere.

      A mix of tron and hb for neck and bridge sounds ideal by the way, a hbs in neck position can get excessively "dark" and muddied if you ask me... I have no experience with Filtertrons, but – like you – imagine them to be in the P90 neighborhood... which is an ecellent place to be!

      Anyway, if you want to try out different options, you should try out GFS pups (on Ebay)... They do all sorts of clones and crossbreeds, and sound great (have a couple of their P90's in a cheap Epi, which rival the one in my SG jnr.)... and don't be fooled by the price, cause they're dirt cheap!



    • August 26, 2011 2:05 PM CDT
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      ps i agree p-90s rock ,ilove the les paul jr
    • August 26, 2011 2:04 PM CDT
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      if you alter your amp to have a bit less bass and more treble then your humbuckers will be fine
    • August 26, 2011 2:20 AM CDT
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      Congratulations!.. Schecters are great value!  But are you sure you really need to "upgrade" the pups?.. Was considering changing the DDes. humbuckers on my Schecter Corsair, but found out my money was best wasted elsewhere.

      A mix of tron and hb for neck and bridge sounds ideal by the way, a hbs in neck position can get excessively "dark" and muddied if you ask me... I have no experience with Filtertrons, but – like you – imagine them to be in the P90 neighborhood... which is an ecellent place to be!

      Anyway, if you want to try out different options, you should try out GFS pups (on Ebay)... They do all sorts of clones and crossbreeds, and sound great (have a couple of their P90's in a cheap Epi, which rival the one in my SG jnr.)... and don't be fooled by the price, cause they're dirt cheap!



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