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  • Topic: Garage Rock Costumes

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    • August 4, 2011 8:06 AM CDT
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      A sense of style, or wearing costumes to be more theatrical, can be cool, but it should be about the music first.  Bands often use those things to compensate for not having really good songs.  I still like KISS, and I love that picture of that female tribute band (SLUTTER is a very clever name), but lets face it, they were  a musically mediocre band that hit it big mostly because of their image and stage show.  I feel the same way about 80s hair metal.


      One of my favorite local bands, Takeover UK, wore their street clothes on stage, but they wrote amazing pop tunes, so I didn't care if they lacked a sense of style.  Gregg Kostelich of the Cynics steals his wardrobe from Johnny Cash, but he makes it work for him, and Michael Kastelic always wears the same ensemble of jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts on stage. Gregg Prevost of the Chesterfield Kings has a great sense of style, but I mostly like the CKs because they are simply a great band with great songs.  To me, style and costumes are only icing on the cake.

    • August 4, 2011 6:32 AM CDT
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      Well, Guitar wolf don't wear leather pants outside the stage...

      IDON MINE said:

      Yeah, that's the way to go!

      I guess Lux would wear out his high heels on a regular basis. That must have blown the top of the back country and big city squares!

      + Guitar Wolf were asked at some point if they wanted to act in more movies after WILD ZERO & the SORE LOSERS and they said only if they could remain uncostumed and themselves, as they did in Wild Zero. Laser eyes and all... (ie. their stage and life look, which for classic Japanese wear, IS out of place).

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      I can't even imagine them with days jobs !

      I remember having read someday (can't remember where) an interview of Kid Congo Powers in which he was telling stories about being in The Cramps back in the days and how people did stare at them when they were dining somewhere in the middle of the USA because they were THE CRAMPS and they looked like THE CRAMPS !  

      kopper said:

      I'd like to see what they wore to their day jobs (wait, did they even *have* day jobs?). Or to the grocery store. Somehow I bet Poison Ivy didn't cruise the cat food aisle wearing her tiger cat outfit (although I wouldn't have complained if she did). ;)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Still a little bit more outrageously than the average bank clerk ! ;)

      Anyway, what I wanted to say is that they were as cool on stage as they were cool on the street.

      Mina said:

      Poison Ivy and Lux Interior didn't really dress up outrageously imo.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?

    • August 4, 2011 3:47 AM CDT
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      Yeah, that's the way to go!

      I guess Lux would wear out his high heels on a regular basis. That must have blown the top of the back country and big city squares!

      + Guitar Wolf were asked at some point if they wanted to act in more movies after WILD ZERO & the SORE LOSERS and they said only if they could remain uncostumed and themselves, as they did in Wild Zero. Laser eyes and all... (ie. their stage and life look, which for classic Japanese wear, IS out of place).

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      I can't even imagine them with days jobs !

      I remember having read someday (can't remember where) an interview of Kid Congo Powers in which he was telling stories about being in The Cramps back in the days and how people did stare at them when they were dining somewhere in the middle of the USA because they were THE CRAMPS and they looked like THE CRAMPS !  

      kopper said:

      I'd like to see what they wore to their day jobs (wait, did they even *have* day jobs?). Or to the grocery store. Somehow I bet Poison Ivy didn't cruise the cat food aisle wearing her tiger cat outfit (although I wouldn't have complained if she did). ;)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Still a little bit more outrageously than the average bank clerk ! ;)

      Anyway, what I wanted to say is that they were as cool on stage as they were cool on the street.

      Mina said:

      Poison Ivy and Lux Interior didn't really dress up outrageously imo.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?


      Here for the stir

    • August 4, 2011 3:41 AM CDT
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      That's bad ass in a way!

      Andrew Malcolm said:

      And I can't leave out SLUTTER!! Chicago's hottest all female KISS tribute band.

      Mina said:
      I can't come up with any female examples...

      Here for the stir

    • August 3, 2011 5:29 PM CDT
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      I know SLUTTER is not "garage rock," for all you purists. But you gotta admit, it's fuckin' funny. So just sit back, laugh, and save your comments!
    • August 3, 2011 4:58 PM CDT
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      And I can't leave out SLUTTER!! Chicago's hottest all female KISS tribute band.

      Mina said:
      I can't come up with any female examples...
    • August 3, 2011 4:50 PM CDT
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      I can't even imagine them with days jobs !

      I remember having read someday (can't remember where) an interview of Kid Congo Powers in which he was telling stories about being in The Cramps back in the days and how people did stare at them when they were dining somewhere in the middle of the USA because they were THE CRAMPS and they looked like THE CRAMPS !  

      kopper said:

      I'd like to see what they wore to their day jobs (wait, did they even *have* day jobs?). Or to the grocery store. Somehow I bet Poison Ivy didn't cruise the cat food aisle wearing her tiger cat outfit (although I wouldn't have complained if she did). ;)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Still a little bit more outrageously than the average bank clerk ! ;)

      Anyway, what I wanted to say is that they were as cool on stage as they were cool on the street.

      Mina said:

      Poison Ivy and Lux Interior didn't really dress up outrageously imo.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?

    • August 3, 2011 4:32 PM CDT
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      There is the Lunachicks though. Totally wild live! These "chicks" would party any guy under the table.

      Mina said:
      I can't come up with any female examples...
    • August 3, 2011 4:18 PM CDT
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      There are plenty, but there aren't many that dress crazy. But there are a LOT that dress alike. And these are still stage outfits.

      Mina said:
      I can't come up with any female examples...
    • August 3, 2011 9:25 AM CDT
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      I'd like to see what they wore to their day jobs (wait, did they even *have* day jobs?). Or to the grocery store. Somehow I bet Poison Ivy didn't cruise the cat food aisle wearing her tiger cat outfit (although I wouldn't have complained if she did). ;)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Still a little bit more outrageously than the average bank clerk ! ;)

      Anyway, what I wanted to say is that they were as cool on stage as they were cool on the street.

      Mina said:

      Poison Ivy and Lux Interior didn't really dress up outrageously imo.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 3, 2011 7:26 AM CDT
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      I haven't seen too many bands really in "costume" per se, but the Pitbulls singer wore this for their show here at the Ravari Room (pretty good show, too).


    • August 3, 2011 4:01 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      What's cool on stage is very rarely cool on the streets and generally is asking for trouble in many places. I mean on stage camping it up is usually the best way forward. Not garage at all but David Bowie in my mind did it better than anyone but outside of London, Brighton or Canal Street in the UK you would have to be good at fighting to pull it off.


      As for garage rockers, I think Turbonegro do it best. Top hats and canes for starters then all that other crazy stuff. Oh a second thought try Gob$ausage, the two ladies don't wear much at all.


    • August 3, 2011 2:51 AM CDT
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      Still a little bit more outrageously than the average bank clerk ! ;)

      Anyway, what I wanted to say is that they were as cool on stage as they were cool on the street.

      Mina said:

      Poison Ivy and Lux Interior didn't really dress up outrageously imo.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?

    • August 2, 2011 4:21 PM CDT
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      Andrew Malcolm said : "Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things."

      Well, that should not !

      As Idon Mine said : "if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart."

      Do you remember THE CRAMPS ?

    • August 2, 2011 3:01 PM CDT
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      Well, I'd say, if you are a weirdo, stage dress up and life dress up aren't that easily torn apart. You'll always look out of place for folks that think style is 1000$ suit (no offence Tim Gunn).


      And fashion, isn't that always crossing over into "ART/TRASH"? Many things come together for me:


      A basic feeling of acting up

      + having fun

      + thinking about your looks / your costume

      + not giving a shit

      + stage performance

      + experimenting with gender codes.

      + whatever the hell


      What starts on stage often ends up with kids infront of it anyhow.


      KOPPER: The Makers are always FRESH! Also, what about your Jughead cap?? That's cool!


      Here for the stir

    • August 2, 2011 12:35 PM CDT
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      I think you're confusing "fashion" with "costuming."

      I'd say the best look that any band had was the Mummies. And you can't really call what they wore on stage "fashion." The Makers, on the other hand, made '60s double-breasted suits their costume of choice. And they looked bad ass like that, too (talking EARLY Makers here, natch).

      My favorite prototypical garage-style fashion is probably the stovepipe pants and beatle boots look with the shaggy mop top. Of course, that's been overdone to the point where it's not really original anymore, just like a lot of the music that accompanies the look. Originality is lost and replaced by cartoonishness.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 2, 2011 12:23 PM CDT
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      Cool on stage, and cool on the street, are two completely different things. What are we talking about here? I'm sure if you walked down the street with those boots on, people would laugh at you. The Go-Nuts probably don't go out in their superhero outfits, And Jack White doesn't go out to dinner in a Nudie suit. But that shit TOTALLY looks cool on stage. I like bands that take their look to the next level. Part of listening to music is about escaping reality. Why not dress up crazy when you play? It adds to the whole experience. Alice Cooper based his whole career on it, so did the Misfits, and many more....... I'm all for it.
    • August 2, 2011 11:09 AM CDT
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      there's a difference between wearing something cool and wearing something that looks like it belongs in a tim burton movie.

      IDON MINE said:
      FINK: Haha, isn't it all about being looney?

      Long hair (or whatever hair that wasn't approved) used to be a reason for getting your ass kicked.


      That said, I dig a good stage attire, just go freaky! Hmmm, NEW YORK DOLLS, MUMMIES, SCREAMIN' JAY HAWKINS (that guy started it all!) - I'd call them some basic ROCK'N'ROLL stylists people went out to dress after, no?


      The Dwarfs go naked! 90's scumbag R'N'R bands ala Lazy Cowgirls, New Bomb Turks and The Humpers were dressing like they just came in from work/college. I think that has something too.


      GUITAR WOLF and many a Japanese band (say, THEEE BAT anyone?) are rad too with their black leather and all.


      Surf bands and glittery suits, the Frat Rock outfits a la early Garagerock. Masks, Luchador stuff.


      Who could forget the HEADCOATS and the Childish crew in general? They got songs over songs on their hats and dress ups.


      Then there was this song on a dude wearing POLKADOT PANTS AND PINK SHOE LACES (if I remember right...) by a lady singer whose name I can't remember now.


      I'm not sure what to think of the thrift store crazy bands of now, but I guess I'm just not used to looking at it.

    • August 2, 2011 11:02 AM CDT
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      FINK: Haha, isn't it all about being looney?

      Long hair (or whatever hair that wasn't approved) used to be a reason for getting your ass kicked.


      That said, I dig a good stage attire, just go freaky! Hmmm, NEW YORK DOLLS, MUMMIES, SCREAMIN' JAY HAWKINS (that guy started it all!) - I'd call them some basic ROCK'N'ROLL stylists people went out to dress after, no?


      The Dwarfs go naked! 90's scumbag R'N'R bands ala Lazy Cowgirls, New Bomb Turks and The Humpers were dressing like they just came in from work/college. I think that has something too.


      GUITAR WOLF and many a Japanese band (say, THEEE BAT anyone?) are rad too with their black leather and all.


      Surf bands and glittery suits, the Frat Rock outfits a la early Garagerock. Masks, Luchador stuff.


      Who could forget the HEADCOATS and the Childish crew in general? They got songs over songs on their hats and dress ups.


      Then there was this song on a dude wearing POLKADOT PANTS AND PINK SHOE LACES (if I remember right...) by a lady singer whose name I can't remember now.


      I'm not sure what to think of the thrift store crazy bands of now, but I guess I'm just not used to looking at it.


      Here for the stir

    • August 2, 2011 9:40 AM CDT
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      those "cowboy boots" look stupid as hell. those guys are asking to get their asses kicked.

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