Anyone here using the Amazon and/or Google music cloud services?
I wrote a column about it a couple of weeks ago for my local paper http://steveterrell.blogspot.com/2011/06/terrells-tuneup-hey-you-get-onto-my.html
Since that was published, Amazon has upped the ante by giving UNLIMITED storage for those who on the $20 per year for 20 GB. That applied to those of us who got on the 20 GB plan for buying one $5 MP3 album from them.
The good thing about the Amazon Cloud is that you can download your music if you need to. So basically you can store all your music for $20 a year.
Trouble is, the Amazon uploaded kind of sucks. It crashes when I try to upload my entire collection at once. So I have had to do it little bits at a time. (and the uploads are really slow.) So far I have more than 14,000 songs uploaded -- and still got a long way to go.
So what do you guys thing about this cloud stuff?