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    • May 5, 2011 12:05 AM CDT
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      South bay pork ruled , is it toast ? Does matthave any other podcasts 

      Really dug the cowboys and indians  and the hobos episodes 

      Anyone point me to something similar

    • October 9, 2011 10:44 AM CDT
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      Sorry to hear that Jacob!

      Zorch Radio said:
      Been listening to the back issues again... all day at "work!"
    • October 7, 2011 5:59 PM CDT
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      Been listening to the back issues again... all day at "work!"
    • September 29, 2011 8:32 AM CDT
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      And it's BRILLIANT !!! A real oogah-boogah MASTERPIECE !!! Man, what an adventure !!!

      Let's just hope it won't really be the last one...that can't be !

      Oh, one last thing, you look so...handsome on this picture below...but...maybe you should have shaved yourself a bit before coming back under the flashing lights of superstardom ...

      Cheers !!!

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      New episode posted!


    • September 28, 2011 8:16 AM CDT
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      Come on my dear Barber, is the swill really the right place for LOVE declarations and sentimental confessions ???

      Now, swipe that mud from your cheeks and feel reassured my friend, as Joey said, the feeling's mutual !

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 28, 2011 8:10 AM CDT
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      Still have to listen to this but I swear it won't be long now !!!

      By the way, it's probably none of my business but I couldn't help wondering : Why, o why this episode is not part of the GaragePunk Podcast Network ?

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      New episode posted!


    • September 27, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
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      Yeah, I'm getting there myself...Thanks Mr. A! The feeling's mutual, my friend! Oh, glad to see there's a new show Matt! Lookin' forward to checkin' it out!

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 27, 2011 8:38 AM CDT
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      I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 27, 2011 2:04 AM CDT
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      Can't believe this !!! First LIVE FROM THE SHAMROCK MOTEL then a brand new episode of SOUTH BAY PORK !!!

      Ring the bells and raise your glasses high, sisters and brothers !!! Matt seems to be back at last !!!

      Wonderful news !

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      New episode posted!


    • September 27, 2011 12:22 AM CDT
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      Bring the Pork!!!!

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • September 26, 2011 8:21 PM CDT
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      New episode posted!


    • June 18, 2011 1:15 AM CDT
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      You mean your GREAT 45 !

      I remember that "contest". I should have participated coz years have passed and I still haven't that 45 in my collection !

      The Jinxes said:

      We like Matt because he gave out our 45 as a prize!
    • June 17, 2011 4:25 PM CDT
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      We like Matt because he gave out our 45 as a prize!
    • June 9, 2011 2:53 AM CDT
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      Joey said  : "Comments are one of those little rewards we like to get out of podcasting...", "I hate to admit it, but if I don't get it immediately, I start to think that my show sucks!"

      Yep, that's exactly how I feel too !

      So please, ladies and gentlemen from all over the Hideout, make your comments fall like heavy rain on the podcasters' blogs to keep them happy, healthy and growing !!!

      ( Ok, I also have to admit that I don't leave as many comments as I wish...blame it on my own lazyness, lack of time or some kind of "what I could say" state of mind...)

      Oh, and get ready to drown next episode of the SOUTH BAY PORK podcast, if it ever materialize someday of course, under a warm and giant wave of comments !

    • June 8, 2011 7:25 PM CDT
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      Well, Mike, it helps if we do get feedback, but honestly, listeners aren't obligated to give us any. Period. Hell, as long as people actually listen to the podcasts, that's good enough. And we know Hideout members are checking out the shows, we just may not know if they liked them or not. I guess no news is good news, but I guess comments are one of those little rewards we like to get out of podcasting, so we know we're rocking you guys...
    • June 8, 2011 1:52 PM CDT
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      Wow, I never thought about it like that; that podcasters needed feedback to feel like their shows were loved. I can't imagine that there is any podcast on this show that is not enjoyed be a decent sized group of people. Whenever I have a day off I put on the latest podcasts and listen to them one after another for hours. Thanks to those things I have a few songs I've had on my ipod since I got it as a b'day pressent in February.

    • June 7, 2011 9:04 PM CDT
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      I hear what you're saying Zorch, because I love ANY feedback I get, and I hate to admit it, but if I don't get it immediately, I start to think that my show sucks! What Kopper said is true, with the reality being that a lot of people listen, but they just don't feel the need to let us know they are. It seemed like it was taking longer for listeners to comment on my show posts, and some Hideout members that had posted before, weren't doing that anymore it seemed. Slightly worried, I sent out an email to various members asking if they still listened to the show, and if they didn't, what could I do to get them back. Honestly, I haven't heard back from most of them, but the ones I did hear back from, told me they still loved the show, they just didn't always comment.

    • June 7, 2011 6:51 PM CDT
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      It can be REALLY disheartening to plan and promote a particularly fantastic episode and get NO feedback, but my generation and younger is awfully shy to direct/verbal communication for some reason. They're passive, but they're listening.  Still weirds me out!
    • June 7, 2011 1:25 PM CDT
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      No, of course you weren't the only listener. It's just that not everyone chooses to "like" or comment on every damned post here. I know I don't! In fact, the nature of *podcasting* is that your show is delivered to people via the RSS feeds. There's no need for people to come to the site to listen/download or like/comment. If they subscribe, then they get it, enjoy it, and wait for the next episode. Or they might load up the automatic feed player and just let it play throughout the day (which is how I normally listen to all the shows here). Most people—myself included—don't feel the need to interact with the show or the host. It was the same way when I had a radio show. I might go the entire two hours without ONE phone call. Very seldom did I actually get requests, and when I did, they usually didn't even fit the format of the show! And that was real radio that's always had this illusion of having lots of listeners and requests and stuff. Sure, in a perfect world, everyone would comment or like stuff so we all get warm fuzzies, but that's not the way it is nor has it ever been that way. But for some reason Michael took it personally. Whatever.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Ouch !!! 

      Come on grumpy old Mike !!! First Radioblivion, then Mojo Workout...I wish I could listen to your voice on the GPPN again someday man ! (And that is also true for you Mr Matt, so please hurry back with a brand new juicy'n'tasty episode of the SOUTH BAY PORK podcast !!!)

      Was I really the only listener here ??? Oh, and I use to leave comments/likes for MOJO WORKOUT !

      Ok, I'm not a big deal, but...I always hate it when my favorite podcasters leave the boat !

      Especially when they are historical ones !

      kopper said:

      I asked Michael about this a few weeks ago and here's what he told me:

      "We aren't posting Mojo Workout on the Hideout, or adding it to the GPPN feed because it is not wanted by the listeners."

      Michael was basically upset/bummed/pissed/whatever that Mojo Workout wasn't getting many comments/likes/downloads/whatever here on the Hideout. He took that to mean "the people on the Hideout don't like Mojo Workout." Yep, that's a direct quote.

      So there you have it.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 6, 2011 4:32 PM CDT
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      Ouch !!! 

      Come on grumpy old Mike !!! First Radioblivion, then Mojo Workout...I wish I could listen to your voice on the GPPN again someday man ! (And that is also true for you Mr Matt, so please hurry back with a brand new juicy'n'tasty episode of the SOUTH BAY PORK podcast !!!)

      Was I really the only listener here ??? Oh, and I use to leave comments/likes for MOJO WORKOUT !

      Ok, I'm not a big deal, but...I always hate it when my favorite podcasters leave the boat !

      Especially when they are historical ones !

      kopper said:

      I asked Michael about this a few weeks ago and here's what he told me:

      "We aren't posting Mojo Workout on the Hideout, or adding it to the GPPN feed because it is not wanted by the listeners."

      Michael was basically upset/bummed/pissed/whatever that Mojo Workout wasn't getting many comments/likes/downloads/whatever here on the Hideout. He took that to mean "the people on the Hideout don't like Mojo Workout." Yep, that's a direct quote.

      So there you have it.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!
    • June 5, 2011 11:01 AM CDT
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      I asked Michael about this a few weeks ago and here's what he told me:

      "We aren't posting Mojo Workout on the Hideout, or adding it to the GPPN feed because it is not wanted by the listeners."

      Michael was basically upset/bummed/pissed/whatever that Mojo Workout wasn't getting many comments/likes/downloads/whatever here on the Hideout. He took that to mean "the people on the Hideout don't like Mojo Workout." Yep, that's a direct quote.

      So there you have it.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 3, 2011 4:14 PM CDT
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      Hey, that would be GREAAAAAAT news Matt !!! Please make it happen !

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • June 3, 2011 4:12 PM CDT
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      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!
    • June 3, 2011 2:18 PM CDT
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      I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • June 3, 2011 11:33 AM CDT
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      Yeah, I really miss South Bay PORK, too. Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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