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  • Topic: Any Outrageous Cherry fans around here?

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    • March 22, 2011 1:46 AM CDT
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      What makes a pretty girl go insane?

      I also like The Unseen Devourers.

    • March 21, 2011 10:23 PM CDT
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      I dig 'em. But I also live near Detroit, so that helps. The band members hang out at many of the shows that go on around the city. Good band. If you search the web a bit, and, you can find some free downloads to get your hook on.
    • March 21, 2011 7:42 PM CDT
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      Awesome band.. I got hooked a couple years (probably more) when I accidentally came across a video on You are luck you saw them. I live in NYC and have managed to miss the 1 or two times they have breezed through in the last decade. Then again NYC isn't exactly friendly to the kings of this genre-- I went to see The Woggles and 25 people showed up and the Swingin' Neckbreakers were playing there first show in 6 years.. I would say that only until the "free shows" at the knitting factory (see scion) have garnered a crowd. Most people in NYC "change their minds like a girl changes clothes*" with regards to music.

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