swt said : "Anyone who listens to ALL the shows has a lot more free time than I do."
I usually listen to one show a day (while driving to work or in my bathroom, trying to make myself look like a decent man when I was born as ugly as your worst nightmare) and I'm usually able to listen to them all, even if I'm a bit late !
And I'm glad I can because picking just a few shows would be soooo frustrating since they're all soooo GREAT !
One more thing, each show is posted via the podcaster's own blog here in the HIDEOUT. And these blogs are tagged. Could be a way too pick more easily what you're looking for...
Here for the stir
It's just like with mother nature's givings: The goodness never stops on the GARAGEPUNK HIDEOUT.
Seriously, here's a discussion where people can spotlight their personal faves from time to time, including what they loved about the content and the programming of a show, so others can pick up on it easy:
Here for the stir
THE BIG ENCHILADA rules, by the way. WAY PAST COOL, KICKS FROM THE BOOT, and Kopper's new show are other good ones of more recent vintage. And the beer-themed one as well. There are so many. Michael Kaiser's are great as well. RADIOBLIVION, R.I.P.
You have a good point, Chaz. Anyone who listens to ALL the shows has a lot more free time than I do.
Maybe tagging is a good idea (if that's possible. Is it?)
The trouble with trying to organize is that a lot of our podcasts contain lots of those various genres -- R&B, garage old and new, rockabilly, often in the course of one show. I know mine, The Big Enchilada, does. I also do hillbilly shows every few months and often do sets of various styles including gospel, jug band, Japanese punk, "world garage" etc.
Most of the current podcasts have playlists on our Hideout blogs or at least descriptions of each episode.
I agree: too much of a good thing. I'm not complaining, though.
I just think that your idea of organizing them, or at least tagging them so they are easily searchable, might be a good way to self-promote them a bit better. Maybe each episode could be tagged much in the way we can tag these forums/discussion topics.
PS: Try Radioblivian (my personal fav), I think you'll like that one, too.
I would say that most of the shows here meet your criteria. Of course, I gotta tell ya, you're missing out on some great shows. For instance, THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW, TEXAS TYME MACHINE, and FLORIDA ROCKS AGAIN!
For greasy R&B, a couple of no longer active 'casts, HOT SLOP and SHOUT BAMALAMA! Had some good stuff.
My favorite new show is UGLY THINGS ON THE RADIO.