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  • Topic: Kurt Cobain...?

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    • January 21, 2011 5:09 AM CST
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      Yeah so I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on him.
      Personally, I believe that he was murdered (after watching 'Kurt and Courtney' which I really do recommend. It's a great movie) But yeah I mean I just don't think that he would have committed suicide. Even though he was fairly depressed at the time. It's just that everything doesn't add up. But hey, That's just my opinion I guess (:

      * By the way, I love Nirvana! <3
    • January 28, 2011 5:54 PM CST
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        Ha Ha HA insert barf noises!!!I don't think there is a band out there that I despise more than nickleback!!!feels good to get it off my chest!!

      Lady. Strange said:

      daniel darling said:

      I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!

      I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.


      Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!


      Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)


      Yeah I completely agree with what you're saying :) Although I still believe he was murdered. But hey that's just my opinion.//
      Haha and yeah I know right; nickelback *insert barf noises*

      Oh and thank-you for that. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before. I'll definitely give it a listen :)
    • January 26, 2011 8:30 PM CST
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      daniel darling said:

      I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!

      I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.


      Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!


      Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)


      Yeah I completely agree with what you're saying :) Although I still believe he was murdered. But hey that's just my opinion.// Haha and yeah I know right; nickelback *insert barf noises* Oh and thank-you for that. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before. I'll definitely give it a listen :)
    • January 26, 2011 6:17 AM CST
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      I love the Who, but my Dad started playing it for me when I was probably like 7 or 8, so I didn't really think "Gee, what else sounds like this?"  Kind've a complex synthesis for an 8-year-old, no?  A little different now.

      Marques De Valia said:
      i wonder what you think of the who.

      Alex said:
      I've gotta respect Kurt Cobain if only for the fact that grunge was really the first type of music I cared about, and it started my lifelong obsession with music.  That kind of music really encouraged me to seek out tunes other than those which my friends or parents were listening to.
    • January 25, 2011 9:40 PM CST
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      That line about being unoriginal is a compliment by the way, Kopper!!!

      Eargasm said:
      Just about every band this site is dedicated to is unoriginal just by the definition...garage was a 60's phenomenom and punk was a 70's thing..what Cobain did was molded his passion for 60', 70's and 80's garage, punk, and metal with a genius for pop sensibility..he was also very generous with his influences, and many of them got well deserved recognition and paychecks because of his a well know musician once said about him..'It's scary when you get a real one'....
    • January 25, 2011 9:35 PM CST
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      Just about every band this site is dedicated to is unoriginal just by the definition...garage was a 60's phenomenom and punk was a 70's thing..what Cobain did was molded his passion for 60', 70's and 80's garage, punk, and metal with a genius for pop sensibility..he was also very generous with his influences, and many of them got well deserved recognition and paychecks because of his a well know musician once said about him..'It's scary when you get a real one'....
    • January 25, 2011 6:28 PM CST
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      I respect your view Marques as I used to get pissed of about the state of mainstream culture too.
      I'v learned not to pay attention to it hence my reason for joining sites like this. Here i'm associated with people on a similar wavelength. I like what i like and to be honest don't give a shit about "the industry". Sometimes being naive is allot more fun than being bitter and disgusted.
      Marques De Valia said:

      i liked what you had to say, so 'no offense' but something reminding me of Nirvana would be a reason for me NOT to rush to find it to listen to. although it might be good.


      shortly after grunge died a couple of other things happened, it seems now like the death of rock radio, TOTALLY like its death was a preordained thing.


      napster was destroyed.   destroyed!  i remember the original napster and it wasn't hurting anyone at ALL.  

      who was offended?  basically the greedy and untalented who seek to exploit talent, people in the INDUSTRY...


      then clearchannel.   clearchannel own most united states radio stations, i believe... a LOT of things contributed to people basically becoming more stupid than cool, and that's how it seems now. did i just 'wake up' and notice all the brutal dumbness?


      i started focusing more on making music like i HAD TO because i realised that something had died,

      but when things die, they serve a purpose: they make room for something new.


      people getting into music because they think they can get money and get their asses kissed in various ways, that's nothing new.    but it hurts most when things border punk and kiss ass for $$$ because:  that was supposed to be less susceptible to corruption, anything smacking of anarchy or defiance. (no pun intended: smacking; nirvana, bleah.)


      all in all i trust EVERYONE more but i trust INDIVIDUALS much less.

      i have met so many people who were utterly insincere, who put most of their efforts into insisting that people who didn't conform to their view about alternative culture, the underground, scenes were "lying to themselves."


      oh yeah, and the anti-emo thing, that was plenty Nazi.  emo was the new jew for a few weeks...


      just seeing the conformity thing become all important, it wasn't the death of the individual,

      it was more like the individual had to HIDE because the fascists, the chavs, the stupid brutal and dominant had come to rule scenes.   i am bitter and disgusted, and relate most easily to those who share my point of view.

    • January 24, 2011 7:35 PM CST
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      I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!

      I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.


      Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!


      Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)


    • January 24, 2011 10:40 AM CST
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      I listened to "In Utero" recently its truly terrible and sounds horribly dated. The only record I ever really liked was the first one. They were really overrated and while it sounds shit now they were certainly the band of their time. Pavement and Royal Trux though have aged a lot better

    • January 24, 2011 7:12 AM CST
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      Nirvana really saved my ass when I was a teenager. In the small town where I come from you had no chance to find cool music, and when I got fed up with metal, the only thing I could get my fingers on was crappy pop music like (yuck!) The Police. Then came grunge with Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and even though I settled for Mudhoney (the only grunge band I still really love and listen to), Nirvana were the first cool guitar band I saw on TV. Because of the hype TV stations broadcasted more guitar music (e.g. Pavement, and even the mighty Melvins), so suddenly there was loads of music to discover from that point on, even in a town where the next cool record store is an hour away by car.


      I really like Nevermind, even though I can't listen to it anymore. But I'd definitely say it's a pop record, not a rock record. But what's wrong with pop if it saves a bored and desperate teenager?


      And I don't think Cobain got killed. I think he was on drugs and painkillers, had depressions and the wrong friends. Maybe his suicide was a bit too much attitude, but when I heard about it I was sad nevertheless. Poor bastard.


    • January 23, 2011 5:31 PM CST
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      Yeah same here :) I mean grunge music just completely changed my mind on everything, like when I first heard 'Smells like Teen Spirit' .. Just amazing. I think Kurt Cobain really helped me branch out into other genres of music. Haha like yeah not necessarily ones my friends were listening to.   

      Alex said:
      I've gotta respect Kurt Cobain if only for the fact that grunge was really the first type of music I cared about, and it started my lifelong obsession with music.  That kind of music really encouraged me to seek out tunes other than those which my friends or parents were listening to.
    • January 23, 2011 1:36 PM CST
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      Rock is full of mysteries...that's why I DIG it so much :)

    • January 23, 2011 8:36 AM CST
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      I've gotta respect Kurt Cobain if only for the fact that grunge was really the first type of music I cared about, and it started my lifelong obsession with music.  That kind of music really encouraged me to seek out tunes other than those which my friends or parents were listening to.
    • January 22, 2011 7:21 PM CST
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      Listening to Courtney Love speak incoherent gibberish for 2 minutes makes me want to kill myself. If anything, he was due.


      Also, I think In utero was a pretty good album considering their fame when they made it. Anyone else?

    • January 22, 2011 3:42 PM CST
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      Recordgrooves said:

      There is too much overproduced music and not enough Trash!


      Amen, brother. Amen.

      Regarding Nevermind, this might be the best thing to ever come out of that album:


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 22, 2011 3:28 PM CST
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      I like them without the pop style drumming of dave grohl or whatever his name is.   I never followed any media crap on Kurt or Love, I could care less.


      I threw pennies at Kurt while he was playing an acoustic song during a Mudhoney/Sonic Youth concert, my friends say it was my fault that kurt killed himself.


      I ran in to kurt once when I was selling records at flea market in CA back in 91, He browsed through my records and found a bootleg 7" of his and told me that I should let him have it because he made that record, I told him I didn't care who he was & that record sells for two dollars and fifty cents if he wanted it. So he put the record back and walked away.


      Seen some great noisy shows from Nirvana back in 89/90 I remember when there use to be only 30 people to show up for their concerts. 


      Back around the time when Nevermind was coming out we had a big conference for this corporate company that I used to manage a record shop for the CEO comes up and talks to me and asks me what the next big thing is going to be, having sampled the record prior to release I told him about how I liked Nirvana but I wasn't digging the new album coming out from Geffen & I thought that all the college kids were going to fall in love with it and it was going to be a #1 album.       I was right, so was Geffen.


      All I got to say is that during those times kids were listening to the Back Street Boys and shitty commercial HipHop, Garth Brooks & Micheal Jackson ALWAYS had number one albums and Nirvana was the first band to come around and keep Garth & Micheal from getting #1.   


      In a way,  I was sad & happy at the same time. Happy cause at least the kids that were over-exposed to the shitty commercial music could now have a new direction to turn to. Sad because it was the obvious first sign of small record labels that put out good music begin to sell out to the big guy. SubPop Record club was fun times back in the day.


      There is too much overproduced music and not enough Trash!



    • January 22, 2011 2:41 PM CST
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      Yeah, and can you imagine what the world would be like if we "took out" all the schmucks in rock'n'roll? It would be very stale indeed. Rock'n'roll ain't about being a nice guy or a saint. Bad music for bad people... made by bad people!

      Dom K said:
      I wouldn't blame him for being a schmuck to everyone around him, all the fucking hippies at that time around must have been very hard to deal with then. Brian Jones was rad.

      enzo said:
      I love the dude's contribution to RNR, but having read every Stones article/book/biography I could get my grubby mitts on over the years the guy was a schmuck to everyone around him.  Plus he beat on women. Maybe deserving death is a bit harsh, I'll concede, but the universe has a way of taking out the trash.

      Hideout Admin said:
      He may have deserved it? How's that?

      enzo said:
      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 22, 2011 7:21 AM CST
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      Oh, and as for Cobain. The dude was alright I guess, if you like very unoriginal musicians. Had a great taste in music though, I enjoy going through bands he listed as influential and listening to them sometimes.
    • January 22, 2011 7:17 AM CST
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      I wouldn't blame him for being a schmuck to everyone around him, all the fucking hippies at that time around must have been very hard to deal with then. Brian Jones was rad.

      enzo said:
      I love the dude's contribution to RNR, but having read every Stones article/book/biography I could get my grubby mitts on over the years the guy was a schmuck to everyone around him.  Plus he beat on women. Maybe deserving death is a bit harsh, I'll concede, but the universe has a way of taking out the trash.

      Hideout Admin said:
      He may have deserved it? How's that?

      enzo said:
      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.

    • January 22, 2011 7:12 AM CST
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      I love the dude's contribution to RNR, but having read every Stones article/book/biography I could get my grubby mitts on over the years the guy was a complete schmuck to everyone around him.  Plus he beat on women. Maybe deserving death is a bit harsh, I'll concede, but the universe has a way of taking out the trash.

      Hideout Admin said:
      He may have deserved it? How's that?

      enzo said:
      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.

    • January 21, 2011 5:13 PM CST
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      I think if I had never liked Nirvana so much I would not have heard songs like in the pines  and started searching for a grittier sound to listen to...I always liked the ramones and Pistols but Nirvana was my generation.  as far as  Kurt Cobain's death  I think the fucking drugs killed him.
    • January 21, 2011 4:39 PM CST
    • Untitled

      Love being a signed up Republican and close friend of GW Bush worked closely on Cobain's demise, knowing full well that his future career would become the soundtrack to a Democrat victory. Bush was later advised by Love in 2001 on how to start a war with Afganistan and she said that the only solution would be to destroy the twin towers. All those drug addled benders and times in rehab were all just tricks. She was not loaded but just diverting attention every time a fellow rock band got too close to the mechanisms. John Lee from Feeder knew too much and so too was bumped off in 2002.
    • January 21, 2011 3:44 PM CST
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      He may have deserved it? How's that?

      enzo said:
      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 21, 2011 3:01 PM CST
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      BRIAN JONES!!!! He may have deserved it...but, hey, Ruby Tuesday.

      TeenFink said:

      eh? really?

      i don't really think much of him. overrated. nirvana's first album was alright i guess, but i could never understand the adoration for them or him.

      i think a more important discussion would be "WAS BOBBY FULLER MURDERED?" or what about BRIAN JONES?

      kurt cobain. pfft.

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