Do any of you own a wifi Internet radio? I've been looking at a few of them on Amazon.com lately and I have decided to save up for one. The one I think I'll get is the Grace GDI-IR2000. I just want to get it to keep in the kitchen at home so we can listen to whatever we want when we're fixing dinner, eating, etc. As much time as we spend in our kitchen, it'd be nice to have a radio like this instead of the crappy one we have there now that can barely pick up NPR (too much static). With this, you can program into it whatever Internet radio stations you want, including streaming Internet stations like Real Punk Radio, Beyond the Beat Generation, Pirate Cat Radio, etc. Plus terrestrial radio stations that also stream online like WFMU, KDHX, KEXP, and so on... even podcasts!
This particular radio uses Reciva.com (some of the others I've looked at do as well). You set up an account there, then register your radio there once you get it with the serial number & radio ID number and then you can start programming in all of these stations, and as long as your Internet connection and wifi signal are strong enough, then you can "tune" into them anytime you want. Perfect!
Anyone here own one of these suckers? If so, how well does it work for you? And which one do you have? Do you ever experience any problems?
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy