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  • Topic: New Garage Explosion!!

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    • November 22, 2010 11:47 PM CST
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      New Garage Explosion!!: In Love With These Times is a new documentary,
      presented by Scion A/V in association with, about the bands and
      culture surrounding the international garage rock community. Artists
      featured in the film include The Dirtbombs, Black Lips, Jay Reatard,
      Jack Oblivian, Hunx & His Punx, Pierced Arrows, Thee Oh Sees, The
      Clean, Girls, Goner Records, Human Eye, Vivian Girls, Smith Westerns, Ty
      Segall, Davila 666, Golden Triangle, Magic Kids and many more.

      Click on the VIDEO tab to watch. Pretty cool!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 25, 2011 1:52 PM CST
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      They don't float my boat. Too indie rock for my blood, I guess. Sound like T.Rex meets Hunx & His Punx.

      Nick X said:
      I wanted to punch that Smith Westerns kid in his stupid pretentious face. The song sounded like a T. Rex tune, though. Are they worth listening to, 'cause I'm kind of turned off to them now.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 25, 2011 1:32 PM CST
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      I wanted to punch that Smith Westerns kid in his stupid pretentious face. The song sounded like a T. Rex tune, though. Are they worth listening to, 'cause I'm kind of turned off to them now.
    • February 25, 2011 8:56 AM CST
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      Hahah :)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      And I won't !

      Coz I love that girl !

      IDON MINE said:

      You can't mess with KO.

      Here for the stir

    • February 24, 2011 8:10 AM CST
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      Yep, I'm afraid you must be right...

      Still, this corporated thing trying to sneak in Rock'n'Roll makes me uneasy...and bored !

      Besides, I may ask too much, but I always expect to be bouncing off the walls !!! Each and every instant of my stupid nonsense life !!!
      kopper said:

      I don't find it strange at all. It's Scion's thing, obviously, so I don't think it's strange at all that they invited members of their own sponsored bands. It's not like this is the SXSW music conference, it's a Scion conference. Those guys would obviously have an expert opinion on the subject since they're being marketed/promoted in this way, and this gives them the opportunity to discuss it. It makes more sense than inviting someone from some other band, I think.

      Also, whether or not you found it interesting or not, it does directly answer some of the questions raised in this very thread on the subject. I don't think anyone expected to be bouncing off the walls after watching it.


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      ...just boring in my humble warped opinion...fell asleep before the end...

      (Am I mistaking or Sean Spits seemed to be as bored being there as I was, trying to keep my eyes open watching this ???)

      Besides, I find it kinda "strange" that the only bands appearing in this pseudo-conference organized by Scion are bands "sponsored" by Scion. Talking about Integrity and Selling Out ? Really ??? 

      kopper said:

      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.
    • February 24, 2011 7:48 AM CST
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      I don't find it strange at all. It's Scion's thing, obviously, so I don't think it's strange at all that they invited members of their own sponsored bands. It's not like this is the SXSW music conference, it's a Scion conference. Those guys would obviously have an expert opinion on the subject since they're being marketed/promoted in this way, and this gives them the opportunity to discuss it. It makes more sense than inviting someone from some other band, I think.

      Also, whether or not you found it interesting or not, it does directly answer some of the questions raised in this very thread on the subject. I don't think anyone expected to be bouncing off the walls after watching it.


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      ...just boring in my humble warped opinion...fell asleep before the end...

      (Am I mistaking or Sean Spits seemed to be as bored being there as I was, trying to keep my eyes open watching this ???)

      Besides, I find it kinda "strange" that the only bands appearing in this pseudo-conference organized by Scion are bands "sponsored" by Scion. Talking about Integrity and Selling Out ? Really ??? 

      kopper said:

      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 24, 2011 7:42 AM CST
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      And I won't !

      Coz I love that girl !

      IDON MINE said:

      You can't mess with KO.
    • February 24, 2011 5:36 AM CST
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      You can't mess with KO.

      Here for the stir

    • February 23, 2011 3:58 AM CST
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      ...just boring in my humble warped opinion...fell asleep before the end...

      (Am I mistaking or Sean Spits seemed to be as bored being there as I was, trying to keep my eyes open watching this ???)

      Besides, I find it kinda "strange" that the only bands appearing in this pseudo-conference organized by Scion are bands "sponsored" by Scion. Talking about Integrity and Selling Out ? Really ??? 

      kopper said:

      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.
    • February 16, 2011 2:28 PM CST
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      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 1, 2011 12:07 PM CST
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      Bit ironic, though, that a lot of people featured in this were around ten years ago the last time the media got excited by this stuff and were completely ignored.


      And Nobunny's great. Do the fuck yourself!

    • February 1, 2011 8:06 AM CST
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      I found this film interesting. I'm not saying I did like all the bands. But because of that film I got to know Thee Oh Sees( I live in middle of nowhere so all my connection to this scene is the internet don't jugde me..) Thee Oh Sees are awesome.. I had listened to The Gories while ago but after seeing them in the film it got them more interesting and Im really digging them know. I found this guy from Lollipoppe Shoppe cool. also props to black lips &ty segall.

      But these guys forgot about The Horrors(usa) that's the dirtiest shamless rock n roll I ever fucking heard.

    • February 1, 2011 12:54 AM CST
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      I am waiting for the NoBunny unmasked album , a companion piece to Kiss Unmasked.

      KK Dirty Money said:
      It is for sure a "cute" song, but I gotta agree: it is one of the cooler/fun tunes I've heard around lately from a "new" band.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Yeah, sorry, I really don't hear it.  I don't even hear obnoxiousness.  Everything about it just seems too cute.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • February 1, 2011 12:34 AM CST
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      What passes for one.

      enzo said:
      Wait, you hear a melody?! 

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Oh my god, I think you're right.  It's the melody.

      enzo said:
      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.
    • January 31, 2011 6:27 PM CST
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      Wait, you hear a melody?! 

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Oh my god, I think you're right.  It's the melody.

      enzo said:
      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.
    • January 31, 2011 4:48 PM CST
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      Oh my god, I think you're right.  It's the melody.

      enzo said:
      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.
    • January 31, 2011 3:00 PM CST
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      I listened to 19 seconds of it.  anybody else hear Randy Newman?  Not great.
    • January 31, 2011 2:32 PM CST
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      It is for sure a "cute" song, but I gotta agree: it is one of the cooler/fun tunes I've heard around lately from a "new" band.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Yeah, sorry, I really don't hear it.  I don't even hear obnoxiousness.  Everything about it just seems too cute.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • January 30, 2011 7:56 PM CST
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      Stuff like this is started by a fan that happens to have a job that lets them indulge in their own weirdness. I wonder how many "garage" punkers own those boxy cars--either way they put on free shows, pay bands (money/alcohol), and keep rock and roll alive. I especially like the part where the chick calls out the guy from the Black Lips for living in Chicago instead of ATL-- Edit that out!
    • December 29, 2010 2:34 PM CST
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      Yeah, sorry, I really don't hear it.  I don't even hear obnoxiousness.  Everything about it just seems too cute.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 29, 2010 10:02 AM CST
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      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 22, 2010 11:18 PM CST
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      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 15, 2010 7:47 AM CST
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      You all knew that, but: Teens (or Tina) from The Trashwomen (and from a hun-dread of other trashy-to-the-bone bands) is an off/on member in HUNX & HIS PUNX (and co-owner of that beauty salon) which makes them A+++OK. So, apart from the music and all the other refreshing, all around lunacy, this guy's dirty halo is shining bright for me.


      Won't make it more fun for anyone that doesn't give a shitdamn but, what the hell. Thought I'd just say that.


      And yes, I think self organizing stuff is very important, it's the backbone of all that we dig, I think. I don't wanna quarrel with anyones points here, if that's how it works for you, it's ok with me. Sure, everyone is somehow living with mega company produced/owned stuff, but in terms of my own crap, I for myself rather keep their fingers out of my pie. I can draw crap all day without any big nose getting in my business and I can do so without anyones approval or decline. If someone with equal interests (i.e. the "scene") takes a fancy at it, wonderful! But I'd either have all of it lying around for years, before I have it published weekly under some weird ass baby killing company, because they thought it would make them some extra money, while they are otherwise not interested in drawing, or the music connected to it at all.


      I let these bands do whatever the hell they want, it's their choice how they want to pomote their stuff. They're not the vampire, 50 million bucks a ticket, Rolling Stones (Growlll, Rolling Stones, Growwwl!).


      On a very quasi philosophical level: No body can drag down Rock'n'Roll anyway. If you love it - it lives. I know, that doesn't bring unknown records to your doorstep, but I guess that somehow, that's the thing that keeps R'N'R running in terms of people starting their own shit. All the bands showing up here (and other places of course) rummaging around with small record pressings and messy tours carried out on their own backs and all the individuals posting their personal stories in this discussion are the best example for that.


      And if some hipster kid is brainwashed backwards, by seeing a band like the Oblivians at some Scion fest, so be it. I know it's not that easy, yesyes.


      Here for the stir

    • December 15, 2010 7:47 AM CST
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      I like that:)

      EGO the Living Planet said:


      I enjoyed it. Sure, I would have put some different bands in, but every individual is gonna have their own favorites. There was some great footage of the stuff I do like.


      As for concerns that this represents a "sell out"...

      Get used to it. Stuff like this is likely where we can expect our music to come from in the future. The music business as we know it is dying and there will have to be new ways to get music out there. Suckering big corporations into footing the bill a pretty likely scenario.

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