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    • December 14, 2010 8:27 PM CST
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      I enjoyed it. Sure, I would have put some different bands in, but every individual is gonna have their own favorites. There was some great footage of the stuff I do like.


      As for concerns that this represents a "sell out"...

      Get used to it. Stuff like this is likely where we can expect our music to come from in the future. The music business as we know it is dying and there will have to be new ways to get music out there. Suckering big corporations into footing the bill a pretty likely scenario.

    • December 14, 2010 11:46 AM CST
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      Speaking of Chucks (and getting way off-topic here), has anyone read this biography?


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Oh man, these are Chuck Taylors ! Shame on me ! I didn't even know that ! Just called these dirty smelly things Converse...That tells a lot about my street credibilty I guess !!! Level zero !

      And yet, I used to wear some of those sloppy things in my early teens ! More shame on me ! Ethic credibility = zero ! :)


      Of course, you wasn't even talking to me TeenFink and I didn't take it for myself. It has just spurted out of me ! Some kinda verbal ejaculation if you will !

      Glad you took it the fun way coz there was, of course, nothing personal in this reply, just a few words about my own fucked up caveman experience !

      Cheers and thanks again for this odorous pic !


      TeenFink said:

      funny, I wasn't even talking to you, but since you seem to be living in a cave, these are chuck taylors:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! 

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 12, 2010 3:56 AM CST
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      Oh man, these are Chuck Taylors ! Shame on me ! I didn't even know that ! Just called these dirty smelly things Converse...That tells a lot about my street credibilty I guess !!! Level zero !

      And yet, I used to wear some of those sloppy things in my early teens ! More shame on me ! Ethic credibility = zero ! :)


      Of course, you wasn't even talking to me TeenFink and I didn't take it for myself. It has just spurted out of me ! Some kinda verbal ejaculation if you will !

      Glad you took it the fun way coz there was, of course, nothing personal in this reply, just a few words about my own fucked up caveman experience !

      Cheers and thanks again for this odorous pic !

      TeenFink said:

      funny, I wasn't even talking to you, but since you seem to be living in a cave, these are chuck taylors:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! 
    • December 11, 2010 9:13 PM CST
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      HAHAHAHA! That was HORRIBLE! I made it to the second "Oh" then had to click away.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 11, 2010 9:00 PM CST
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      Yeah, being broke is a total drag and being able to see a shit load of bands that I personally enjoy for free kicks ass. I can't afford a fucking car, nor do I even want one, but if Scion wants to spend their money for me to watch The Gories and The Oblivians play, so fucking be it. At least it's not on some fucking fifteen foot stage with some bullshit butt rock motif. I don't give a shit about the corporate sponsors and I think it's funny that everyone is getting their pretty little panties in a twist over this. Corporate infiltration has killed good things before, but so has stuffy nay saying. I love the music and that's really all there is to it.

    • December 11, 2010 12:15 PM CST
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      funny, I wasn't even talking to you, but since you seem to be living in a cave, these are chuck taylors:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! 
    • December 11, 2010 3:32 AM CST
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      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 10, 2010 4:12 PM CST
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      Oh oh, don't get me wrong my friend...

      This ain't no "hard core", I'm not preaching anything, I do believe that rules are made to be trampled and I don't blame these kids, I even buy some of their records !

      It's just the way I live  my own stupid life and, believe me, I'm really having fun !

      I just try to stay away from the MAN as much as I can.

      And believe me, purity and holiness are unknown concepts to me !

      But, once again, I think that, when "corporations" inject money in music, something is lost...

      All a kid needs to Rock'n'Roll can be found in his own body and soul !

      That said, I probably have to find a little time to watch this documentary now !

      Cheers !

      KK Dirty Money said:

      Wow, that's pretty hard core. Keep on keepin' on, bro.

      I gotta ask: why are there so many rules? I thought one of the reasons people really got into rock n' roll and all that it stood for was because rockers took risks, broke rules, avoided rules, liked to piss people off, and just tried to do their own thing.

      So what fuck does it matter whether you do this, or they do that?

      It doesn't make anybody any better than anyone else. That guy's opinion is just as important and just as ridiculous as some other guy's different opinion.

      Everyone's different and why do we give such a fuck about all these tedious cred statements like "I don't know what this is", "I don't do this, but I sure do that". You're one in a million, and that is great. Keep rockin'.

      But to be holier than thou is never a cool thing. Poser hipsters do that.

      I say "fuck yes" to all you: the bands, the purists, the video, the car, the kids being kids; keep on changing things up. 

      If everything was so damn rule-specific and "hard core", we'd all be pissed about that, too. 

      Ya know we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, right?

      It's OK to care, but shit man this is getting a little too snooty to be cool anymore. 

      All those 60's bands you love so dearly did the exact same thing all these new/kid bands are doing now, you understand.

      And 40 years from now, some of these kids in these "fresh new bands" are gonna be the snooty curmudgeons telling the young'uns to get outta their lawn.


      Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris

      The world keeps on turning, and that's a good thing. 



    • December 10, 2010 11:03 AM CST
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      I totally agree: in no way does this represent "garage rock today" as a whole. 

      It merely talks from the perspective of bands affiliated with Goner and In The Red Records. 

      So, it is pretty much a promoter of those two labels, as well as Scion and Vice.

      Def one-sided, but still cool (IMO).

      Sectmaniac said:

      I saw these videos and I'm sort of in agreement with Count and Dana. First of all - how can you make a documentary on "garage" and not mention or interview The Mummies, Russell Quan, Billy Childish, and Mike Lucas?


      Part of it made me happy to see young kids getting into rock n roll, but then it made me sick to see it become a "hipster" bullshit thing.


      Am I purist? I don't know. I just like what I like.

    • December 10, 2010 10:42 AM CST
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      I saw these videos and I'm sort of in agreement with Count and Dana. First of all - how can you make a documentary on "garage" and not mention or interview The Mummies, Russell Quan, Billy Childish, and Mike Lucas?


      Part of it made me happy to see young kids getting into rock n roll, but then it made me sick to see it become a "hipster" bullshit thing.


      Am I purist? I don't know. I just like what I like.

    • December 9, 2010 8:25 PM CST
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      Wow, that's pretty hard core. Keep on keepin' on, bro.

      I gotta ask: why are there so many rules? I thought one of the reasons people really got into rock n' roll and all that it stood for was because rockers took risks, broke rules, avoided rules, liked to piss people off, and just tried to do their own thing.

      So what fuck does it matter whether you do this, or they do that?

      It doesn't make anybody any better than anyone else. That guy's opinion is just as important and just as ridiculous as some other guy's different opinion.

      Everyone's different and why do we give such a fuck about all these tedious cred statements like "I don't know what this is", "I don't do this, but I sure do that". You're one in a million, and that is great. Keep rockin'.

      But to be holier than thou is never a cool thing. Poser hipsters do that.

      I say "fuck yes" to all you: the bands, the purists, the video, the car, the kids being kids; keep on changing things up. 

      If everything was so damn rule-specific and "hard core", we'd all be pissed about that, too. 

      Ya know we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, right?

      It's OK to care, but shit man this is getting a little too snooty to be cool anymore. 

      All those 60's bands you love so dearly did the exact same thing all these new/kid bands are doing now, you understand.

      And 40 years from now, some of these kids in these "fresh new bands" are gonna be the snooty curmudgeons telling the young'uns to get outta their lawn.


      Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris

      The world keeps on turning, and that's a good thing. 


    • December 9, 2010 5:14 PM CST
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      I love Rock'n'Roll as a way of life, not as an advertisement...

      And yes I'm quite a bear !
      And yes I try to avoid Google, Facebook etc...
      And what the hell would a Grizzly bear do with a cellphone ?
      Oh, I plead guilty for the internet...sorry...but I use it to prepare Revolution !!! Naive bear ? Of course !
      Naive but fighting !
      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! I'm avoiding brands and logos as the plague anyway.
      Plead guilty for the car too (the jalopy shall I say...) since there ain't no public transportation in the hole I live in. Second hand car of course, easy choice since I couldn't afford to buy one new anyway...
      Never buy a cd...always steal them but please don't tell no one...
      As for vinyls...most of mine are second hands or from small independant labels, whatever that means.
      And you may call me stupid, integrist or unable but I play and record music since I'm a teenager (and you know I'm so fucking old now...) and have never even tried to make money out of this ! But once again, please keep it to yourself coz that's a secret...
      Making music shouldn't be a job...just a bunch of persons sweatin', strummin', bangin' or whatever together just to have fun and make the squares sick and afraid ! Not to earn money !
      Not that I blame bands or labels making money out of music, I even support some of just doesn't have to be the aim.

      That said, you've probably guessed I'm really not a social kind of guy.

      But I still love and buy In The Red records and Goner records whenever I can...but still piss on Vice and Scion.
      And doesn't even have watched this documentary so what the Hell am I doing here ???

      Cheers to everyone here especially to Count Brockula and Dana Hatch !
    • December 9, 2010 6:29 AM CST
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      Jesus, That was hard work,Not the film the responses, I liked some of it and some of it made me wanna puke, The bottom line is there are some great bands having heaps of fun and dare i say it being young people. This site seems to have a faction of people who are purist 60s garage fans and people who just like what they like and fitter the bullshit as they see fit. I loved the Fred and Toody stuff, those guys are so amazing.
    • December 8, 2010 1:17 PM CST
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      Very well put, John :)

      John White said:
      Why do people care how Garage Rock is getting exposed, if a big company wants to use it to get eyeballs to their ads I say good for them. When it's all said and done, maybe a couple of kids will like the music and get into it. That's the only way to keep it alive. I call bullshit on anyone that says they are anti corporate, it might be cool to say, but I bet we can find a Big Mac wrapper somewhere near them.
    • December 7, 2010 10:23 PM CST
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      Why do people care how Garage Rock is getting exposed, if a big company wants to use it to get eyeballs to their ads I say good for them. When it's all said and done, maybe a couple of kids will like the music and get into it. That's the only way to keep it alive. I call bullshit on anyone that says they are anti corporate, it might be cool to say, but I bet we can find a Big Mac wrapper somewhere near them.
    • December 7, 2010 3:56 PM CST
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      Honestly, I don't think this video is really taking anything too seriously and doing anything to bend anybody outta shape. I think it was simply a peak into the lives of some current bands on Goner and ITR, and just kinda peaking in to how they operate and what they think of the situation they're in and how they feel about it. I mean, everything seemed kind of matter-of-fact, and the bottom line being: they're just some low-profile touring bands that, regardless of how little money or exposure they get, they still like what they do. What's the big deal? Scion and Vice probably just floated them the blog space to do it. And even if those two companies did give those labels some money (to produce the video or whatever), that's kinda cool, in my little opinion. I don't think it's gonna change the way those labels do business. Call me lazy for "no braingin" this one, but I think we should just sit back and enjoy what little documentary footage we got from these bands that wouldn't normally be on video. This is just a snapshot of a tiny little slice of what's going on in this world, anyway. It's not the end of music as we know it...

      TeenFink said:
      ok, i'm scratching my head here on a few of your points, the most obvious of which is your big anti-corporate stance, which is fine, really. i'm not a big fan of big, global corporations or corporate rock, either, for that matter. but just how vehemently anti-corporate are you? or can any of us really be in this day and age, unless, of course, you're living like Grizzly Adams in a log cabin up in the mountains somewhere?

      just wondering here, but do you use myspace or facebook? if so, how much time do you spend on those sites? do you use Google to search for stuff or for email or anything? talk about corporate takeover of our culture! it doesn't get much worse than that. especially regarding facebook and the way they subjugate your privacy specifically for the marketing of their advertisers! woah, man. i don't know about you but i'd say that's a lot worse than anything Scion could ever hope to do. so please tell me you're not supporting that, either.

      what about a cell phone? have one of those? which big evil corporation do you send your hard-earned money to every month for that luxury? AT&T? Verizon? Sprint?

      how about the internet. do you own a computer? which corporation did you support by purchasing one of those? IBM? Dell? Apple? HP? Microsoft? and which corporation controls your internet connection? or do you just use the library's? that's cool, i guess. someone else is paying for it somewhere then.

      do you like chuck taylors? you know they're made by nike, right? ever looked into the business practices of that corporation? just curious.

      maybe you don't drive a car or use gasoline to power your car if you do. do you bike everywhere or rely totally on public transportation? from your POV it sounds like it's easier than i'm thinking, so i hope so.

      and i hope you don't have any music in your personal collection on labels like Warner Bros., Columbia, Atlantic, BMG, Decca, Polygram, etc. if you do, you probably just bought these used or downloaded them illegally. cool.

      so how bad can it be for you to maybe take a look at what one or two corporations are doing in this topic to maybe think, just once, that maybe what these corporations are doing isn't all that bad? Or at least tell us what evil things Scion and Vice are doing that would give us reason to hate them for being unethical. i mean, it's not like they're giving these bands boatloads of money and forcing them to become more mainstream. all they're doing is promoting music, much of it to a new audience. true, they are gatekeepers in this regard, so they're obviously filtering out some of it, and yes, perhaps some of the more gritty of the bunch, but it sounds like just because some of these bands aren't to your taste that you're taking up arms against the whole lot.

      or is it just because this whole music thing is somehow so much more important than all that other everyday life stuff to mean that you can support those other corporations for their intrusions into your life, but when it comes to the music you love, it's HELL, NO, MAN. that's going too far!!

      come on.

      you also said "when you interview these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing..." a couple questions:

      which bands have you interviewed about this and can we read them? please post links. you apparently seem to know a lot about them since you say they "don't know anything about" all these other bands that came before them, so you must have some sort of proof to back this up, otherwise you're no more than a Rush Limbaugh of garage rock (one who makes sweeping generalizations and states opinion as fact without actually backing any of it up with, you know, PROOF).

      if not, then i'm afraid i'd have to call bullshit on your point of view, man.

      Count Brockula said:
      Couple of things...

      I am anti-corporate. ... I avoid all corporate culture as much as possible and it's easier than you'd think.

      When you interview some of these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing, it makes you wonder. They don't know anything about the 60s bands or even the 80s garage bands that made all of this possible. They don't know anything about the people who built this from the ground up. ... I call bullshit on most of these newer bands.
    • December 7, 2010 12:14 PM CST
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      Ha! The Rush Limbaugh of garage rock. Go pill popper!
    • December 7, 2010 12:07 PM CST
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      I'm going in the complete opposite direction. From now on I only listen and BUY music from performers I see on network TV awards shows. Someone's gotta take a stand.

      Dana V. Hatch said:

      Something like that.

      TeenFink said:

      or is it just because this whole music thing is somehow so much more important than all that other everyday life stuff to mean that you can support those other corporations for their intrusions into your life, but when it comes to the music you love, it's HELL, NO, MAN. that's going too far!!
    • December 7, 2010 11:06 AM CST
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      Something like that. TeenFink said:

      or is it just because this whole music thing is somehow so much more important than all that other everyday life stuff to mean that you can support those other corporations for their intrusions into your life, but when it comes to the music you love, it's HELL, NO, MAN. that's going too far!!
    • December 7, 2010 10:48 AM CST
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      ok, i'm scratching my head here on a few of your points, the most obvious of which is your big anti-corporate stance, which is fine, really. i'm not a big fan of big, global corporations or corporate rock, either, for that matter. but just how vehemently anti-corporate are you? or can any of us really be in this day and age, unless, of course, you're living like Grizzly Adams in a log cabin up in the mountains somewhere? just wondering here, but do you use myspace or facebook? if so, how much time do you spend on those sites? do you use Google to search for stuff or for email or anything? talk about corporate takeover of our culture! it doesn't get much worse than that. especially regarding facebook and the way they subjugate your privacy specifically for the marketing of their advertisers! woah, man. i don't know about you but i'd say that's a lot worse than anything Scion could ever hope to do. so please tell me you're not supporting that, either. what about a cell phone? have one of those? which big evil corporation do you send your hard-earned money to every month for that luxury? AT&T? Verizon? Sprint? how about the internet. do you own a computer? which corporation did you support by purchasing one of those? IBM? Dell? Apple? HP? Microsoft? and which corporation controls your internet connection? or do you just use the library's? that's cool, i guess. someone else is paying for it somewhere then. do you like chuck taylors? you know they're made by nike, right? ever looked into the business practices of that corporation? just curious. maybe you don't drive a car or use gasoline to power your car if you do. do you bike everywhere or rely totally on public transportation? from your POV it sounds like it's easier than i'm thinking, so i hope so. and i hope you don't have any music in your personal collection on labels like Warner Bros., Columbia, Atlantic, BMG, Decca, Polygram, etc. if you do, you probably just bought these used or downloaded them illegally. cool. so how bad can it be for you to maybe take a look at what one or two corporations are doing in this topic to maybe think, just once, that maybe what these corporations are doing isn't all that bad? Or at least tell us what evil things Scion and Vice are doing that would give us reason to hate them for being unethical. i mean, it's not like they're giving these bands boatloads of money and forcing them to become more mainstream. all they're doing is promoting music, much of it to a new audience. true, they are gatekeepers in this regard, so they're obviously filtering out some of it, and yes, perhaps some of the more gritty of the bunch, but it sounds like just because some of these bands aren't to your taste that you're taking up arms against the whole lot. or is it just because this whole music thing is somehow so much more important than all that other everyday life stuff to mean that you can support those other corporations for their intrusions into your life, but when it comes to the music you love, it's HELL, NO, MAN. that's going too far!! come on. you also said "when you interview these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing..." a couple questions: which bands have you interviewed about this and can we read them? please post links. you apparently seem to know a lot about them since you say they "don't know anything about" all these other bands that came before them, so you must have some sort of proof to back this up, otherwise you're no more than a Rush Limbaugh of garage rock (one who makes sweeping generalizations and states opinion as fact without actually backing any of it up with, you know, PROOF). if not, then i'm afraid i'd have to call bullshit on your point of view, man.

      Count Brockula said:
      Couple of things...

      I am anti-corporate. ... I avoid all corporate culture as much as possible and it's easier than you'd think.

      When you interview some of these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing, it makes you wonder. They don't know anything about the 60s bands or even the 80s garage bands that made all of this possible. They don't know anything about the people who built this from the ground up. ... I call bullshit on most of these newer bands.
    • December 7, 2010 10:23 AM CST
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      Ha! That's funny: "I blame the White Stripes..."

      Dana V. Hatch said:
      Thank you, Count. Your post pretty much sums up what's wrong with this thing. And the scene in general. When I see these new bands I have to ask Where's the sickness, the noise, the aggression, the hate that characterized the new garage scene when it was actually new (about 20 years ago)? Bands like the Gories and Mummies were vehemently anti-commercial and it does mean something. I blame the White Stripes for today's parade of nutless wonders grooming themselves for their big chance on a Gap commercial.

      Count Brockula said:
      Couple of things...

      I could care less if anything stays underground (no such thing anyway, especially with the internet and media saturation). I haven't worried about "street cred" for probably 25 years, if I ever did. That's not at all my point. The quality of the video has nothing to do with my ire - it's what it represents that set me off.

      I don't mind labels and bands getting paid for their hard work. I have played in bands since 1980 and run a record label and have published zines and ran a screen printing and sticker company. As much as I would love somebody to pay me for my hard work, I'm not going to take corporate money. Period. When I was a kid, if we wanted anything we did it ourselves. If we wanted to do a show or put out a record or make t-shirts and stickers - you just went out and did it. There was a scene that supported your efforts and that's how you got paid - not taking a dollar from McDonald's. I still feel that this is the way things should be done. Everything I've done has gotten by and I've very rarely lost money on any of my projects and this has all come from the support of fans, etc who have specifically done things with because I am anti-corporate. I've had a couple of offers over the years and I turned them down (Virgin and WEA). In 1998, an instrumental song I had written and recorded in 1991 (and had forgotten about) ended up in a national ad for an insurance company (take too long to explain how they got the song). I didn't even know it until I got a pretty substantial check (I owned a TV and VCR with no access to broadcast TV). Even though I was in somewhat dire financial straits at the time, I donated the money to a homeless shelter and a food bank. It has nothing to do with "street cred" or "hip factor" or "staying underground". I just don't believe in taking corporate money for my crap. I avoid all corporate culture as much as possible and it's easier than you'd think. I can think of several labels who are doing quite well without becoming corporate whores and taking their filthy lucre. They are very successful and did it with fan support and they're bigger than any of these labels that are selling their souls.

      A good chunk of these bands are about as real as the tits on a Barbie. When you interview some of these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing, it makes you wonder. They don't know anything about the 60s bands or even the 80s garage bands that made all of this possible. They don't know anything about the people who built this from the ground up. That's not only unforgivable, it's suspect (age is NO excuse, especially with the availability of all of this stuff). It's just like when punk broke in the 70s, bands were all of the sudden "punk" bands because they saw it as a way to get noticed. The same thing's happening with this. I don't see most of these bands as the "real deal" - I see them as just the opposite. I'm not operating in a vacuum here or sitting in an ivory tower pontificating. I am actively involved as a promoter, a label owner, a "musician" and a "journalist" and have been doing this shit for 30 years (shit, I am old!). I call bullshit on most of these newer bands.

      Most importantly, I am a crotchety old fuck and earned the right to be a fucking curmudgeon.

      Honestly, I don't really care as much about this as I make out. Though I believe in everything I said, the bottom line is that I am laid up after knee surgery, I don't watch TV and am really bored. I do believe that Scion are corporate assholes and Vice are a bunch of douche bags. I hate seeing people smooching corporate ass and I kind of felt like baiting people - I am that bored. I guess that makes me an asshole.
    • December 7, 2010 10:20 AM CST
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      Good question.

      Hideout Admin said:
      Where are the Cheater Slicks? ;)

      Dana V. Hatch said:
      Where's the sickness, the noise, the aggression, the hate that characterized the new garage scene when it was actually new (about 20 years ago)?
    • December 7, 2010 8:54 AM CST
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      Where are the Cheater Slicks? ;)

      Dana V. Hatch said:
      Where's the sickness, the noise, the aggression, the hate that characterized the new garage scene when it was actually new (about 20 years ago)?

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • December 7, 2010 8:31 AM CST
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      Count and Dana -
      You both make some excellent points and I don't disagree with you (nor am I "agreeing to disagree"). Now that I understand where you're coming from, it makes more sense to me. You've made some great points and I appreciate your explanations and your opinions.
      Either way, I am not taking any sides on this, but I'm glad we not only had a chance to see the vids, but hear about the different bands (both new and old), and talk about it all. Thanks again.

      Dana V. Hatch said:
      Thank you, Count. Your post pretty much sums up what's wrong with this thing. And the scene in general. When I see these new bands I have to ask Where's the sickness, the noise, the aggression, the hate that characterized the new garage scene when it was actually new (about 20 years ago)? Bands like the Gories and Mummies were vehemently anti-commercial and it does mean something. I blame the White Stripes for today's parade of nutless wonders grooming themselves for their big chance on a Gap commercial.

      Count Brockula said:
      Couple of things...

      I could care less if anything stays underground (no such thing anyway, especially with the internet and media saturation). I haven't worried about "street cred" for probably 25 years, if I ever did. That's not at all my point. The quality of the video has nothing to do with my ire - it's what it represents that set me off.

      I don't mind labels and bands getting paid for their hard work. I have played in bands since 1980 and run a record label and have published zines and ran a screen printing and sticker company. As much as I would love somebody to pay me for my hard work, I'm not going to take corporate money. Period. When I was a kid, if we wanted anything we did it ourselves. If we wanted to do a show or put out a record or make t-shirts and stickers - you just went out and did it. There was a scene that supported your efforts and that's how you got paid - not taking a dollar from McDonald's. I still feel that this is the way things should be done. Everything I've done has gotten by and I've very rarely lost money on any of my projects and this has all come from the support of fans, etc who have specifically done things with because I am anti-corporate. I've had a couple of offers over the years and I turned them down (Virgin and WEA). In 1998, an instrumental song I had written and recorded in 1991 (and had forgotten about) ended up in a national ad for an insurance company (take too long to explain how they got the song). I didn't even know it until I got a pretty substantial check (I owned a TV and VCR with no access to broadcast TV). Even though I was in somewhat dire financial straits at the time, I donated the money to a homeless shelter and a food bank. It has nothing to do with "street cred" or "hip factor" or "staying underground". I just don't believe in taking corporate money for my crap. I avoid all corporate culture as much as possible and it's easier than you'd think. I can think of several labels who are doing quite well without becoming corporate whores and taking their filthy lucre. They are very successful and did it with fan support and they're bigger than any of these labels that are selling their souls.

      A good chunk of these bands are about as real as the tits on a Barbie. When you interview some of these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing, it makes you wonder. They don't know anything about the 60s bands or even the 80s garage bands that made all of this possible. They don't know anything about the people who built this from the ground up. That's not only unforgivable, it's suspect (age is NO excuse, especially with the availability of all of this stuff). It's just like when punk broke in the 70s, bands were all of the sudden "punk" bands because they saw it as a way to get noticed. The same thing's happening with this. I don't see most of these bands as the "real deal" - I see them as just the opposite. I'm not operating in a vacuum here or sitting in an ivory tower pontificating. I am actively involved as a promoter, a label owner, a "musician" and a "journalist" and have been doing this shit for 30 years (shit, I am old!). I call bullshit on most of these newer bands.

      Most importantly, I am a crotchety old fuck and earned the right to be a fucking curmudgeon.

      Honestly, I don't really care as much about this as I make out. Though I believe in everything I said, the bottom line is that I am laid up after knee surgery, I don't watch TV and am really bored. I do believe that Scion are corporate assholes and Vice are a bunch of douche bags. I hate seeing people smooching corporate ass and I kind of felt like baiting people - I am that bored. I guess that makes me an asshole.
    • December 7, 2010 7:40 AM CST
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      Thank you, Count. Your post pretty much sums up what's wrong with this thing. And the scene in general. When I see these new bands I have to ask Where's the sickness, the noise, the aggression, the hate that characterized the new garage scene when it was actually new (about 20 years ago)? Bands like the Gories and Mummies were vehemently anti-commercial and it does mean something. I blame the White Stripes for today's parade of nutless wonders grooming themselves for their big chance on a Gap commercial.

      Count Brockula said:
      Couple of things...

      I could care less if anything stays underground (no such thing anyway, especially with the internet and media saturation). I haven't worried about "street cred" for probably 25 years, if I ever did. That's not at all my point. The quality of the video has nothing to do with my ire - it's what it represents that set me off.

      I don't mind labels and bands getting paid for their hard work. I have played in bands since 1980 and run a record label and have published zines and ran a screen printing and sticker company. As much as I would love somebody to pay me for my hard work, I'm not going to take corporate money. Period. When I was a kid, if we wanted anything we did it ourselves. If we wanted to do a show or put out a record or make t-shirts and stickers - you just went out and did it. There was a scene that supported your efforts and that's how you got paid - not taking a dollar from McDonald's. I still feel that this is the way things should be done. Everything I've done has gotten by and I've very rarely lost money on any of my projects and this has all come from the support of fans, etc who have specifically done things with because I am anti-corporate. I've had a couple of offers over the years and I turned them down (Virgin and WEA). In 1998, an instrumental song I had written and recorded in 1991 (and had forgotten about) ended up in a national ad for an insurance company (take too long to explain how they got the song). I didn't even know it until I got a pretty substantial check (I owned a TV and VCR with no access to broadcast TV). Even though I was in somewhat dire financial straits at the time, I donated the money to a homeless shelter and a food bank. It has nothing to do with "street cred" or "hip factor" or "staying underground". I just don't believe in taking corporate money for my crap. I avoid all corporate culture as much as possible and it's easier than you'd think. I can think of several labels who are doing quite well without becoming corporate whores and taking their filthy lucre. They are very successful and did it with fan support and they're bigger than any of these labels that are selling their souls.

      A good chunk of these bands are about as real as the tits on a Barbie. When you interview some of these bands and they don't have any reference point for the music they're playing, it makes you wonder. They don't know anything about the 60s bands or even the 80s garage bands that made all of this possible. They don't know anything about the people who built this from the ground up. That's not only unforgivable, it's suspect (age is NO excuse, especially with the availability of all of this stuff). It's just like when punk broke in the 70s, bands were all of the sudden "punk" bands because they saw it as a way to get noticed. The same thing's happening with this. I don't see most of these bands as the "real deal" - I see them as just the opposite. I'm not operating in a vacuum here or sitting in an ivory tower pontificating. I am actively involved as a promoter, a label owner, a "musician" and a "journalist" and have been doing this shit for 30 years (shit, I am old!). I call bullshit on most of these newer bands.

      Most importantly, I am a crotchety old fuck and earned the right to be a fucking curmudgeon.

      Honestly, I don't really care as much about this as I make out. Though I believe in everything I said, the bottom line is that I am laid up after knee surgery, I don't watch TV and am really bored. I do believe that Scion are corporate assholes and Vice are a bunch of douche bags. I hate seeing people smooching corporate ass and I kind of felt like baiting people - I am that bored. I guess that makes me an asshole.

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