I've been messing with this thing, plugging everything I can find into it, out of it, and around it and I've had some good results, especially with drums. Anybody else use one out here?
I had one, sold it because it was a damn pain in the ass to learn how to figure it out haha. Now gone back to a more simpler method...guitar > blues jnr > shure sm57 > maudio interface
In my old band thee templars (RIP), I used it a couple a times to record the actual rehearsals. Worked a treat in capturing the raw sound of the band. Needs a bit of trial and error to get the right balance which only involves moving it round the room. Beauty is that it can be converted to MP3 straight away, then you can take out the SD card, pop it in your PC and upload /edit as you want. Good little piece of kit
It's not bad! For a really over-driven,saturated sound I just hit record and use that, but you can really get a nice smooth recording with the built in also if you can find a quiet spot and turn the input level down. I've been messing with a preamp and different mics and it can do some cool stuff.