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  • Topic: Any Bass Players Here???

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    • November 5, 2010 7:43 PM CDT
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      I just installed my bass guitar (DanElectro '63)

      I tuned it with the help of a little tuning machine and now i want to practice with some bass tabs.
      The problem is that i coudn't find any bass tabs of the garage classics on the internet  (Psychotic Reaction, Pushing Too Hard, You're Gonna Miss Me etc).

      Is there any bass player out here that has some of those tabe?

    • November 16, 2010 8:00 PM CST
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      There actually is a book of Fuzztones sheet music published by Cherry Lane, for the In Heat record, though it's for guitar.
      Funny thing is I played on that LP & none of us could read music.

      Just listen to records & play along. learn where the notes are on your bass, train your ear to recognize them and play along. If you have any natural talent it should come easy.
    • November 8, 2010 5:08 PM CST
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      Yes, scales. There should be all kinds of blues and country (yes, country) tabs out there.

      "One day I was listening to a DJ play Presley's 'Blue Moon of Kentucky' - I turned the radio up and shouted, 'That sounds just like us playing!' At last someone was recording country music with a beat. That's what Rockabilly music, or Rock & Roll was to begin with - a country man's song with a black man's rhythm. I just put a little speed into some of the slow Blue's licks." -Carl Perkins

      All the 60's garage guys learned from early rock and rollers and blues guys (Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, etc). Learn those and songs and you'll know half the stuff from the Beatles, Yardbirds, Animals...and the list goes on
    • November 5, 2010 10:45 PM CDT
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      Without wanting to sound boring you need to look at some scale work first. That's what happens with all my students. Look for the pentatonic minor, the blues pentatonic minor, some blues progressions and the good old boring ass major scale. They're good scales to get you going and there are a lot of songs that use those scales. Once you get a grip of how they sound you can start trying to work out how the songs go.

      Also, just start writing yer own tunes. Don't worry what others think about them, if you like 'em then that's all that matters.

      It's a pain in the arse trying to find garage songs tabs especially the bass tabs.

      Go hard and have some fun!
    • November 5, 2010 9:06 PM CDT
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      I found a few guitar tabs for these kind of songs. But i'm just getting started with bass so i don't understand the guitar tabs. I was hoping someone has bass tabs fot these kind of songs.
    • November 5, 2010 8:47 PM CDT
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      I haven't seen a garage rock guitar tab site, much less a bass site. Try to goggle the song you want to learn and add "bass tablature" to it. Try it with "tab" and "tablature" also, you may just find the guitar version, but at least you can get the basis of the song. Once you have that you can figure it out yourself, it will make you a better player if you start to learn by ear. Good luck.

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