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  • Topic: Mojo Workout

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    • October 14, 2010 11:37 AM CDT
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      An introduction to Mojo Workout could read as follows:

      Mojo Workout is the weekly roundtable variety show lovingly dubbed the "Punk Rock Knitting Circle" heard live every Friday night from 8-11pm, Eastern Time (0000 UTC) on Real Punk Radio featuring Michael Kaiser of RadiOblivon, Jason Snyderman of Burrito Electrico, Greg Lonesome of the Rock 'n' Roll Manifesto, Gentleman Matt of South Bay PORK podcast, and Jorge "Sectmaniac" of Real Boss Hoss productions.

      Harkening back to the days of spontaneous, non-scripted and regional radio - before the corporate hacks co-opted the medium - we produce a show on-the-fly with mucho banter, attempts at comedy, Celebrity BowlerSkating matches ("What's BowlerSkating", you ask? Why its only the most brutal sport known to man! A mix between Bowling and Roller Derby, which you can find out more about on the BowlerSkating Facebook page), and some of the greatest guests known to internet radio. Some previous guests include: Michael "Daddy Love" Lucas of the Phantom Surfers, Mike Stax of Ugly Things magazine, PJ of the Dirty Water Club & Dirty Water Records, and more. We also play a few songs here and there. And by "few" we mean that we talk... a lot. When we've got a guest on we pick their grey-matter bone dry! If DJs yappin' too much bugs you then this ain't the show for you. If unscripted questions for guests, an attempt to really get to know 'em and stories about broadcasting LIVE from your car, etc. interest you then we invite you to join our weekly 3 hour tour - either live (the preferred way to fly) or via the podcast available here on the Hideout each week, on the Mojo Workout Mevio page or in iTunes.

      Be a friend on the Mojo Workout Facebook page, too.

      Got any requests for guests? Discuss it in this thread.

    • October 17, 2010 4:24 AM CDT
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      Really gonna try to follow this... sounds eminente! Cheers / TobbA /

      Fuzzed, fucked up & forty...

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