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  • Topic: Shonen Knife and Teenage Fanclub

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    • October 4, 2010 2:12 PM CDT
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      I saw both bands recently. I saw the former at the 31st Street Pub on the Friday before last week, and I saw the latter last night at Mr. Small's Theater.

      Shonen Knife was fun, but very one note. Just about every song sounded the same. Good pop tunes, all of them, but after a while I just wanted to hear something a little different. Teenage Fanclub was better, although a bit too mellow for my tastes. Don't get me wrong, they write good songs, but I just kept waiting to hear something that really rocked. BTW, Teenage Fanclub is another band I discovered thanks to Little Steven; "Metal Baby" is a staple on the Sirius/XM Underground Garage Channel.

      Anyone else here a fan of either band, or both of them? If so, tell me what you think.
    • October 29, 2010 4:41 PM CDT
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      I was very heavy into Teenage Fanclub in the 90's, also liked Shonen Knife. Saw TF with Mudhoney once, then once with Afghan Whigs, I think. I finally listened to TF because of the Big Star comparisions, but I ended up liking them so much because they use a lot of Neil Young chord sequences... a lot of them.
    • October 4, 2010 6:40 PM CDT
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      I happen to dig Shonen Knife... makes me want to eat a bunch of gyoza! By the way, they do a cover of the Kinks song Til' the End of the Day!

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