we’re planning a tour for a band called Two Bit Dezperados (www.myspace.com/twobitdezperados), with member of Love Boat and The Rippers, and we would know if someone can help us to fix some gigs for November in ITALY (7-8-9) FRANCE (9) ITALY (20)
Two Bit Dezperados have released "Macumba para Exù" (7" e.p. Shit Music For Shit People) and will release our debut album in octber/november for Jeetkune records (http://www.myspace.com/jeetkunerecords).
Could you help us?
this is the tour plane:
30 Sardinia
4 Rome
5 Vacchereccia (Arezzo)
6 Bologna
7 ?
8 ?
9 ?
10 Annecy
11 Lyon
12 Bordeaux
13 Paris
14 Tournai
15 Amsterdam
16 Liegi
17 Strasbourg
18 Tübingen
19 Rorschach
20 ?
It’s attached a file with infos about the band.
Let us know.
Tommaso & Ângela
Shit Music For Shit People