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  • Topic: Ramones... Hey Ho Let's Go!!!

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    • March 27, 2013 4:58 PM CDT
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       i NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS SO BAD , AS THESE THINGS GO. THE UNBELIEVABLY PRETENTIOUS "PUNK'' VENUE , EXIT , WAS PLAYING MOSTLY WAX TRAX , HOUSE MUSIC , THE CURE , SIOUXSIE , SMITHS , STUFF LIKE THAT , BY THE LATE 80'S. Sure , I went there , it was one of the only places w/o a cover charge. I thought it would have been fun to sneak this in with the other drek. Sure , they'd play SOMETHING good , but , you may have had to wait all night. They relocated about 20 years ago , and were caught up in the Macho Punk vibe for years , and , for $5 , you could go in and see nothing happen , too. I hear they're playing House music , again.

    • March 22, 2013 3:20 PM CDT
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      The Ramones will be relevant as long as there's an interest in Rock and Roll.

      They're the history of R&R, sped-up and pulped down to 3 minutes.

    • March 22, 2013 1:16 PM CDT
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      Thanks for that link Dave. Still going to get another copy.

    • March 22, 2013 12:44 PM CDT
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      Love It's Alive. Not heard it for a while as I only have it on tape and technology seems to have moved on. Think it might be time to get a copy I can actually play.

    • March 21, 2013 6:36 PM CDT
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      "It's Alive" is just a tremendous album... One of the best live efforts by any band anywhere, anywhere.

      Here's a clip:

    • March 21, 2013 5:10 PM CDT
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    • March 21, 2013 12:42 PM CDT
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      Ramones live were great, I have yet to see concert footage that captures the loud, speed and excitement of the shows, i was lucky to see them a few times and meet joey outside the hoilday inn one night.

    • September 29, 2010 3:40 AM CDT
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      Judy is a punk for the background vocals (and so on) and chainsaw for the noise! acid eater is very good !is there something not good with the ramones?
    • September 11, 2010 11:07 PM CDT
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      Commando, Beat on the Brat, and of course Oh Oh I Love Her So!! RAMONES are so great....
    • September 11, 2010 12:50 PM CDT
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      God!!!! am so glad someone brought up th Phil spectoor thing!!!! yea the Ramones took a Dive in that period!! they came back.. to me with the covers album.. Acid Eaters!!!
    • September 11, 2010 2:50 AM CDT
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      Oh, oh, I love her so!
    • September 10, 2010 6:55 PM CDT
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      The 1st two albums are just pure classics, every song is great. 3 and 4 were good, but for me not as good as the 1st two. After that it was just a slow march downward for the rest of their career. There were still good songs to be found here and there, but it seemed more and more forced as the years went on and they seemed to not give a crap about their later horrible albums at all.

      I think a good jumping off point is when Dee Dee left the band, though they had been going downhill before that.

      Even earlier, they were hurt when Tommy stopped being a producer. He got their sound and what they were all about in a way almost none of their later producers did. Even the later rather mediocre Too Tough to Die album benefited from his coming back to produce it and it helped a lot.

      The thing is, at a certain point like many long running bands the guys started treating it as a job. Maybe for Johnny it was always just a job. He often said that it was. Once being in a punk rock band is a job...well that isn't really the point of a punk band is it?

      My most controversial Ramones opinion: I've always thought Pleasant Dreams was a decent album. It just isn't a good RAMONES album. It's a pop album showcase for Joey. Most people seem to hate it. I like it much more than the highly overrated End of the Century. Phil Spector and the Ramones are not a good mix. Ramones songs need to be stripped down. Wall of sound style just defeats the whole purpose. For me Pleasant Dreams succeeded as a pop album where End of the Century failed as one.
    • September 10, 2010 9:48 AM CDT
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      "Blitzkrieg Bop" is one of my favorite songs, along with "Babysitter," "Ramona," "Danny Says," "I Want You Around," "Rock'n'Roll Radio" and "Rock'n'Roll High School."
    • September 10, 2010 1:34 AM CDT
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      Ya? Who knew you could learn so much from GOOGLE? kopper said:
      They weren't the first band to be called punk. They were probably just the first band to personify it.

      The word "punk" first made an appearance in music journalism in a 1970 essay, "The Punk Muse: The True Story of Protopathic Spiff Including the Lowdown on the Trouble-Making Five-Percent of America's Youth" by Nick Tosches in Fusion. He described a music that was a "visionary expiation, a cry into the abyss of one's own mordant bullshit," its "poetry is puked, not plotted." That same year, Lester Bangs wrote a novella titled Drug Punk, influenced by William Burroughs' book, Junky, in which there is a line, "Fucking punks think it's a joke. They won't think it's so funny when they're doing five twenty-nine on the island." Dave Marsh used the phrase "punk rock" in his Looney Tunes column in the May 1971 issue of Creem, the same issue that introduced the term "heavy metal" as a genre name. Marsh wrote, "Culturally perverse from birth, I decided that this insult would be better construted as a compliment, especially given the alternative to such punkist behavior, which I figured was acting like a dignified asshole." Tosches, Bangs, Marsh, Richard Meltzer, Greg Shaw and Lenny Kaye used the term to define a canon of proto-punk bands, including the Velvets, Stooges, MC5, the Modern Lovers and the New York Dolls (DeRogatis, Let It Blurt, 118-119).

      (I always keep that bit of info on hand when someone claims that punk didn't come along until the mid-1970s.)

      In the August '72 issue of Creem there are dozens of references to punk rock. It's like the whole IDEA of punk was already there - it just took bands like the Ramones to come along and personify it. And good for them for doing it!
    • September 9, 2010 10:01 PM CDT
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      The original lineup is where it's at. Fuck the C.J era. Lachlan William Richardson said:
      I've got to go with third album "Rocket To Russia" as my favourite album, it's the last one by the original line and I always thought it was the best representation of their sound and the power of the group. They had mastered their craft by then and I don't think they ever really improved it or built upon it thereafter. Cretin Hop, Rockaway Beach, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, I Don't Care ...fucking classics!
    • September 9, 2010 9:57 PM CDT
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      I've got to go with third album "Rocket To Russia" as my favourite album, it's the last one by the original line and I always thought it was the best representation of their sound and the power of the group. They had mastered their craft by then and I don't think they ever really improved it or built upon it thereafter. Cretin Hop, Rockaway Beach, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, I Don't Care ...fucking classics!
    • September 9, 2010 9:14 PM CDT
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      My favorite Ramones' song is kinda random, but I fuckin love it. It was their fifth single, released in 1977.

      Its called "Swallow My Pride".
    • September 9, 2010 9:12 PM CDT
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      I fucking love the song "Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World". That's gotta be the best appropriation of a Hitler quote I've ever heard.
    • September 9, 2010 7:18 PM CDT
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      back when i was about 16.....i remember having an issue of Cream..... it had Iggy on the cover w/ a bunch of Broken records....I remember .....thinking .....who is this Guy?????!!
    • September 9, 2010 5:08 PM CDT
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      Beat on the Brat!!!! ratoonie said:
      well ok ....but they won the tittle!!!!
    • September 9, 2010 5:05 PM CDT
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      well ok ....but they won the tittle!!!!
    • September 9, 2010 4:50 PM CDT
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      They weren't the first band to be called punk. They were probably just the first band to personify it. The word "punk" first made an appearance in music journalism in a 1970 essay, "The Punk Muse: The True Story of Protopathic Spiff Including the Lowdown on the Trouble-Making Five-Percent of America's Youth" by Nick Tosches in Fusion. He described a music that was a "visionary expiation, a cry into the abyss of one's own mordant bullshit," its "poetry is puked, not plotted." That same year, Lester Bangs wrote a novella titled Drug Punk, influenced by William Burroughs' book, Junky, in which there is a line, "Fucking punks think it's a joke. They won't think it's so funny when they're doing five twenty-nine on the island." Dave Marsh used the phrase "punk rock" in his Looney Tunes column in the May 1971 issue of Creem, the same issue that introduced the term "heavy metal" as a genre name. Marsh wrote, "Culturally perverse from birth, I decided that this insult would be better construted as a compliment, especially given the alternative to such punkist behavior, which I figured was acting like a dignified asshole." Tosches, Bangs, Marsh, Richard Meltzer, Greg Shaw and Lenny Kaye used the term to define a canon of proto-punk bands, including the Velvets, Stooges, MC5, the Modern Lovers and the New York Dolls (DeRogatis, Let It Blurt, 118-119). (I always keep that bit of info on hand when someone claims that punk didn't come along until the mid-1970s.) In the August '72 issue of Creem there are dozens of references to punk rock. It's like the whole IDEA of punk was already there - it just took bands like the Ramones to come along and personify it. And good for them for doing it!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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