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  • Topic: Recording and Drum software

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    • August 22, 2010 5:18 PM CDT
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      I am VERY new to digital recording (I'm still pretty opposed to the whole idea) but have to be out of necessity (apartment's too small for all of my recording gear and the neighbors aren't the biggest fan of the music). Also, my partners in crime all live in different states so we're trading songs we've written, parts of songs, etc to put together practice demos. Anyway, I need some suggestions on drum software that is easy to use and doesn't sound like a drum machine (I can find those anywhere and am not interested). I don't care about price (I'm not paying for it - my buddy Torrent will track it down for me or maybe somebody on here would like to do some trading). Any suggestions? I'm doing all of my demos with Audacity (it's easy for me to use but I'll take suggestions on easy to use recording software as well - low learning curve; I don;t have time to learn really complex new software. I've used Acid Pro, FL Studio and Cubase and they were a pain in the ass) so I can use pretty much anything. It has to be PC. Kinda getting desperate so any suggestions would be great.

    • December 7, 2010 4:22 PM CST
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      For drums, I cannot urge you enough to check out the program BFD2. Go to the website and you will be amazed at what you hear.
    • September 2, 2010 6:04 PM CDT
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      New here :) This is actually the first thing I post... But I thought I'd share this since I think it's exactly what you're looking for. There's a Drum plugin called BFD (well, now it's actually BFD2 but I have the old version)

      They've recorded all sort of drum kits (modern and vintage) and organized them in a nice plugin you can access trhough midi. And for each volume number they've made different recordings, so if you hit soft or strong you'll hear the difference.

      I've been using if for all my home recordings and I'm very happy with how it sounds. I'm using it with Logic Audio, but it should work with most Audio editing programs...

    • August 30, 2010 5:11 PM CDT
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      Cool Edit Pro is a great recording program and free, i use 1.2 for mastering and multi-tracking. Its extremely basic and easy to use. Also i recommend Rhythm Rascal which is a pretty basic drum program where you can add your own drum sounds and edit the loose and evenness of the playing. I think i paid $10 and have never been disappointed.

      good luck

      kel ;D
    • August 22, 2010 6:57 PM CDT
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      Prices for those things around here are over $500! That's a little more than I was wanting to spend. But it sounds really good! Even used, they're going for $450 and they seem to be in really high demand by the DJ guys so the price isn't going down any time soon. FREDDI said:
      I don't know about softwares,but I'd suggest you a drum machine.The latest models have much realistic sounds(don't sounds like plastic robots),and they're easy to learn.I got a Boss dr880 and maybe it's not the cheapest model but you could check for prices and trades.
      Theyìre compatibles with PC and you can use it with any software.
    • August 22, 2010 6:11 PM CDT
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      I don't know about softwares,but I'd suggest you a drum machine.The latest models have much realistic sounds(don't sounds like plastic robots),and they're easy to learn.I got a Boss dr880 and maybe it's not the cheapest model but you could check for prices and trades.
      Theyìre compatibles with PC and you can use it with any software.

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