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  • Topic: Anybody out there still make mix tapes? A trading network should

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    • August 3, 2010 8:23 PM CDT
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      Anybody want to trade tapes through the mail?
    • October 1, 2010 7:12 AM CDT
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      I still use mixtapes for the same reason others have said, I did it for years as a kid and I drive an old enough car that has a cassette player so they're always handy. I also love mix CDs and I think podcasting is just the latest equivalent and a great way to be exposed to new music, especially for more specialised genres where the fans aren't going to come across that music by any other means unless they scan through enough blogs or type just the right keyword when searching for something completely new, in that way podcasts are greatly beneficial to the music industry if it's concerning a specific genre because the listener will generally be more dedicated to that style and is likely to order the album anyway. Of course that's not always the case but never the less, that's got to be a positive when one considers the massive decline in CD sales in the past decade.
    • August 20, 2010 11:17 PM CDT
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      Fuck cassette tapes. I wanna start a tape trading network for 8-TRACKS!!! Who's with me?
    • August 19, 2010 5:54 PM CDT
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      I was about to say that somebody needs to use that as a logo. Then I see in the next message you already have! kopper said:
      Heh, I think he was being facetious. Remember this?

      tom mcneill said:
      dude casset traders keep the music industry from turning into just downloads

      Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 19, 2010 11:39 AM CDT
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      Oh, one more thing, I make mixtapes to ruin my own ears in my own car, podcasts to share (and ruin) great music with great people !
      Cheers !
    • August 19, 2010 11:37 AM CDT
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      Yep ! Probably the same morons that say nowadays "Podcasting is killing music" ! kopper said:
      Heh, I think he was being facetious. Remember this?

      tom mcneill said:
      dude casset traders keep the music industry from turning into just downloads

      Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 19, 2010 11:19 AM CDT
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      Heh, I think he was being facetious. Remember this?

      tom mcneill said:
      dude casset traders keep the music industry from turning into just downloads

      Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 19, 2010 10:21 AM CDT
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      I still make mixtapes (even if make podcasts too) to listen in my dirty rusty ol' car. And I don't think it's quicker to burn a CD since most of my records are good ol' scratchy vinyls and I never listen music through my crappy computer.
      But I come from another century and I live in another dimension...
    • August 14, 2010 1:23 AM CDT
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      CD-Rs replaced tapes for me ages ago. It's quicker to burn a CD then copy it to tape than mix the tape yourself if you have a car with only a cassett deck. I don't have a car any more so find that putting everything I have onto Media Player gives me one giant jukebox for when I'm at home and not listening to podcasts.
    • August 13, 2010 11:11 PM CDT
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      tapes are cheap and easy..mp3s and pod casts are great when your online. its the transfer from there that you need to buy stuff for that makes me resist!!... tom mcneill said:
      dude casset traders keep the music industry from turning into just downloads

      Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 13, 2010 2:39 AM CDT
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      dude casset traders keep the music industry from turning into just downloads Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 13, 2010 2:29 AM CDT
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      yeah i still demo on cassets and make mix tapes with other bands on it yeah
    • August 11, 2010 10:12 PM CDT
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      Yeah they can be hard to find in stores. If anybody is interested, you can get them here: You can get different colors and whatever time you want, really cheap too. No this isn't an ad! Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Unless I want to record over old cassettes, I can't even find tapes to record onto. The last two I have were bought three years ago and I'm using them for demos when I finally get around to it.
    • August 11, 2010 10:08 PM CDT
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      Unless I want to record over old cassettes, I can't even find tapes to record onto. The last two I have were bought three years ago and I'm using them for demos when I finally get around to it.
    • August 11, 2010 7:49 PM CDT
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      So it's basically a podcast then. Cool. Alex said:
      Obviously not literal mixtapes. MP3 mixes. He's taken mixtapes into the 21st century. Anyway, any punk that doesn't know about his "Lux and Ivy's Favorites" series is really missing out. Go get all 14 volumes.

      TeenFink said:
      how does one 'download' a cassette tape?

      Alex said:
      You should start by downloading anything by Kogar the Swinging Ape. He makes a ton of great tapes. Best known are the Lux & Ivy's Favorites series.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 11, 2010 7:37 PM CDT
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      Obviously not literal mixtapes. MP3 mixes. He's taken mixtapes into the 21st century. Anyway, any punk that doesn't know about his "Lux and Ivy's Favorites" series is really missing out. Go get all 14 volumes. TeenFink said:
      how does one 'download' a cassette tape?

      Alex said:
      You should start by downloading anything by Kogar the Swinging Ape. He makes a ton of great tapes. Best known are the Lux & Ivy's Favorites series.
    • August 11, 2010 5:46 PM CDT
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      Is that you Lars? haha. Mike Humsgreen said:
      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 11, 2010 3:11 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      You casette traders are killing the music industry!
    • August 11, 2010 11:50 AM CDT
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      In the punk world, they never went away. Also it's the same impulse that kept vinyl going during the lean years. Plus they are dirt cheap. I prefer vinyl, but I still think there is something to cassettes. I can give a bunch of good reasons for using them. I started making them as a kid, and just never stopped. I drive an old car with a cassette player, so it makes sense for me to have some. They are great for people in poorer countries where not everybody has a computer or CD burner. Especially if you're in a band in a place like this, and need a really cheap way to distribute your songs. I'm always gonna support people listening and buying music in a physical way (cassette, vinyl, CD) over mp3s. Mp3s definitely have their place and are useful in a lot of ways, but I much prefer actually owning something and being able to hold the cover in the hand while I listen to it. Yeah it's kind of obnoxious to think about people being nostalgic about CDs someday once that format finally dies. But it's gonna happen, that's the way of the world. People usually feel that way about whatever they were doing/listening to as a kid or teenager. kopper said:
      I dunno, I'm really having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole resurgence in the popularity of cassette tapes. It leans ominously close to the hipster ironic-nostalgia thing... but then, I'm old and grumpy most of the time, so... you know...

      I just can't wait until people get nostalgic about CDs... ;)
    • August 11, 2010 11:15 AM CDT
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      how does one 'download' a cassette tape? Alex said:
      You should start by downloading anything by Kogar the Swinging Ape. He makes a ton of great tapes. Best known are the Lux & Ivy's Favorites series.
    • August 11, 2010 11:14 AM CDT
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      I dunno, I'm really having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole resurgence in the popularity of cassette tapes. It leans ominously close to the hipster ironic-nostalgia thing... but then, I'm old and grumpy most of the time, so... you know...

      I just can't wait until people get nostalgic about CDs... ;)

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 5, 2010 9:38 PM CDT
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      Yup I do. My cassette player is a bit screwed at the moment though. Once I can get it working, or a new one I'll do it.
    • August 5, 2010 2:29 PM CDT
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      Nah, we make podcasts and trade 'em through the Internets. They're even more compact and portable than cassette tapes! ;)

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 3, 2010 8:29 PM CDT
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      You should start by downloading anything by Kogar the Swinging Ape. He makes a ton of great tapes. Best known are the Lux & Ivy's Favorites series.

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