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  • Topic: Seattle 7/30-8/4, what to do?

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    • July 30, 2010 2:25 AM CDT
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      Hey Northwesterners, I'm visiting for 6 days starting tomorrow and just wanted to know if anything good was happening and if anyone could let me know a good record store or five.  Thanks a million!
    • August 1, 2010 1:08 PM CDT
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      Bop Street did move, but they are right on Market down by the Buffalo Exchange. The new place is nice. Screamin' Danny Dodge said:
      bop street records. i dunno fi they've moved yet or not, but look em up. you won't regret it. i use to work there.
      also there's a record show coming up at the seattle center on aug 1st. i'll be there so maybe we'll run into each other.
    • July 30, 2010 11:21 PM CDT
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      Are there any details on the fair anywhere? More than anything I want to get earlier 60's 45s from the northwest. Shit, and I need night stuff to do. Any good DJs spinning or bands playing? Would love to catch some of that while I'm here. The listings I find don't tell me enough (well, the band ones probably do on The Stranger). Screamin' Danny Dodge said:
      bop street records. i dunno fi they've moved yet or not, but look em up. you won't regret it. i use to work there.
      also there's a record show coming up at the seattle center on aug 1st. i'll be there so maybe we'll run into each other.
    • July 30, 2010 2:55 AM CDT
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      bop street records. i dunno fi they've moved yet or not, but look em up. you won't regret it. i use to work there.
      also there's a record show coming up at the seattle center on aug 1st. i'll be there so maybe we'll run into each other.

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