This one luckily turned out as not so much being a nightmare gig, but it really started off as one.
One day, we were to support Los Peyotes here in my home town. Since I had a bad aching in my shoulder muscles, I was on heavy pain killers. When it was up to us doing our soundcheck, I plugged in my effects and guitar just to find nothing was working. So I checked this and checked that for a while and came to the conclusion that my cheap overdrive pedal was broken. I put it aside only to find my tremolo was also not working. I checked all cables again and again, and in the meantime the first people came in. I changed all cables, plugged in my guitar straight into the amp - it worked. So I asked the Peyotes if they'd borrow me their overdrive, what they did. I plugged it in - it didn't work. I thought, "Fuck, this can't be, why do I break everything I touch today?" I was sweating like hell, trembling from nervosity and the pain killers and was feeling more and more dizzy and embarrassed, close to fainting. I thought that that was that and we couldn't play for everything seemed to be broken.
Then, after half an hour of making shit and nearly giving it all up, I took a final look at the setting of my effects and stuff, only to find that I had mixed up "in" and "out" of my effects circuit the whole time, and had plugged my guitar into "out" and my amp into "in". I changed that, and everything worked. Needless to say everybody had a jolly good laugh about my stupidity, including myself.
In the end, it turned out to be one of the best evenings ever - with a delay of half an hour...