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  • Topic: Worst Movies Ever

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    • July 27, 2010 8:56 PM CDT
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      I gotta go with Lars Von Trier's Dogville. I was bored enough to sit through all three hours of that garbage waiting for something interesting to happen, only to get stuck with an ending that totally idiotic. I like brainless trash cinema, not hammer-subtle "political statements." I get it, dude hates America. The only redeeming feature was the end credits, a mix of Bowie's "Young Americans" with scenes of 60s political protests and shit. Wish I'd watched that and skipped the rest!
    • July 22, 2010 8:14 PM CDT
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      Fuck, where to starts? BOONDOCK SAINTS is shit. In fact, I hate it enough that I've ended friendships with people solely because they were rabid fans. Anything with LARRY THE CABLE GUY is on my deathlist, too. AVATAR, maybe? I don't know. The list is too long for me to even start on it.
    • July 1, 2010 12:35 PM CDT
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      How dare you! (kidding!) Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      I think everything with Demi Moore is pretty awful.

      Justin K. said:
      Choices, which features Demi Moore, and Gummo.
    • July 1, 2010 10:10 AM CDT
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      3000 Miles To Graceland
    • July 1, 2010 3:27 AM CDT
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      I went and checked out avatar in 3D. The 3D blew my mind, i actually got vertigo in a couple parts but the movie itself was just a sci fi fantasy rehash of lord of the rings as far as I was concerned. A total waste of money, time and effort. And just because it was made in my hometown I'll apologize to everyone; sorry for putting you through that three and a half hours of shit. kopper said:
      Haven't seen Avatar nor do I ever plan on it. The characters alone look so completely stupid that I was repulsed immediately into not watching it.

      Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      I love films, BUT, anything just now from holywood is bad, Avatar... yeah?! I used to love and swear by Alejandro Jodorowsky's holy mountain, but looking back.. I'm no' so sure! Also ''In a blue world'', a Spanish take off of clockwork orange.. Bolywood, and feelgood films Make me cringe. Any nice family comedy is sure to be a destroyer of my day. Oh yeah, and anything from Trauma movies, while i love trash and exploitation, there has to be a fence, way up high to stop people viewing this tripe .
    • June 30, 2010 10:48 PM CDT
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      I think everything with Demi Moore is pretty awful. Justin K. said:
      Choices, which features Demi Moore, and Gummo.
    • June 30, 2010 10:30 PM CDT
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      Good choice. I had to watch it in a film class I took, and pretty much hated it. kopper said:
      OK, I remembered what the other one was that I couldn't sit through... Moulin Rouge (not the original, the 2001 remake with Ewan McGregor). Blech!
    • June 30, 2010 10:29 PM CDT
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      Choices, which features Demi Moore, and Gummo.
    • June 30, 2010 1:19 PM CDT
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      Goin To To Look It Up Right Now, That's Quality (Good/Bad)... Biiru said:
      One of the worst movies I've seen recently has to be this Japanese zombie flic called "Stacy." I looks like it was filmed with the cameras they use to film soap operas, and (like a lot of Japanese films) made no sense at all, but was extremely gory. I'll try to summarize as best I can. It's basically a strange time when girls all over the word enter a state of extreme happiness when they reach the age of about 15-18. After this state, they die and become zombies and exhibit something called, and I quote "butterfly twinkle powder" ...yeah, don't ask... it's just all kinds of fucked up, yet I gave it 3 stars on Netflix for some reason.

      I think it's good to watch bad movies sometimes just so you can say, and really feel like "I could write a better movie than this crap!"

      Here's the trailer just in case you want to see it:

    • June 30, 2010 12:57 PM CDT
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      OK, I remembered what the other one was that I couldn't sit through... Moulin Rouge (not the original, the 2001 remake with Ewan McGregor). Blech!

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 30, 2010 7:43 AM CDT
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      Haven't seen Avatar nor do I ever plan on it. The characters alone look so completely stupid that I was repulsed immediately into not watching it. Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      I love films, BUT, anything just now from holywood is bad, Avatar... yeah?! I used to love and swear by Alejandro Jodorowsky's holy mountain, but looking back.. I'm no' so sure! Also ''In a blue world'', a Spanish take off of clockwork orange.. Bolywood, and feelgood films Make me cringe. Any nice family comedy is sure to be a destroyer of my day. Oh yeah, and anything from Trauma movies, while i love trash and exploitation, there has to be a fence, way up high to stop people viewing this tripe .

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 29, 2010 11:53 PM CDT
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      One of the worst movies I've seen recently has to be this Japanese zombie flic called "Stacy." I looks like it was filmed with the cameras they use to film soap operas, and (like a lot of Japanese films) made no sense at all, but was extremely gory. I'll try to summarize as best I can. It's basically a strange time when girls all over the word enter a state of extreme happiness when they reach the age of about 15-18. After this state, they die and become zombies and exhibit something called, and I quote "butterfly twinkle powder" ...yeah, don't ask... it's just all kinds of fucked up, yet I gave it 3 stars on Netflix for some reason. I think it's good to watch bad movies sometimes just so you can say, and really feel like "I could write a better movie than this crap!" Here's the trailer just in case you want to see it:
    • June 29, 2010 4:55 PM CDT
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      Can't believe the dissing on David Lynch.. or blood sucking freaks for that matter ;-0 Louis De Jesus performance top notch. I recently walked out of the new Alice in Wonderland. That piece of shit had no substance. I know Alice is supposed to be irreverent / psychedelic, but the movie was basically just vignettes of the highlights of the story strung together with 3D effects. The only good thing about this flick was Crispen Glover. I left half way through.. Just couldn't stand it. And I didn't like how they over-sexualized alice either. What a barf fest.
    • June 28, 2010 1:24 PM CDT
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      I love films, BUT, anything just now from holywood is bad, Avatar... yeah?! I used to love and swear by Alejandro Jodorowsky's holy mountain, but looking back.. I'm no' so sure! Also ''In a blue world'', a Spanish take off of clockwork orange.. Bolywood, and feelgood films Make me cringe. Any nice family comedy is sure to be a destroyer of my day. Oh yeah, and anything from Trauma movies, while i love trash and exploitation, there has to be a fence, way up high to stop people viewing this tripe .
    • June 28, 2010 10:55 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      Titanic and Twilight are all well and bad but does anyone out there find themselves watching movies that are neither so bad they are good nor good simply out of curiosity? In Germany the comedy is dreadful but I find myself often drawn to sitting through more than an hour's worth of shit jokes about gay stereotypes and people falling over almost for confirmation that almost all German comedy is shit.

      Am I alone with this or is that normal?

      Shuhe des Manitu

      Traum Shiff Suprise - like German Spaceballs with a gay taxi

      7 Zwerge - snow white and the 7 dwarfs (v original) and they even work in a joke where they send for the Jäger (hunter) but get the Neger (black man)
    • June 28, 2010 9:45 AM CDT
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      I have to toss in my two cents:
      Dracula, Dead and Loving It
      The Man Who Wasn't There
    • June 28, 2010 5:54 AM CDT
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      High Lord Mardy Pune said:
      I got stuck watching Titanic with my family once, one of the most awkward and uncomfortable times of my life. They were sitting there crying 'n' shit and I'm going what the fuck did you just put me through?? Needless to say I haven't been to a family gathering in over ten years.
      I feel your pain. Titanic is one of only two films I had to stop watching. The other was Houseboat Horror (not as good as it sounds). Titanic was by far the most horrific thing on water or cellulod.
    • June 28, 2010 12:44 AM CDT
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      That Sgt. Pepper movie was sickning! the end of Pirate Radio.... they show album covers;..James Taylor..WTF?????!!!!!!
    • June 28, 2010 12:36 AM CDT
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      Moulan Roushe.......?????.....Nicole Kidman.... also w/ her was Australia... i cant believe i sat threw all 4 hrs of it!!!!
    • June 27, 2010 11:27 PM CDT
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      I'm probably a masochist but I like the college aimed comedies, especially the Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill stuff. Not great but it kills an afternoon. Chessman said:
      I worked at a video store a long time ago, god knows why... So I got to watch a ton of truly dreadful films..

      Ben Affleck, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, virtually anything aimed at a 'college-aged' audience, so many romantic comedies, boring as hell foreign arthouse films, Mark Wahlberg (except Italian Job (which was crap, but had Charlize Theron in it!!), any Edward Norton film, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, etc...oh god, so much rubbish. I mean Hollywood films - they're just awful, formulaic, uni-dimensional imitations of life...

      But in more recent times, the opening 5 minutes of Tarantino's 'Death Proof' aggravated me so much, I stopped watching it and did something else ..
    • June 27, 2010 8:43 PM CDT
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      I wish I had seen the trailer. I walked into it knowing only what an ex-girlfriend had said she thought it might be about. I never watched Unbreakable. I did however have the unfortunate experience of viewing Lady In the Water with an ex, same one that told me about P.R. come to think of it, and that was absolutely horrible. That one's also another shitty offering by one Paul Giamatti. ixnayray said:
      I went to see The Sixth Sense with my girlfriend. I remember turning to her at one point and saying, "If the twist is that Bruce Willis is actually a ghost, I want my fucking money back."

      I liked Unbreakable though, SUE ME.

      As for Pirate Radio - the trailer looked soooo bad, I made up my mind there and then not to see it.

      Alex Patton said:
      Fuck, anything by M. Night Shamamalan, no matter how it's spelled he still blows. Sideways - The story of two ass hats that enjoy drinking wine. Paul Giamatti sucks. I actually liked wine, but this movie made me switch to port. My number one most hated movie...... Pirate Radio. I have never been more pissed off in my entire life. They left out so many good bands. Turned an awesome true story into a complete sap fest, complete with vomit inducing love story, ridiculously uncool characters, and one of the worst endings I have ever seen. Fuck you Pirate Radio! Fuck you and all those associated with your creation.
    • June 27, 2010 5:07 PM CDT
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      I went to see The Sixth Sense with my girlfriend. I remember turning to her at one point and saying, "If the twist is that Bruce Willis is actually a ghost, I want my fucking money back." I liked Unbreakable though, SUE ME. As for Pirate Radio - the trailer looked soooo bad, I made up my mind there and then not to see it. Alex Patton said:
      Fuck, anything by M. Night Shamamalan, no matter how it's spelled he still blows. Sideways - The story of two ass hats that enjoy drinking wine. Paul Giamatti sucks. I actually liked wine, but this movie made me switch to port. My number one most hated movie...... Pirate Radio. I have never been more pissed off in my entire life. They left out so many good bands. Turned an awesome true story into a complete sap fest, complete with vomit inducing love story, ridiculously uncool characters, and one of the worst endings I have ever seen. Fuck you Pirate Radio! Fuck you and all those associated with your creation.

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