The show is actually called "When Giants Walked the Earth: A Musical Memoir." In it, Andy refers to himself as the Christopher Columbus of Punk Rock and tells true stories of being at the beginnings of punk rock in America and the UK. It's about a 2 hour affair, with classic Dictators songs played acoustically interspersed with tales of The Ramones, The Dictators and the early punk rock scene in's hilarious, enchanting, scary and sad all at the same time...and a treat for the whole family as the younguns should hear these tales.
Here's a link to The Andy Shernoff Appreciation Society on facebook:!/pages/Andy-Shernoff-Appreciation-Society/111480742209768?v=wall&ref=mf
A couple of the dates are listed as facebook events there...I can't seem to find one site that lists all of the shows, but check out the facebook link as he may be coming to your area sometime soon.
Below is a picture of Andy at Call The Office in London Ontario Canada....6/11/2010....We have the 'special honour' of being the smallest crowd that Andy has ever performed for....and we are ashamed.

kopper said:What is "Andy's one man Christopher Columbus of Punk show"? Ya know, a link or something would be good here...
whatwave dave said:Andy Shernoff told me about this the other day....if you get a chance, check out Andy's one man Christopher Columbus of Punk show. Highly entertaining and loads of fun!!
Acoustic versions of some Dictator's classics including 'Who Will Save Rock'n'Roll' sent shivers down my spine!!!!