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  • Topic: favorite bands?

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    • June 17, 2010 10:01 PM CDT
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      GUITAR WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then stuff like The Demolition Doll Rods, the Oblivians, the Dirtbombs, the Gories, Reigning Sound, the Drags... speaking of the Drags, anyone know if any footage of them playing live exists? Also, the Horrors (the guys from Iowa on In The Red, not the UK band.) I've been looking for footage of them as well but can only find the UK Horrors. Maybe I'll make a new thread and ask.
    • June 16, 2010 9:24 PM CDT
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      Im all over the place lately.

      Crocodiles, Jeff the Brotherhood, Thomas Function, Small Black, All the Saints, Coconut Coolouts, Toro Y Moi, Woven Bones, Zola Jesus, Dum Dum Girls, Soophie Nun Squad, Wavves, Devil Dogs, El Vez, Brocken Social Scene, Murder City Devils, Carbonas, Replacements, U-N-I, Dead Boys, etc.

      In heavy rotation and all time favs are Oblivians, Mummies, Reigning Sound, Radio Birdman, Brian Jonestown Massacre and the like.
    • June 16, 2010 8:13 PM CDT
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      King Khan and BBQ SHow!...know them! Love them!
    • June 16, 2010 4:59 PM CDT
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      Yer a genkleman and a scholar my friend. I will keep ye up tae date wi oor movements. if yer ever playin anywhere round these here parts we'd definitely be right up fer it as all the band have got copies o Gnus in our playlists. Maybe even a support slot for us ( if you had 10p for very band thats asked you that....) If you go into my home page i'm sure one of our songs is in ma playlist. gie it a listen and be nice wotever ya think, haha. until next time....
    • June 16, 2010 4:39 PM CDT
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      O yeh Andy, that's cool, yeah them orig Mourning After's were pretty great, and yeah 'Pauline' was absolutely neat neat neat. That's cool you knew them then, we (specifically Calvin and myself) were pretty good pals with Kev for awhile, even after he left the group...though I known Chris and Scott better, and doncha know the group've come back from the dead so to speak too in recent years, tho they're a bit heavier than ye olde fuzz-snarl dayze. Yeah man I know very well all about wearin the shirts, but of course well the hair - well really only mine anyway is, ha ha, completely all gone these days I'm afraid has been for long time now. I'm not sure I've got any live MA tapes but I've certainly got the original 'Pauline' era demo cassette and maybe another from same time. Hey, let us know next time you've got a gig in the Aberdeen area, as I'm just down the road, and I'll keep you informed if The Thanes ever get back to play in Dundee. Last time we played was Fat Sams and that was in 1987 or so. Would be great to get a gig there sometime with The Wildebeests too...cheers for now Lenny Andy Climax said:
      The Mourning after.. Theres a blast from the past. we had Kev the keyboard player sleep on our couch more often than not. Lost touch wi him and his girl wendy a while back. Some naff rock band in the states wi the same name now. They were fabulous. Y'dont have a copy of the live tape anywhere do ya? Pauline, was a gnarl classic. We supported them when they played the west port bar in Dundee. D'ya know it? Striped shirts and bobbed hair back then. still wearin the shirts but the hair a bit thin on the ground now, literally. Gotta new band goin on up here keepin the garage thing alive. Friends of the light Machine. auld men makin' a racket, that should ken better.
    • June 16, 2010 1:39 PM CDT
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      The Mourning after.. Theres a blast from the past. we had Kev the keyboard player sleep on our couch more often than not. Lost touch wi him and his girl wendy a while back. Some naff rock band in the states wi the same name now. They were fabulous. Y'dont have a copy of the live tape anywhere do ya? Pauline, was a gnarl classic. We supported them when they played the west port bar in Dundee. D'ya know it? Striped shirts and bobbed hair back then. still wearin the shirts but the hair a bit thin on the ground now, literally. Gotta new band goin on up here keepin the garage thing alive. Friends of the light Machine. auld men makin' a racket, that should ken better.
    • June 16, 2010 12:30 PM CDT
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      Crikey Andy, that's positively err well pretty local now eh...and here's me thinkin these posts were mainly comin in from folks in the States - well many of them are I guess...Dundee, nice one, and home of The Poor Souls who made a couple o pretty decent 45s way back in the 60s. Hey Troy McLure and the Octembers though, that's a great name, when did youz play Basin Street can you remember, that was a great venue we had there back in the day...and our Calvin (ex Thanes drummer) put on so many great groups there, inc. the original line up of The Mourning After, probably with me and Calvin's band The Offhooks playing (him as lead singer). I recall the name Creeping Terror too, are you still around doin stuff...or maybe you play in another band now? Thanks muchly for the cool praise for our Wildebeests' 'Gnus' LP, glad you digs!!! OK cheers for now Lenny Andy Climax said:
      Heya. Gnus of Gnaverone, wot an album. Love it, love it, love it. I'm from Dundee myself and have seen and been in a few bands around the north east. Creeping Terror played a few times in auld reekie and Troy Mclure and the Octembers played Basin street and a few other places in the middle belt. Keep doin wot yer doin my man, we all appreciate it soooooooo much!
    • June 16, 2010 12:18 PM CDT
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      Hey Dan, YES YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha yr pal Lenny dan melchior said:
      black lace, the toy dolls, joboxers, spandau ballet, kajagoogoo, the monks, chicago, haircut 100, the cynics, the swingin' neckbreakers,trad gras och stenar, the androids of mu, alternative television, the fall, franki valli and the four seasons, abba, chants r and b, the troggs, jim shepard, the upsetters (jamaica), can, five star, men without hats, midnight oil, matthew wilder, the outsiders, bob dylan, fleetwood mac, louie and the lovers, jacques dutronc, duran duran, the ighty sparrow, i roy, lone ranger, captain sinbad, mikey dread, everything on bullwackies, yabby you, suicide, the better beatles, ooga boogas, led zep, black sab, nazareth, the byrds, sir douglas quintet, jj cale, abc, human league, roxy music, survivor, - etc
      (I don't really like some of these bands)
    • June 16, 2010 12:07 PM CDT
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      Heya. Gnus of Gnaverone, wot an album. Love it, love it, love it. I'm from Dundee myself and have seen and been in a few bands around the north east. Creeping Terror played a few times in auld reekie and Troy Mclure and the Octembers played Basin street and a few other places in the middle belt. Keep doin wot yer doin my man, we all appreciate it soooooooo much!
    • June 16, 2010 11:52 AM CDT
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      Hey Ross, cheers for info, i'm doin fine and it's been pretty sunny in Scotland today, well up here on the north-east coast it your response, ah South Q'ferry i see, well it's great that you were introduced to some great music while you were still there...and that you are still into said musics now. There's always been a bit of a mod thing goin on in the outer reaches of Edinburgh; remember Rod Spark's Second Generation from over the water in Dalgety Bay??? He's still around E'burgh and these days has the group Modus. So do you come back over for visits now n again...yeah The Mummies, you also recall Edinburgh beat group The Kaisers back in the early 90s, or had you gone by then? They actually played with The Mummies in Paris back then...We formed The Wildebeests not long after, autumn '94 with ex-Kaisers bassist John Gibbs, and ex-Milkshakes bassist - now on guitar - Russ Wilkins. That was 16 yrs ago, but we're still around making a right old rock'n'roll garage-punk style din...O yeah of course the likes of The Chob's 'We're Pretty Quick' is indeed another serious garodge killer diller that more folks outside that particular fraternity really need to hear eh no!!! OK bub over n out - Lenny Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:
      hey boss! How u today! Yeah i was down in South Queensferry, dont know why, but i actually miss it, all my older friends left for Cali, and surrounding areas, some went to Michigan, so i guess i had to leave too.. These people gave me my first taste of music, i mean like 25 years back, a real mountain of sounds, and most of the usual stuff u all talk about, but as diverse as lefty frizzell, some pre 65 avant garde, lots of acid sounds, mod of course, and the beat thing.. We have a great scene out here now though, the Mummies played a wee while back.. And the scene here is hot anyway..
    • June 16, 2010 11:41 AM CDT
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      The Pretty Things, Love, 13th Floor Elevators, Syd's The Pink Floyd, The Byrds, The Music Machine, The Rolling Stones... kopper said:
      The Sonics, The Mummies, the Oblivians, the Ramones, the Cramps, the Saints, the Wipers, the Real Kids, and on and on and on...
    • June 16, 2010 7:47 AM CDT
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      Everything Billy Childish ever made. Or better, quite everything that ever came out of the Medway Delta, especially the Kravin' A's!!!

    • June 16, 2010 5:24 AM CDT
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      Gun Club
    • June 15, 2010 7:57 PM CDT
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      The Sonics, The Mummies, the Oblivians, the Ramones, the Cramps, the Saints, the Wipers, the Real Kids, and on and on and on...

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 15, 2010 6:43 PM CDT
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      Well, I have to go with YOUTHBITCH, check them out. (no partiality AT ALL there!), Wayne the Train Hancock, The Detroit Cobras, Seven Shot Screamers, of course the Cramps and MC-5. LIking Those Darlins lately... Lots of other stuff in almost all other genres too (except top 40 and commercial country)
    • June 15, 2010 5:26 PM CDT
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      dan melchior said:
      black lace, the toy dolls, joboxers, spandau ballet, kajagoogoo, the monks, chicago, haircut 100, the cynics, the swingin' neckbreakers,trad gras och stenar, the androids of mu, alternative television, the fall, frankie valli and the four seasons, abba, chants r and b, the troggs, jim shepard, the upsetters (jamaica), can, five star, men without hats, midnight oil, matthew wilder, the outsiders, bob dylan, fleetwood mac, louie and the lovers, jacques dutronc, duran duran, the mighty sparrow, i roy, lone ranger, captain sinbad, mikey dread, everything on bullwackies, yabby you, suicide, the better beatles, ooga boogas, led zep, black sab, nazareth, the byrds, sir douglas quintet, jj cale, abc, human league, roxy music, survivor, - etc
      (I don't really like some of these bands)
    • June 15, 2010 5:25 PM CDT
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      why? wots wrong with the Monks?
    • June 15, 2010 5:24 PM CDT
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      black lace, the toy dolls, joboxers, spandau ballet, kajagoogoo, the monks, chicago, haircut 100, the cynics, the swingin' neckbreakers,trad gras och stenar, the androids of mu, alternative television, the fall, franki valli and the four seasons, abba, chants r and b, the troggs, jim shepard, the upsetters (jamaica), can, five star, men without hats, midnight oil, matthew wilder, the outsiders, bob dylan, fleetwood mac, louie and the lovers, jacques dutronc, duran duran, the ighty sparrow, i roy, lone ranger, captain sinbad, mikey dread, everything on bullwackies, yabby you, suicide, the better beatles, ooga boogas, led zep, black sab, nazareth, the byrds, sir douglas quintet, jj cale, abc, human league, roxy music, survivor, - etc
      (I don't really like some of these bands)
    • June 15, 2010 4:33 PM CDT
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      hey boss! How u today! Yeah i was down in South Queensferry, dont know why, but i actually miss it, all my older friends left for Cali, and surrounding areas, some went to Michigan, so i guess i had to leave too.. These people gave me my first taste of music, i mean like 25 years back, a real mountain of sounds, and most of the usual stuff u all talk about, but as diverse as lefty frizzell, some pre 65 avant garde, lots of acid sounds, mod of course, and the beat thing.. We have a great scene out here now though, the Mummies played a wee while back.. And the scene here is hot anyway..
    • June 15, 2010 4:13 AM CDT
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      Yep! ye can't beat the Butthole surfers. Later stuff is excellent too. one of the only bands that still have my full undivided attention after soooo many years. 'Lady Sniff' always raises a smile.
    • June 15, 2010 3:58 AM CDT
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      Heaps of stuff, but lately The Black Jaspers, Adolescents, lots of the podcasts, Voidoid's, The beguiled, Butthole Surfers early stuff... yeah, heaps of stuff.
    • June 15, 2010 3:14 AM CDT
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      The Cramps, The Mummies, The Sonics, Oblivians, The Gories and many more !
    • June 15, 2010 12:47 AM CDT
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    • June 14, 2010 11:15 PM CDT
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      dare I say it? ;)
    • June 14, 2010 9:54 PM CDT
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      Just wondering if anyone mentioned the stooges,iggy and the stooges or the mother fucking Stooges?

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