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  • Topic: Fire & Brimstone revisited

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    • June 10, 2010 4:57 AM CDT
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      Fire & Brimstone's 1967 45, "I Could Hear The Grass Growin'" (not the Move tune) b/w "Underground" was written and performed by two ex-members of Mike & the Ravens, Mike Brassard & Steve Blodgett. The 45 was produced by Terry Phillips, the only guy who ever wrote songs with both Lou Reed and Phil Spector. Both trax later ended up on Jimmy Curtiss' New Hobbits LP from '69 albeit uncredited to Brassard & Blodgett.


      Fast forward 43 years... Helsinki, Finland's Them Bird Things do a version of "Underground," which can be heard at and seen at (or on this site's own video page)... Blodgett makes a studio appearance on Them Bird Things version, playing the electric guitar on the middle section... from the upcoming Them Bird Things album, "Wildlike Wonder," which will be out on Playground Music Scandinavia next month!

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