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  • Topic: Sing as you speak!

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    • June 2, 2010 6:02 AM CDT
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      Here in Italy (as in any non-anglophone country I guess) one of the first question when startin a rock band,is "Which language we sing?"

       One point may be that if you want to be more authentic and realistic you'd better talk directly to ones who are listening to you and choose your own language so they can understand you.

      Another point is that rock'n'roll ain't a typical italian product. Who plays it would like to intend it to its original source and it's not so much important if pronunciation or grammar are not completely correct (Ramones were them? The Zeros don't sing like Teengenerate,who cares?)

      Now I'd like to know your other point of view and what's your favorite italian garage band,if you had one!

      Thank you!

    • July 1, 2010 4:05 AM CDT
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      And what about stupid podcasters from the Voodoo Dimension of Wild Delights trying to speak and yell English/American when they can't even speak properly their own native language ?!?!?

      Oh shit...I feel sorry for your ears now...
    • June 28, 2010 7:46 AM CDT
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      Ranger Sound, I Bubblegum... I like, original language, if i can't understand it i use it as another instrument, the highs and lows of the tonal segments.. fuckin great! Some South American covers of Stones songs blow the originals away, I think the percentage of groups have to sing in English, as that is world standard, but to those who can't communicate without out mother tongue, its a blessing also, as they can pour out what ever stories they have with passion!
    • June 10, 2010 1:08 AM CDT
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      I guess I was thinking of garage and psychedelic bands. I prefer to hear them in English even if they are from France or Spain, or Italy. Some people find Japanese bands hilarious when they sing in English, but personally, I think they are being totally sincere and honest. And it's those bands I find charming. Or even the Hives, Nomads, or Wylde Mammoths from Sweden. To some, it sounds a little hokey (funny in a bad way), but again, I think they are being honest to a music they really love. Mike Humsgreen said:
      Cringing accents are one thing but the lyrics are another. I've heard recently 2 really poor celtic punk bands one called Mr Irish Bastard and the other Paddy and the Rats. The names alone are offensive to Irish people (both bands hail from central Europe). And their lyrics are laughable not least because they are singing about a culture they nothing about outside of stereotypes. A lot of Europeans whos first langauge isn't English will miss much of the irony I expect but any Brit or Irish person would quickly hear the bullshit.
    • June 9, 2010 12:13 PM CDT
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      Cringing accents are one thing but the lyrics are another. I've heard recently 2 really poor celtic punk bands one called Mr Irish Bastard and the other Paddy and the Rats. The names alone are offensive to Irish people (both bands hail from central Europe). And their lyrics are laughable not least because they are singing about a culture they nothing about outside of stereotypes. A lot of Europeans whos first langauge isn't English will miss much of the irony I expect but any Brit or Irish person would quickly hear the bullshit.
    • June 8, 2010 12:50 AM CDT
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      I sometimes have trouble remembering which country some bands are from (other than the US, UK, Japan, and Sweden and some Norwegian groups) but I like hearing groups sing in English when it's rock and roll music, even if it would make someone cringe. I find something charming about it.
    • June 7, 2010 1:20 PM CDT
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      Does Pig Latin count?
    • June 7, 2010 12:52 AM CDT
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      The Ultra Twist!
    • June 6, 2010 5:11 PM CDT
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      Don't know them,anyway Beasteaks is a pretty funny name... Mike Humsgreen said:
      It's not so much about the grammar but how you pull it off. If the band sings like they know how to use English then it works. But some bands don't have a clue and the lyrics ruin an otherwise decent tune. I find that a lot in Germany. The Torpedo Monkeys seem to pull it off but the Beatsteaks don't.
    • June 6, 2010 4:06 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      It's not so much about the grammar but how you pull it off. If the band sings like they know how to use English then it works. But some bands don't have a clue and the lyrics ruin an otherwise decent tune. I find that a lot in Germany. The Torpedo Monkeys seem to pull it off but the Beatsteaks don't.
    • June 3, 2010 10:40 AM CDT
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      Yeah I really love Japan-english and Macaroni-english makes me laugh... OCEAN PALACE said:
      i like it when people sing with their own voice. I think most of the time it sounds a bit silly if a person starts putting on an accent.
    • June 3, 2010 1:26 AM CDT
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      Real cool ones, didn't know about them!! FICHI! Lubna Barracuda! said:

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