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    • May 23, 2010 9:33 PM CDT
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      Just watched this movie and it was pretty cool. I had heard about it several times,  found it on Netflix and watched it. If you havent seen it, go watch it, its excellent!
    • June 30, 2010 7:51 AM CDT
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      Oh yeah, I was in college in the mid-'80s in Warrensburg, MO and belonged to some group of "radical" No-Nukes group. "Radical" in that about the only radical thing we did was get together in each other's dorm rooms, talk about how fucked up the world was and drink lots of beer. But I digress. Whiteman Air Force Base was nearby and we had several missile silos right outside of town. It was enough to creep you the fuck out, that's for sure. Esp. with Dr. Evil (aka Ronnie Reagan) with his shaky finger near the button. Kit Kellison said:
      Saw this at St. Andrews Cinema in St. Charles for a dollar...30 or more years ago... Authentic atmosphere of dirty carpet and urine soaked seats made it feel like I was right there.

      Love that misogynistic dog and the republican underground hive.

      I don't think most of my generation thought we'd still remain un-nuked into the 21st century. Might have had something to do with the low graduation rate at my high school. Seriously, almost everyone I knew had nightmares that featured apocolyptic scenarios.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • June 29, 2010 7:19 PM CDT
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      Saw this at St. Andrews Cinema in St. Charles for a dollar...30 or more years ago... Authentic atmosphere of dirty carpet and urine soaked seats made it feel like I was right there.

      Love that misogynistic dog and the republican underground hive.

      I don't think most of my generation thought we'd still remain un-nuked into the 21st century. Might have had something to do with the low graduation rate at my high school. Seriously, almost everyone I knew had nightmares that featured apocolyptic scenarios.
    • June 29, 2010 5:46 PM CDT
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      I have to agree Shane-O. And as far as I'm concerned it's the only Don Johnson movie worth watching, he showed such promise, what happened?! Like Keanu Reeves, they were created for sci-fi flicks and only sci-fi flicks.
    • June 28, 2010 3:27 AM CDT
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      ... for those who haven't seen A Boy & His Dog yet, the dog sniffs for women for the boy to rape ... the dog also played Tiger from The Brady Bunch ... heh heh ... what a an acting range.

      I have to add Salute of The Jugger & Damnation Alley to koppers list, oh and Hardware and heaps more. Must admit I did admire Escape From LA for it's audacious balls out maximum cheese stuff fest.
    • June 25, 2010 9:12 AM CDT
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      I know I'd seen this but I had to look it up to refresh my memory about it. This was a good, early post-apocalyptic (dystopian) flick from 1975 starring a young Don Johnson. Pretty cool cult, sci-fi, black comedy movie. Some of my favorite movies are of the post-apocalyptic genre (if you wanna call that a genre). Mad Max, Road Warrior, Blade Runner, Deathrace 2000, Escape From New York (shot in St. Louis!), Logan's Run, Robocop and The Omega Man are some others. Ever seen Rollerball? That's a good one, too. I recently watched Escape From Los Angeles, and man, that movie blows. I had seen it before, years ago, and thought I liked it. But I quickly changed my mind. Cheesy as hell.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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