I really only can drink 3 types of beer. Redbridge by Busch is actually my favorite, and then there is Bards Tale...and some other kind that comes in a 16 oz bottle. I also like whiskey.what do other celiacs drink?
I have celiac disease too, but those beers leave me cold. I don't know, maybe since it's been 8 years since I've tasted a real beer, I'll give them a go, they're bound to improve as my memory of real beer fades.
I drink vodka, it's relaxing and almost consequence free as long as I don't get seriously hammered. I've tried a bunch of fancy stuff, but I actually like the taste of Smirnoff. Steve says there was a taste test that confirmed my stamp of approval so I hunted it down: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/26/dining/26wine.html