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  • Topic: so... Malcolm McLaren died...

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    • April 9, 2010 12:33 AM CDT
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      not that I really care... someone might, but i don't...
    • April 9, 2010 6:20 PM CDT
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      Apparently Malcolm got the idea for the"punk" fashion thing after seeing Hell at CBGB's. They then took it a step further and developed a 'look' that we now associate with uk punk. Murray Cassady said:
      I know Richard Hell always goes on about inventing the punk look in 1975 - but MM and VW really did create something special. There's always more to a musical revolution than just the sounds - take away the light shows and the posters and Haight-Ashbury wasn't nearly so exciting.

      First time I ever saw the Pistols was on telly in late '76 - and I know the whole LOOK of the Pistols blew my tiny mind as much as the sounds. My life truly did change from that moment, I kid you not.

      ...and it was, at least partly, due to MM.
    • April 9, 2010 12:55 PM CDT
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      I put more of an emotional investment into take a shit.
    • April 9, 2010 8:07 AM CDT
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      Malcolm’s legend is very entertaining. And, if it hadn’t been for his relentless quest of publicity many of the great UK punk bands may have slipped by completely unnoticed. For better of worse…
    • April 9, 2010 3:07 AM CDT
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      I never really liked the pistols but Double Dutch and Madame Butterfly are two of my all time favorite singles.
      RIP Malcolm.
    • April 9, 2010 2:35 AM CDT
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      I know Richard Hell always goes on about inventing the punk look in 1975 - but MM and VW really did create something special. There's always more to a musical revolution than just the sounds - take away the light shows and the posters and Haight-Ashbury wasn't nearly so exciting.

      First time I ever saw the Pistols was on telly in late '76 - and I know the whole LOOK of the Pistols blew my tiny mind as much as the sounds. My life truly did change from that moment, I kid you not.

      ...and it was, at least partly, due to MM.

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